Tuesday, August 01, 2006

8/1 Live Feeds--Evening News

As voting day approaches, how many times will the HG flip flop? Let's see as I recap the events of this evening:

Mike and Will plan on making the same deal they made with Janelle if Kaysar wins HoH. They think that if Kaysar or Marcellas win HoH next week, then CT goes up. They also worked on George to bring him over to CT. They told him that they will never nominate him and that they'd like to see him win.

Janelle and Kaysar talked for awhile. Kaysar said it might be a good idea to not try to win HoH for the next few weeks. Janelle replied, "No way!" They then talked about how they have no idea what Danielle is thinking. (She is much like George--they never talk strategy unless you come up to them. Even then, they don't say much. Good idea, but people get suspicious.) They decided that Danielle should be the next floater to go. When Howie joined them, he said that James was still mad at her. (I think he is starting to get over it--it only took him an entire week to get over George winning PoV.) Kaysar also says to not forget about Mike--especially since he won PoV. The three then talked about James and what he might be doing now.

Erika talked to Will, and she seems upset that they are doing nothing to protect her, but she is doing everything to protect them. Meanwhile, Diane asked Howie if he would evict Erika. He tells her that he already gave his word to Erika to evict Diane.

Howie and Janelle drilled each other for nearly an hour about possible questions for future HoH comps. They seem to know everything about anything that has happened this season. Meanwhile, Marcellas tells James that he would keep him over any other S6. (Hmm... would he like a Snake application?) He also said that it would be interesting to see someone other than S6 win HoH.

...And that's about it. Always exciting, I know. Currently, most of the HG are outside talking--no strategy of course, though. I'll post another update later over the overnight info!

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