8/14 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update
How will the new nominee react to his nomination? Will the campaigning begin? It's another Monday afternoon in the BB house, and here is the latest report:
George is still shocked that he was not nominated today at the PoV ceremony. Marcellas thinks that Janelle is picking on "the fag," and doesn't like it. Mike and Will aren't sure who to vote out. Janelle tells them not to tell Erika or Marcellas anything until Thursday. They need some time to think about the best situation.
Janelle asked Marcellas if he was okay. He said he was, then Janelle said that he was safe--she will convince the house to vote out Erika. (Janelle still likes Marcellas as a person--quite a bit actually. I think she will be very sad once he is evicted. However, since he is a floater, she doesn't like his gameplay, much like the rest of the floaters.)
Mike told Danielle to vote out Marcellas. She said okay, but still needs more time to think about it. She then talks to James, and he plans to vote out Marcellas. However, he'd much rather see George go this week. (Weren't you covincing Janelle to put up Marcellas, oh I don't know, ten hours ago?)
George talked to Janelle and thanked her for not nominating him today. He said that if they came to a similar situation (where Janelle needed his vote or something), then he would help her out. He is just unbelivably shocked that he did not get nominated today. (Get over it George! You're safe!)
James told Mike and Will that if one of them wins HoH, to put Danielle and James up. James will hopefully (in his terms) win the PoV, so they can backdoor Janelle.
And the campaigning begins...both Erika and Marcellas asked George for his vote, which made him even more schocked that he wasn't nominated. Erika is sure she's safe because CT won't vote her out. Danielle agrees. George told Erika he would vote out Marcellas.
Other than that, it's been a usual sleepy afternoon! At this point, Danielle, George, and James have said they would vote out Marcellas. If Janelle wants Erika out, she needs to convince CT to vote her out. Howie will most likely vote Erika out, if that's what Janelle wants.
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