This update covers the events happening during the afternoon and evening hours in the Big Brother house:
- HG have voted for the eviction tomorrow. Marcellas told Mike that him and George voted to evict Alison. (Not sure--but I think that tomorrow's vote should be pretty close to unanimous. The S6 and friends worked quite a few HG today to get the votes.)
- George's snoring continues to bother the house. Kaysar said he was up for most of the night and could not get to bed. (Maybe you should go to bed a little before 3 then, huh Kays?)
- HG got the HoH camera today. They had a LOT of fun with it--they took pics for most of the afternoon. It's like they had never seen a camera before.
- HG constantly complain about the boredom--I am too!
- They had a few lockdowns--both indoor and out. The indoor one seemed to be for the setting up of the HoH competition. They will probably practice tomorrow. (And you know what that means--fire!)
- There is still a lot of talk as to what food will replace PB&J once food competitions begin.
- Diane became very confused as to what "lethargic" meant when James said it. (How much stupider can she get--can we get a 2 for 1 deal by sending her home with Alison? Sheesh!)
- James and Janelle talked forever about last season. (Enough with it! This is BB7, not BB6!)
- HG seem to all want to put up George for eviction.
- Nakomis apparently cut the grass? Not sure about that.
...And that's it from the ever-so-exciting BB house! More to come later! I assume that tomorrow we will get a lot of fire, so don't look for a lot of updates--however I will post one as soon as the show gets over here on the east coast about tomorrow's show and eviction. Look for it!
1 comment:
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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