Saturday, September 09, 2006

9/9 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Woo hoo! Jury questioning day! Unfortunately, we as viewers are unable to see it until the live finale. So we can only guess how it went by what the final two say afterward. Here's the morning/afternoon events from today at the BB house:

Erika was the first one up at around 8:30 AM. Unfortunately for her, Mike didn't get up until well after 1:00 PM, so she was left alone in the house for nearly five hours.

They spent most of the day preparing for the jury questioning, which is scheduled for tonight at 7:00 PM BBT. I'm sure we'll get fire soon and it will probably last for a good two hours or so.

Ahh...currently, we have fire.


Anonymous said...

bbvii, just to let you know you don't have Marcellas's name in the poll for who will get the $25 grand. Thanks for keeping me updated on Big Brother! Horrible final two.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday someone asked if Janie was drunk at the Early Show. I was wondering if she got lip injections again. If you check out her pics on MySpace she definately has had work done to her face. I thought her lips looked swollen and that is why she couldn't talk well. I wonder if Will left sequester to work on her? Remember when he was asked if anyone in the house needs to have work done? Think about it....

BB13 said...

OOPS!! I put Danielle twice!! Sorry guys...I'll see if I can change it.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed that Wills relationship status on MySpace has changed to singe?

Anonymous said...

If Janelle was lame enough to go have lip injections after getting kicked off, she is even more stupid that I had previously thought. And why in hell would they let Will out to go do it? Are you really that stupid? Janelle is just another bleach blond bimbo.

BB13 said...

I fixed the poll as best I could. Marcellas has taken Danielle's top votes as 1. Sorry if you liked Marcellas and couldn't vote for him! If you didn't vote already, try now.

Anonymous said...

I can't see how Janelle had time to get her lip done. She got evicted at 6:00pm thursday nite and had to do the early show by 7:30 the next morning. I doubt whether they gave her thursday night off since she is sequestered.