Its Official- Big Brother is coming back!
Its Official-BB is coming back.
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My summer guilty pleasure will return this summer! Big Brother is back for its 8th season and will again bring together a group of crazies that will battle it out for $500,000. Arnold Shapiro, the show’s executive producer will step down and serve as a consultant. Arnold was responsible for reinventing the sour Big Brother 1 into Big Brother 2.The 8th season will be completely different than any other. Producers say that Big Brother: All-Stars was sort of the end of an era and now the show will have a fresh cast and new twists.Julie Chen will return as the show’s resident robot.I hope they cast all women. Seriously, that would be some good TV. Cast all women, give them tons of booze and let them rip one another a part.Chenbot also looks beat down without the thirty-pounds of make-up she usually dons!Source