Saturday, August 12, 2006

8/12 Live Feeds--Morning Report

And the fire burns...but only on the feeds of course. Here's the latest news I've recovered since before the oh sovely flames in the BB house:

Danielle was the first one up, shortly followed by James at 9:45 AM. We then had a wake-up call at 10:00 saying that the PoV competition would begin in 90 minutes. The duo talked about who she and Erika were planning on picking should they pick players today. Danielle said that she would pick George, with Erika picking Marcellas. They don't know if Janelle will still get to pick a person to play or not.

Of course, nobody woke up after the first wake-up call, so there was another, and another. Finally, new life shows up at after 10:30 (less than an hour before PoV now), with George arising. James says that he can hear pounding outside in preparation for the PoV competition.

Wait...what's this? The feeds have returned and it seems that Danielle, Erika, James, Marcellas, Mike, and Will will play for PoV. It seems like a bit before it starts though. I'll have the outcome later.

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