8/11 Live Feeds--HoH Winner
In the chant, to summon the former houseguests, what were the former houseguest called: A-spirts B-Ghosts
Correct Answer-A
What was the predominant color of the wall that the mime’ shirt was stolen from A-Red B-Black
Correct Answer-B George and Will eliminated
Of the following spirts which one occurred first- A-Alison B-Holly
Correct Answer-A
What did Alison say the mime from season 3 did to her A-drove her insane B-Drove her crazy
Correct Answer-A Erika , Howie and Marcellas out.
In which hand was Bunky holding the Spider A-right B-left
Correct Answer-B
Why did Eric say he was back A-to get revenge B-so you will never forget him
Correct Answer-B James out
Did the spirts that mentioned bagels appear before or after the MEOW A-Before B-after
Correct Answer-A
Which spirt used the phrase “On The other side” A-Josh B-Bunky
Correct Answer-A
Winner and 3-time HoH-JaNeLlE
GET EM JANIE!!!! We have new life in this God forsaken house. She and Howie are going to thrash over the next week and hopefully longer, just like they did when Kaysar was prematurely evicted last summer!!!
ok .. first -- yeah for janie!!!! second, my opinion of the phrase
"You ("ewe") are safe". anyone agree?
there are many possibilities....who knows.
You are safe isn't a bad guess, but how does that relate to the fly floating in the toilet bowl? I am thinking something about floaters, floating, you, I don't know. I need the other clue. Any new thoughts based on the second clue that we got?
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