PoV Winner
After THREE HOURS OF FIRE, the feeds returned with Kaysar and George having their heads shaved and George wearing the PoV medal. More later!
UPDATE: Apparently the PoV comp. had something to do with tasks. The people playing for PoV were George, James, Jase, Kaysar, Mike, and Will. The first task was to eat a bowl of slop. Mike and Will opted not to do this, therefore being eliminated. The second task was to cover yourself with blue dye (or something like this). The next task was to shave your head. Jase and James opted not to do this. The fourth task was to burn your clothes. The final task was to agree to eat slop for 60 days. George was the one who agreed to this, therefore he won PoV.) If anyone knows anymore, please tell!
UPDATE #2: It seems (from what I am watching on feeds and reading throughout the web) that the six people that played in the PoV comp. are not allowed to play in next week's PoV unless they win HoH or are nominated. This sounds a bit better because I don't think that BB would just ban George, James, and Kaysar. Again, if I am wrong, please correct me!
ZINE: I sent the first issue of the zine a little bit ago to the people who signed up for it. If you want to be a part of it (again, it's free), then go to http://www.my3q.com/go.php?url=bb7addict/73825, and fill out the questionaire. For those of you that received it, please let me know if you did not get it. Thanks!
I can't believe Goerge won then again i'm not all that sure i didn't want him to win hhhhmmmmm...
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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