After Show update
This update covers the events happening in the Big Brother house from just after the live show until now:
·Janelle is very upset that Alison called her fat. (According to her, she gained quite a bit of weight during last season.)
·The HG think that Alison was jealous of Janelle.
Howie and Will believe that they are getting quite a lot of air time regarding their “crush.” (They are—but I’m getting sick of it.)
·Howie wants to be nominated if Will is nominated.
·HG complained about the boredom. (Then do something exciting!
Although, there is a bit more strategizing over the feeds now.)
·Janelle told Kaysar and Howie about her conversation with Julie in the HoH bedroom. (My guess is she won’t talk to James about it!)
·Diane is upset that BB isn’t giving them alcohol tonight.
·Will wants to be nominated.
·James wants George and Nakomis to be nominated. Howie still doesn’t like Nakomis. He wants her gone this week.
A couple other notes regarding scheduling:
·Food competition – Friday ·Nominations – Saturday ·Show – Sunday …
And that’s all! Exciting, as always, huh? Another update tomorrow!
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
Here are some latest links to sites where I found some information: or
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