Wednesday, August 23, 2006

8/23 Live Feeds--Evening News

Another day, another evening. The hours are dwindling down for either George or James. Will the HG make a clear decision on who they want out? (Do they ever? I didn't think so.) Here's the evening stuff from the BB house:

The HG think that the indoor lockdown may be an all nighter and are not happy about it.

James tells Danielle that if the vote is 3-1, then she knows that Erika is not on her side. If it's 2-2, then she knows that Erika is on her side, and thus the two will do fine dealing with Janelle and CT. James then yells up to BB to not give the HG alcohol tonight. Danielle says that she needs alcohol to get through tonight. (Is it just me, or is Danielle sounding more like an alcoholic as the days go on?) James says that the last thing they need is for Erika to get drunk with Mike again--they need her on their side, not his.

The indoor lockdown did end. It appears that nothing changed in the backyard.

Danielle and Erika know that James will be evicted tomorrow. Erika says she isn't happy about it, but she likes George more than she does James.

Mike doesn't think that Danielle will put CT up; however, Will thinks she might if she thinks CT was against James the whole time. They aren't sure about what Erika and George would do if they won HoH. They agree to talk to Danielle and tell her that James was coming after CT, so they had to evict him. Janelle joins them and talks about how James is going to react tomorrow when he find out that he is evicted. CT thinks he will go out quietly since he complained about the way Howie went out. Janelle hopes James doesn't get mad at her.

James asked Erika if he had her vote. Erika told him that she had already promised she would keep George safe this week if he put up either Howie or Janelle last week. James told her that George is coming after everyone except Janelle, while James is only going after Janelle. Erika told him that she would think about it and get back to him later.

The two are currently talking on all four feeds. At this point, I'm not sure how the voting would go down. I think that originally Janelle was going to keep James to make it a tie, but if Erika switches, then Janelle may just vote James out to make it a tie. I'm not sure. I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to know for sure!


Anonymous said...

You think Danielle is a drunk? I guess you never heard about this...

There are 4 pages of her report.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, full link didn't show, heres a tiny url.

BB13 said...

Hmm--is it just me or was that link JANELLE and not DANIELLE? May wanna check that out...

Anonymous said...

You missed the point completely.