7/25 Show Recap
Here's how tonight's show went down:
I didn't realize how much George and James don't like each other. They both were at each other's necks after the nominations. Overall, the house seemed very pleased by the nominations. Marcellas went on a bit of a gay spell in the DR by saying he would love to kiss Jase and Kaysar, but definitely not George. Marcellas: "Kaysar is fine as hell!"
Jase showed off his rapping skills. Then George tried to. He umm, well, let's just say he should stick to cleaning and cooking, now shall we? Danielle made fun of Jase's hairstyling ways. I didn't realize how much George pep-talked Howie. He seemed very poised to play the game now.
PoV Comp: A new stlye of picking players was used. The HG picked balls out of a bag containing the HGs' name as well as 'HG's Choice' balls. James-Kaysar, Will-Mike, George-Jase. Janelle was the host. Like I said, the PoV comp consisted of tasks. Task 1: Eat a bowl of slop. All HG agreed. No wait! Will decides half-way through not to eat the slop. Mike does the same after he threw up. Task 2: Burn your clothes. All agreed. (Marcellas gave Kaysar a standing ovation when he burnt his. Ha.) Task 3: Be written on by the non-competing HG. All agreed. Task 4: Become a human blueberry. All agreed. Task 5: Sit out the next PoV comp. James and Jase did not agree. (So wait... James does get to play in next week's PoV? What was with all the whining?) Task 6: Shave your head. Both agreed. (Marcellas threw a fit.) Task 7 (Tiebreaker): How many days can you go on slop? Kaysar wrote 15. George wrote 60. George wins PoV.
James of course went on and on about the comp. Apparently, Kaysar told Jase that he would probably be going up. That sent Jase off on everything. He threw pillows, the fire extinguisher, and went off on S6. Jase went EXTREMELY crazy on Marcellas. The whole house is pretty much just staring in disbelief at Jase's rant. Marcellas then goes on to say "the whole house hates you" to Jase.
PoV Ceremony: Will's speech went on and on about everything. Yada, yada. I will throw comps, yada. I will wreck the house, yada. I want out, yada. Understand? I thought so. George used the PoV after a nice, heart-felt speech. In George's spot, James put up Jase. "This meeting is ajourned."
Who will be evicted? Who will win HoH? Find out Thursday!
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
hi all
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