Sunday, August 20, 2006

8/20 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

OK before I start here, let me address some issues that came up in the comments. I know I have been a little biased recently towards Janelle, but I do like her. I enjoy the way she plays (totally hardcore, wants to win, unlike others) because it's the way I would play if I were in the house. I will come right out and say it that I do not like Danielle at all, but I try not to let it get in the way of my blogging. I used to like James, but his consistent nagging has gotten on my nerves. Janelle did nag a bit, but it was only one night, and it was because her best friend left. Danielle and James seem to do it every day, for a consistent amount of time. This is all my opinion! Please don't take it personally. Now, onto the afternoon events in the BB house:

The LoD had a meeting about who the replacement nominee should be. They say either Erika or George. They seemed to agree on George because leaving Erika in the game will make Janelle go after her, not them.

Mike and Will laughed to Janelle that they have got Danielle and James believing that Janelle is after Erika and George. Meanwhile, James complained some more to Danielle. She told him that "it is what it is" and to stop nagging about it. (Finally--someone other than me is sick of him!)

There has been a lot of small talk this afternoon--overall no strategy. It seems like the replacement nominee will be George at tomorrow's PoV ceremony, with James being the target. Don't forget about tonight's show! It should be jam-packed and ultra exciting. I'll have the show recap as always following the show here on the east coast.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Janelle has been honest and upfront throughout the game for the most part about who she is targeting and why. She does the least amount of whining and crying and she isn't vicious with her comments towards others. James and Marcellas hace been very nasty about Janelle and Danielle is just jealous! Danielle need to get over herself. Boogie is truly annoying- he's more like a Booger.
in the words of Janelle wisdom (season 6) with a name change- "Janelle your so pretty- Danielle your such a bitch!"