Saturday, July 22, 2006

7/21-22 Live Feeds Update

Like I said in my last post, I have been a bit busy with the Zine and am planning to do most of the updates in that. If you would like to sign up for it (it's free, no worries there), then refer to my post a while back regarding it. Anyway, I will try to do one or two updates a day if possible. Here's the news from yesterday and today so far.

We had flames for nearly two hours during the nominations. Once the feeds came back on, it was apparent that George and Will were nominated. George seemed saddened and surprised by his nomination, while Will expected it, since he told James to nominate him before the ceremony. (If you're wondering why Will wants to go home so bad, it's not an act. Apparently, he really did not want to do the show since he didn't need the money [being a winner already] and because he already has devoted his life to his medical practice and the restaurant business with Mike.)

The events after the nominations are as follows: James says that he nominated George because he caught him spying on the HG. Will plans on pulling a Marcellas by not using the PoV if he happens to win it. James plans on not evicting George, just to make him step up and play the game a bit more. The S6 seems to want to use the PoV to save George and put up Mike if they win it.

Moving on to the late evening/overnight hours: Now the S6 wants to evict George and keep Will. They plan on evicting Will the week before sequester. (This winning HoH stuff is really getting to the S6. It seems like they think they will win it every week.) BB gave the HG a lot of alcohol, which of course made CT (ChillTown) extremely wasted. Jase's BB5 side came out immensely. It seems that George and Howie are becoming good friends. When George thought he was going home, Howie encouraged him to win the PoV. George then told Howie to go for the win. Marcellas and Kaysar seemed to be the only ones not drinking. Like Mike did with the last batch of alcohol, Jase became extremely obnoxious. Danielle (yes, Danielle) was the last one up, finally deciding to go to bed a little before 5 AM.

Currently the PoV competition is going on. We've had fire for about 45 minutes now. I'll be posting on the PoV winner once I figure it out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.