Sunday, September 10, 2006

9/9 Live Feeds--Jury Questioning Stuff

Well, after nearly three hours of fire, the feeds returned with Erika and Mike studying the previously evicted HG on the memory wall. They then went into discussion about what happened during the jury questioning. Here's what they discussed:

Howie asked Erika who her earlier targets were. Erika said George because she was never really close to him. James asked Erika why he should vote for her since her strategy was flirting and hooking up, like Alison's. Janelle asked Erika about why she threw competitions and kissed ass all season. Apparently, Janelle wasn't such a happy camper at the questioning. Erika thinks that Janelle is just jealous of her. (For being a whore? I doubt it.)

Mike didn't really say anything about his questioning. The two keep going on about how furious Janelle was. Mike thinks the vote will come down to George. (His votes to win--James, Janelle, and Will. Erika's--Danielle, Howie, and Marcellas.)

Erika is nervous that Janelle will convince Howie and James to vote against her. Mike tells her not to worry about it and just have fun until Tuesday.

BB gave them a bottle of wine each, and they plan on getting drunk tonight. (Joy!)

I really can't take them anymore. I totally agree with the jury and their positions. Erika doesn't understand why the jury ganged up on her for being a "floater." It's because she is!! Kissing Mike's ass all year long and sleeping with him to take her to the final two isn't the greatest of gameplay. I'm sorry Erika, but I side with the jury here. And Mike? What did he do? Partner with Will and then end up going to the final two without him? Can you say MAGGIE? I'd rather have neither of these two win and just completely throw out this finale! ARGH! This final two is driving me nuts! Please tell me you are agreeing! (Actually, don't. I'd love to hear your own personal opinions. But, if you have the feeds, you are absolutely done with these two--trust me!)

Currently, the final two are still up, drinking.


Anonymous said...

mike rulz!

Anonymous said...

I think Boogie deserves to win, He played Erika til the end. Chilltown defineately played a great game. My vote of course belongs to Mike.

Anonymous said...

This is how things would have played out if Janelle kept Will. Erica would have been voted out. Either Janelle would have won the Volcano comp and CT the Car comp. Janelle would have won the final making her HOH and taking Will to the final two.

Anonymous said...

Agreeing with what you said, neither could have won on their own. Erica had Mike, Mike had Will, so technically, Erica had Will. I personally was for James or Danielle. I can't stand Mike and Erica.

Anonymous said...

jenelle is a bitch whore

Anonymous said...

I was reviewing some of the House Call episodes and Gretchen and Bunky surmised that the only reason Booger is even playing this year is because Will refused to participate in All Stars unless Booger went in, too. They both agreed that Booger didn't get the votes to even get in the House as he's not exactly America's Favorite HG. The finals would be a lot more interesting if it were Janelle and Will in the final two, not these two coat tail riders. If Booger doesn't win, he's going to go ballistic.