I have moved this blog to
I will once again be posting Live Feed Updates. However I will not be posting them on anymore as I have made a forum which is more viewer friendly. Please become a member at my forum ( There I have a couple news articles,a BB commercial and some other tidbits.
Come join other Big Brother addicts as BB approaches(only 35 days away)
Posted by
12:12 PM
Reality TV losers real stars
By TARA MERRIN - Sun Media
With every winner, comes a loser. And this week, reality TV was all about both.
We saw Olympic medalist Apolo Anton Ohno and his partner Julianne Hough waltz away with the cheesy disco ball trophy on Dancing With the Stars; Jordin Sparks steal the American Idol crown and Tessa Horst win bachelor Andy Baldwin's heart.
But the real fun came from watching the losers have their dreams crushed on TV.
Take, for example, Laila Ali, who was booted off Dancing With the Stars in third place. Instead of faking happiness for the final two pairs, she provided reality fans with an actual real moment.
"Of course, I'm pissed. I mean, come on," she said, before adding it didn't matter who won now that she'd been cut from the competition.
Another great moment came when Bevin Powers was flat out rejected on The Bachelor. Believing she was a shoo-in from the first episode, she was clearly shocked by the breakup, saying nothing as Baldwin, bursting into tears, tried to explain his decision.
Blake Lewis, who lost Idol, was not as entertaining. In fact, he actually looked happy for Sparks, which made for a rather boring ending to television's most-popular show.
Let's just hope all the contestants on this summer's slough of reality shows are not as well-behaved:
Pirate Master (premieres Thursday on CBS): From the mind of Mark Burnett, Pirate Master is Survivor on a 179-foot ship. Over 33 days, 16 contestants will travel around the Caribbean in search of hidden treasure. Each week, one pirate will become the captain of the ship and one will be "cut adrift."
On the Lot (premiered last Tuesday on Fox): Burnett and Steven Spielberg are searching for the next great filmmaker. This week it was all about the pitch -- selling yourself and your movie to a bunch of uptight execs. While it was fun to watch, it seemed a bit unfair to crush the hopes of filmmakers just because they get a little white-faced in front of crowds.
Canadian Idol (premieres June 5 on CTV): Zack, Sass, Jake, Farley and Ben are back for a fifth season. Basically American Idol with Canadian contestants who, this year, are allowed to play instruments. Let's hope it brings out musicians instead of just the teeny-boppers.
Canada's Next Top Model (premieres May 30 on City-TV): Jay Manuel of America's Next Top Model is taking over the Canadian version as the new Tyra Banks. Other than that, and a few changes on the judging panel, it's pretty much the same show as last year.
So You Think You Can Dance 3 (premiered last Thursday on Fox): It's back. After two incredibly successful seasons, SYTYCD is on the hunt for the next Benji Schwimmer. And with all the talented dancers out there, this summer's cast is sure to strut right into the hearts of reality TV fans to become the next big thing.
Last Comic Standing 5 (premieres June 13 on NBC): In hopes of appealing to a broader audience, Comic has opened the competition to comedians from around the world and thrown in a $250,000 US grand prize. The winner will also receive an NBC talent contract and Bravo half-hour comedy special.
The Next Best Thing (premieres Wednesday on ABC): Do we really need to find the country's best celebrity impersonators? Apparently we do. So, ABC has gone on a search for all those people who bare an uncanny resemblance to movie stars, singing sensations and Paris Hiltons past and present.
Hell's Kitchen 3 (premieres June 4 on Fox): Foul-mouthed British chef Gordon Ramsay will torment a new crop of cooks as they fight it out in the kitchen to win the head chef job at the luxurious Green Valley Ranch Resort in Las Vegas.
Fast Cars & Superstars -- Gillette Young Guns Celebrity Race (premieres June 7 on ABC): A dozen celebrity drivers, including Jewel, Tony Hawk and William Shatner, partner with the Gillette Young Guns to learn how to live life in the really fast lane.
American Inventor 2 (premieres June 6 on ABC): Does anyone even know what happened to last year's winner? Has anyone ever seen, or bought, that rotatable baby car seat? Regardless, ABC felt it necessary to, once again, search for America's next great inventor.
Age of Love (premieres June 18 on NBC): Tennis pro Mark Philippoussis will date seven women in their 20s -- the "Kittens" -- and seven women in their 40s -- the "Cougars." Then he'll have to decide if age really matters when looking for love, which, of course, it does.
Shaq's Big Challenge (premieres June 26 on ABC): Shaquille O'Neal will help transform six obese American middle-schoolers into healthy kids in this weigh-loss series. Predictably, there will be a lot of moaning, tears and broccoli. Yuck.
America's Got Talent 2 (premieres June 5 on NBC): NBC is bringing in Dancing With the Stars' standout Jerry Springer as the new Regis Philbin and crazy Sharon Osbourne as the older and more-opinionated Brandy. David Hasselhoff will also be back. Don't expect much from the acts on stage.
Big Brother 8 (premieres July 5 on CBS): A new group of house guests will move in together for the summer. The one who can outlast all the rest will walk away with $500,000 and exactly 15 minutes of fame.
Posted by
2:20 PM
I have started a new BB "Lounge"
Come talk with other "addicts" about the upcoming eighth season.
I will do Live Feed Updates once the show begins-and much more will be added-join today!
Everyone should join :)
Posted by
5:50 PM
Yes, it's true. BB8 will be starting in June! Catch the info here:
Posted by
10:01 PM
Welcome to Reality Warp!
I am starting a new Reality Online Game...
This is a new type of reality game. Its where reality shows meet up. What do I mean? This game will be comprised of many different reality shows. Each week there will be a new reality show. It could be Big Brother, Amazing Race- any of the hundreds of reality shows. Each week one contestant will be eliminated based on the reality if it was big brother- there would be a head of household, nominations, a power of veto competition and an eviction. The number of contestants varies, the number will depend on how many sign up. If 50 sign up...we could be here for a LONG time!
If you want to apply... go to
ps i didnt know where to post please move if necessary :)
Posted by
12:35 PM
There's a new BB online game out, located at Check it out!!
Posted by
8:19 PM
Its Official-BB is coming back.
Posted on
My summer guilty pleasure will return this summer! Big Brother is back for its 8th season and will again bring together a group of crazies that will battle it out for $500,000. Arnold Shapiro, the show’s executive producer will step down and serve as a consultant. Arnold was responsible for reinventing the sour Big Brother 1 into Big Brother 2.The 8th season will be completely different than any other. Producers say that Big Brother: All-Stars was sort of the end of an era and now the show will have a fresh cast and new twists.Julie Chen will return as the show’s resident robot.I hope they cast all women. Seriously, that would be some good TV. Cast all women, give them tons of booze and let them rip one another a part.Chenbot also looks beat down without the thirty-pounds of make-up she usually dons!Source
Posted by
6:12 PM
Hello all
I have started another Big Brother Online game. This game is exactly like the Tv version except for its online. Its lots of fun and you can meet many new people. If you are interested head over to the house:
Register and the submit the applications
All applications are due Jan 17
If you have any questions pls leave a comment
Posted by
9:01 PM