9/2 Live Feeds--PoV Winner
After about only an hour of fire, the feeds reurned, and...
For the fifth time (a BB record), Janelle has won PoV!
After about only an hour of fire, the feeds reurned, and...
For the fifth time (a BB record), Janelle has won PoV!
Posted by
1:36 AM
Thanks for staying up late to report that. GO JANI
Of course she won... did you really think the producers would let anyone else win??????
Of course she won did we expect anything else. Thank you for all the great coverage.
I have never seen a reality show more tilted in one person's favor! What will really be interesting now is to see how Mike Boogie is going to get screwed. There is no way, that there is going to be any other final two besides Janelle and Will. That has been apparent all along. Thanks for the great coverage!
I don't understand why everyone keeps saying the producers let janie win, or tilt things in her favor. Are we all watching the same show? These are the same types of competitions that they have had every season, with little variation. Just because she's good at it doesn't mean it's "fixed"! And, with the way her and Will have been playing, they should be the final two. Their game plays are different, but work.
The reason I think it is tilted to Janelle is because whenever she needs a crucial win to stay in the game, amazingly the competition involves something that she has excelled at in the past.
the only type of competition janelle doesn't really excell at is endurance. And, that's usually for HOH not POV. In evry season, including this one, the majority of POV comps have somrthing to do with memory. Yeah, there are other ones that are athlectic, etc. but even those she's good at. The one that she one by making the house go on slop, took away the beds and hot water etc., anyone could have won. She was just the only smart one who gained points instead og giving them up.
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