8/22 Show Recap
Who will Mike nominate? And how will the PoV affect his nominations?
James and Janelle were not happy to see Howie go, as her was betrayed by CT. Erika is glad that Howie is gone, while Danielle is upset at how he acted when he was evicted. James feels responsible for Howie's eviction. Will isn't too happy that Mike won HoH since CT is now the target. Janelle spent most of the night when Mike won HoH crying and being by herself. George, Mike, and Will tried to cheer her up, and it somewhat worked. Janelle says that the whole "upset" thing is totally strategy. Hahaha--NOBODY wanted to see Mike's HoH room--at first. Then everyone came up to his red and purple room. Mike told Will that he plans on nominating James and Janelle. They plan on helping Janelle win PoV, so James will go.
George and Janelle formed an alliance together. Miek told Janelle that he plans on nominating her and helping her win PoV, so James goes. Order of keys: Danielle, George, Erika, and Will, leaving James and Janelle nominated. Both James and Janelle feel safe this week because CT has told them both (separately) that they are safe.
James thinks that Janelle is finally seeing that trusting CT has led to both Marcellas' and Howie's evictions. Janelle feels that everyone will come after her, except George. Players for the PoV competition: Mike--Will, Janelle--Danielle, and James--Erika, leaving George to host. Before the competition, CT and Janelle strategized. CT assured Janelle that they will do everything they can to make sure that Janelle wins PoV. Janelle isn't so sure about trusting CT, and plans to go after them should she win HoH next week.
PoV competition: Find the correct sacraficial stone according to what a giant tiki tells you. The last person to find this stone is out. 1st out--Danielle. 2nd out--Will. 3rd out--Mike. 4th out--James. (They didn't show that great of a shot of the James and Janelle fight. Just them rolling around fighting for two dolls.) 5th out--Erika. Winner of PoV--Janelle.
CT celebrated Janelle's PoV win. They agrred that they had to make the other HG believe that they are upset with Janelle winning PoV. Erika and Will agree that James must go this week, no matter who goes up in Janelle's place. PoV Ceremony: Janelle used the PoV on herself. George went up in her place.
Who will be evicted--George or James? And who will win HoH? Find out Thursday!
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