Tuesday, August 15, 2006

8/14 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

The HG had a food fight during the long feeds block. Aparently, they also brought food into the pool, which is another no-no. Erika gave Mike a lap dance as well. There was another feeds block as more music was played.

James told Mike to vote out Marcellas on Thursday. Mike said that he already decided that he would. He also tells him that if his power can send anyone home, to send Janelle home. Mike seemed to agree. Will told Erika to befriend Janelle because they are not voting her out this week.

Throughout the night, we had a lot of cards playing as quite a few HG (Danielle, James, Mike to name a few) went to bed fairly early. Howie, Janelle, and Will were the last ones still awake, and they did some studying for the HoH competition on Thursday.

After their studying, they strategized. Will said that the floaters kicked George out--he's not invited to any more meetings. They both think they need to evict James before evictin George. They then talked about who they would vote for once the final two came around. Howie and Janelle are very upset for what he did to Kaysar (betrayed their alliance).

After more talking, Howie and Janelle finally dozed off at 2:15 AM. Currently, all HG are asleep.

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