Sunday, August 13, 2006

8/13 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Is Janelle serious about putting James up tomorrow? Or will Howie and others convince her to do otherwise? It's an "up in the air" afternoon in the BB house, and here is the latest news:

Howie, Janelle, Mike, and Will talked about nominating James at tomorrow's PoV ceremony. Janelle still thinks it better to do it later, while Howie insists that this week is the right time to get rid of him. They decide to call him up to HoH to talk.

Before going up to HoH, James spoke with Danielle. They both think that Janelle will put up George, with Erika being the one evicted. Mike comes down to say that he is wanted in HoH.

The five (S6 and CT) talk about what's going to happen. They all agree that Erika will go this week, Danielle next, then George, and finally Marcellas. The five will then battle it out to see who wins. They then talked about perhaps putting up Marcellas this week, with him being the target. Janelle doesn't think so--saying Erika is a bigger threat. They then agree on putting Marcellas up, make both of them feel that they will go home, and then evict Erika. Janelle still really doesn't know what to do. The group is telling her Marcellas--she wants George to make sure Erika goes. Either way, the group wants Erika out.

After the HoH talk, Mike and Will talk together. They want to continue playing everyone in the house, but make sure that Janelle stays in the game as long as possible. They will tell Erika she is safe, and S6 plans on putting Mike up. Their major plan is to make everyone as confused as possible. (It's working! I'm completely dizzy with these two!)

James told Danielle that if he gets put up tomorrow, then he will go after Janelle, instead of making the floaters do it.

At this point, it's still up in the air who Janelle will put up at the PoV ceremony. It seems the target is definitely Erika though, unless she throws James up there. The target would then be him. If I had to guess, she will put up Marcellas, with Erika being the target, at the PoV ceremony.

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