Thursday, August 17, 2006

8/16 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

What exciting events are on the list for tonight? And will CT convince the house that Marcellas must go in an effort to get him surely evicted? Here's the scoop from last night in the BB house:

Mike and Will realized that they don't have to win HoH tomorrow because nobody would put them up. Will has decided that he is going to burn Jenga (the game) tonight. (He tried to do this a few weeks ago, but BB stopped him.)

Danielle told James that she thinks George is voting out Marcellas, but she's not sure, so she tells James to risk it and go ahead with voting out Marcellas. James really doesn't want to. Meanwhile, George told Mike and Will that he would vote however they wanted him to and agreed to voting out Marcellas.

BB allowed the HG to eat at 9:00 PM, except for George of course. He was left alone in the backyard. After the feast, James told Janelle about Danielle's and Erika's fake fight they had. (Of course, he told her it was real. Janelle is surprised and says that maybe getting rid of Marcellas is the right thing because the girls would take out each other. It seems Janelle is back to believing James is with her and Howie. They talked about getting rid of Danielle should Howie or James win HoH tomorrow.

When Will tried burning Jenga, he failed. The game itself would just not light on fire. So, he got a log to light it on fire, and after a few minutes, it caught. Howie and Will enjoyed watching it burn. Meanwhile, Danielle and James talked once again about the vote. James just does not want to vote out Marcellas because he would then be exposed to Howie and Janelle. Danielle still doesn't know if she can trust George on how he's voting. She will talk to CT and then get back to James.

CT once again pushed for Marcellas to be evicted to Janelle. Once again, she fell for them, and agreed that he needs to go. (Dang--these guys are good!) After CT leaves, Howie and Janelle agree that something doesn't seem right about CT begging for Marcellas to go. Howie says that him and James are voting out Erika, and hope someone else does too. Janelle agrees.

Currently, Howie and Janelle are the only ones up, doing a little jedi drilling. At this point, I still don't know who's going! It all depends on how George votes, which I think is in Erika's favor. I say Marcellas out, 4-2. We shall know soon.

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