7/27 Show Recap
Now, a brief break from the live feeds reports to break you the latest show recap. Who will be evicted? Who will win HoH? Let's find out...
After the PoV ceremony, Jase told the HG that he hated them all as well and said he'd rather be on Survivor than on Big Brother. (Then why did you agree to this again?) Mike and Will then talked, and it sounded like they were going to try their hardest to get the votes to evict Jase. Meanwhile, Jase tried to rally the house to vote him out. He then turns around and says that he wants to stay in his DR session. (Make up your mind!) They showed the bathtub occasion with Erika, Janelle, and Mike. Marcellas called Jase out about his violent behavior. Jase of course lashed back at Marcellas. Jase tried rallying S6 to evict Will. They shook hands over it. CT was very upset over this deal. In the talk with Julie, Marcellas said that Kaysar looked even more gorgeous without his hair. George said that he has gotten "a serious case of gas" from his slop diet. She also called Mike out on his sleeptalking. Now to the DR voting sessions: Danielle said she was very upset with Jase's deal with S6. Kaysar said he can put up with Will in the house. Mike said that he liked Jase, but Will is his best friend. No vote was shown.
There was a little special report about George. I didn't realize he has a daughter as old as Diane! Lordy... it also seems very evident that he wants to play the game and he is here to stay. Good for you, Georgie! Now on to Julie's talk with James. He said the reason he nominated Jase was because his main targets were Danielle and Janelle. James also said that George has more heart than anyone else in the house. He told George that he will keep him in the game as long as possible. He also said he is most loyal to S6 as well as Danielle. Onto more DR voting sessions: Diane said Jase deserves to be in the house more than Will does. Howie feels that Will is not a threat and Jase could help the S6 in the future. Marcellas thinks that Jase needs to control himself more. Again, no vote was shown.
There was another special report about Will. His brother said that he was very unexpected in BB2. Shannon, Will's "showmance" from BB2, said that Will hasn't spoken to her since BB2 and that even though Will was charming, she's glad she got out of the relationship. They both said that he is a much better person than what he is perceived as inside the house. More DR voting sessions: Erika said that keeping Jase could bite her in the ass. George said that he has no idea what to do. Janelle said that Jase will come after her if he stays in the game.
By a unanimous vote, Jase is evicted from the Big Brother house. He asked before the vote that only Danielle and Diane escort him to the door. He also said that he would be back in two weeks, thinking some sort of twist would send him back. Will also said that Jase did not deserve to leave this early. In the talk with Julie, Jase said he would much rather be on Survivor. He said that he came in the house unfortunate because he did not have any alliance to stick with. (Umm... The Smiths?) It also seemed very evident that Danielle was with Jase in her goodbye message.
HoH comp: I was another trivia comp, called "Defined and Dismissed." If you answer a question first, you may eliminate another HG. If you answer it wrong, you are eliminated. The questions had to do with the words listed on the house walls. Marcellas eliminated Mike. Kaysar eliminated Diane. Will eliminated Howie. Will was eliminated. Erika eliminated George. Kaysar eliminated Erika. (Whoa!!) Janelle eliminated Danielle. Marcellas eliminated Kaysar. Janelle won HoH. For the fourth straight week, season six in power!
Again, Jase got evicted and Janelle won HoH.
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Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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