Saturday, July 29, 2006

7/29 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Now that the HG have finally arisen, will Janelle stand by her word and put up George? Let's see what's happened since yesterday:

Mike was the first one up at just after noon. He seemed to be limping pretty badly as he walked into the kitchen. Danielle was next to follow about ten minutes later. We then had an extended period of fire, possibly a wake up call. In a talk with Danielle, Mike said he got stitches for his injured foot. They also said that they are pretty sure that Janelle will put up George in Mike's place. Danielle then joins James and Marcellas in the backyard, and they seem upset that Janelle did not put up Will with Mike. (That snake, Danielle!)

Mike and Will had a long talk about sticking with Janelle to the end--if she sticks with them. James meanwhile told Danielle that he plans on putting Janelle (yes, Janelle) if she nominates Diane in the PoV ceremony. Danielle is encouraging him by saying to get rid of Howie as well. (S6 really needs to watch James. It seems like me may be only working Danielle, but some of it may be true. I say get him out while you can--before sequester.) Danielle says she doesn't like Janelle because she only aligns herself with men, not women.

Throughout this afternoon discussion, Howie, Janelle, and Kaysar are still sleeping! Kaysar woke up at around 3:30 PM, while Howie and Janelle had to be woken up just about an hour ago. Once they were all awake, the S6 had a talk in the HoH room. They told Janelle that they were upset that she made a deal with CT before consulting them, and Janelle seemed to understand where they were coming from. They tell her that CT was manipulating her into letting them stay for a few more weeks. Janelle says that if she puts up Will, CT will come after her. She then goes on and on about how she thinks she made a stupid move and feels she is the worst player in the house. Kaysar says that she is better than Howie. She then says that she will talk to the rest of the house before making a decision.

Other than that, not a whole lot of talk. I don't really know who Janelle will put up in place of Mike. At this point, my guess is Will after a talk with S6. But, who knows? Today is only Saturday!

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