Thursday, August 10, 2006

8/10 Show Recap

Who will be evicted--James or Kaysar? And who will win HoH? Let's find out:

Kaysar campaigned to Erika to stay in the house. She pretty much rejected him, and he just shrugged her off. James went on about how great his acting was this week. Kaysar campaigned to George to stay at well. George told him he would think about it. He campaigned to Mike as well! Mike said that he trusts Kaysar more than he trusts James and would like to see him stay in the house. Janelle and Kaysar think that James should go this week. They can't wait to get rid of Danielle, Erika, and Marcellas.

Mike's and Will's mothers talked to BB. (Oooh...this should be good!) Will's mom said that Will was always thinking and that he always had a girlfriend. She said Will's talking to Janelle is completely strategy. She said she wants him to stay away from Howie. As for Mike's mom--he said he flirts all the time, and she confirmed that Erika and Mike have a secret alliance! They both think that the two are great players and are extremely funny.

DR sessions: Marcellas is thrilled with the nominations, and trusts James more than Kaysar. Will doesn't trust James at all. Howie doesn't either. Erika is close to both. George wants to see James go home. Janelle doesn't want Kaysar to go. Mike is happy with either going. Live voting: James nullified Janelle's vote.

Live voting: Marcellas--Kaysar, Howie--James, Erika--Kaysar, Janelle--James (nullified), Will--Kaysar, George--Kaysar, and Mike--Kaysar. By a vote of 5-1, Kaysar has been evicted from the BB house.

HoH comp: Questions about what the former HG brought to the house. 1st out--George. 2nd out--Marcellas. 3rd out--Janelle. 4th out--Howie. 5th out--Will. 6th out--Mike. 7th out--James. Winner--Erika. But wait--the Coup D'Etat is next!

Coup D'Etat: Over the next few days, you will be given clues of a well-known BB phrase. Once you know the answer, you can go to the DR to see if you are right. The winner will be announced next Thursday. The first clue: a new pet--a lamb, or a sheep, or...?!!

Who will Erika nominate? Find out Sunday!

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