Tuesday, September 12, 2006

9/11 Live Feeds--The Night's Events

From a thrilling day to a thrilling night--the final night in the BB house? How will the final two celebrate? Let's find out! Here are the nightly events from the BB house:

After about two hours of fire, the feeds returned with the final two in the backyard toasting to their final night in the house. Erika told Mike that she knows she cannot win and congratulates Mike. He tells her that nothing is set in stone until the winner is announced tomorrow night. They talked for a few hours before BB decided to give them another movie. (Did they ever watch one earlier? The feeds were blocked for over three hours for that one.

When they returned, the final two were found asleep in the bug room at 1:45 AM. They are both still asleep.


Anonymous said...

Is tonite a 2 hour special, or just 1?!

BB13 said...

Tonight's episode will be one hour, beginning at 8 PM.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your blog this season. It was awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this blog. I found it late in the season, but it's been great to read. Did you mention you do this for Survivor?

Go ERIKA!!!!

Anonymous said...

this season was the worse ever by far! i am happy to see it go. two real losers are in the top spots.
but on the upside. your blog enteries were amazing and i will miss these more then the actual show itself. thank you for ALL your hardwork and efforts! it was greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!

BB13 said...

Yes, I am blogging both 'Survivor: Cook Islands' and 'The Amazing Race 10.' My Survivor blog can be found at survivor-13-cook-islands.blogspot.com and my Amazing Race blog can be found at amazingrace10.blogspot.com. Hope to see you all there!