7/24 Live Feeds--Afternoon Since PoV
Like I said in my last post, Jase has been nominated in George's place, which means that the two to be voted upon are Jase and Will. But who will go? It looks like Jase, but voting day isn't until Wednesday.
CT was very upset about Jase being nominated. Mike was sure that James would put up Marcellas. Following the nominations, Mike became very arrogant towards Howie and the rest of the house for that matter. Jase told George to vote him out. George: "I can't do that Jase." CT and James had a disussion in the HoH room about floaters and how much they want them out. HG (in particular, Danielle, Diane, and George) are pep-talking Jase to keep fighting. Jase says he wants to go home as he missed his stepdaughter Calleigh's birthday today. Like she did last week, Danielle plans on telling Jase and Will tomorrow how she will vote.
Jase pleaded his case to Kaysar to let him stay this week. Then we went on about getting Janelle out of the S6 and replacing her with him (??? You have got to be kidding me! If they were to kick someone out of the S6 it would surely be James! PRE-SEASON ALLIANCE I say!) Kaysar says he will talk to James about it. (He better not be serious about this. Can he?!?!) Mike meanwhile is shocked that he is in an alliance where both people want to leave.
James and Kaysar talked about Kaysar's convo with Jase. They both agree that Jase needs to go before he causes them any more trouble. (Good--he's not serious about the whole Janelle thing.) Jase is pleading his case to the other HG (thought he wanted to leave?). I don't know if any of them have promised him a vote or not.
Marcellas and James talked. They seem to be on good terms now. James offers him some candy by saying, "Put some nuts in your mouth, and you will feel at home." Heh.
Currently, Erika and Kaysar are talking--just small talk though. As it looks, I don't know who will be evicted on Thursday. Only time will tell.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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