9/8 Live Feeds--Evening News
Another small update here--just keeping you up to date! Here are the evening events from the BB house:
The final two discussed what might be happening in sequester right now. (Just a note here for those who did not watch House Calls today--Janelle will not be going to sequester for some reason, instead she will be sequestered in a hotel. She will meet with the jury at the questioning, but then return to her hotel until the live show. Not sure why.)
They discussed what to wear to the questioning tomorrow night, as well as cleaned and napped for a good portion of the afternoon.
Currently, Mike is sleeping in the HoH room, and Erika is walking around in the kitchen area, looking for something to do I guess.
Did anyone watch Janelle on The Early Show? What was wrong with her????? I swear she was either drunk or high. She kept slurring her words, and didn't even make sense when she was talking about Will. Her eyes looked glassy too.
I do agree that Janelle was definitely not herself during her 'Early Show' interview. However, this was probably because irt was done at 5:00 AM! I would sound totally wasted if I had to do an interview at 5:00 AM too! So, we can't really blame for for that. She was great on House Calls though--so she was definitely not drunk.
I missed the early show!! Did I miss anything exciting?! Someone please fill me in, or can I find it on CBS.com--U Tube (or whatever it's called)
You can go to http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/i_video/main500251.shtml to see it. Just scroll down on the side to where it says "Janelle Leaves BB" or something like that.
If I had a penny for every excuse you guys make for Janelle, I would be richer than Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How come none of the other contestants acted like they were high/drunk when they were on the show??? Can you people ever admit that she isn't perfect??? I suppose you will next say that hers was the only interview that had to be done so early. What a load of crap.
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