Overnight Update
Will says he wants out before sequester(he does have a life and a careere unlike some of these people who need the money
James told Will he can come to him whenever he feels its his time to leave,he also told Diane she was safe
Kaysar wants Chicken George to go this week(I thought if you wanted to nominate people you have to win HoH??)
Houseguests play Volleyball agian
Jase thinks he is going up(GOOD GET HIM OUTTTTTTT!!!)
BB gave the houseguest pizza!!!!
Mr and Mrs Smith(Diane/jase) meet in bedroom
Kaysar wants to be Dani's morning buddy
Well thats all about all that happened,noms should be today,maybe food comp but i think thats tomorrow
As i post all Hgs are sleeping
Which format do you like,my old one,or this on plz reply with comment
the other one
I like the new format. It's easy to read.
I like both. Thanks for the notes. There are several BB7 sights I've been following - each for a different reason. Some are great if I have lots of time to read thru all the postings. I get great detail on everything going on. Others have great pics & videos - also if I have plenty of time. I especially like that your's is short and to the point. If I haven't much time I can get a quick BB fix without worring about being late for work. : )
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
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