7/26 Live Feeds--Morning/Early Afternoon
Surprisingly, BB woke the HG up very early today. Great idea, BB!
Like I said, the wake-up call came around 9:10 AM, before anyone was up. Danielle was the first one up after the wake-up call, getting out of bed at around 9:15 AM. Once they got up, Mike and Will had a little chat. Will says he wants to stay this week, but needs to go home before sequester. They then go on to stay that they will play hard for the HoH, and if they win it, they will put up two people from S6.
It seems that Danielle is telling Jase she will vote to evict Will and telling Will she will vote to evict Jase. I think she is more with Mike and Will than she is with Diane and Jase. She's doing a very good job at playing both sides though, including S6's! At this point, BB is calling HG to the diary room as they roll out of bed. I'm not sure at all who's going, but I have an idea that it's Jase. I guess we'll see tomorrow!
I like it! Good job. Go on.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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