Sunday, August 20, 2006

8/20 Live Feeds--Morning Report

Ugh...this morning isn't as exciting as you think...unless you enjoy James and his mouth, I wouldn't read this post. It will just infuriate you. Nonetheless, here's the morning stuff from the BB house:

Danielle was the first one up at 9:45 AM. Erika and James shortly followed her. James wonders if they will have an America's Choice today or a Producer's Choice. Either way Janelle will win. (That's right James!)

James and Danielle talk about who Janelle will go after if she wins HoH. James thinks Erika. Danielle hopes it's CT. They agree that nobody will vote for her to win because of what happened last night. (Janelle winning PoV when they didn't. Boo-hoo! I still can't believe they are actually serious about Janelle cheating. If she cheated, they would have redone the competition!) James thinks that he will go this week, and once he gets to sequester, he will convince everyone in the house to not vote for Janelle. James says that he will convince Mike to put up George so he goes. Danielle agrees with him. James thinks that the HoH competition will involve questions over cities in Minnesota so Janelle will win. James thinks that the vote will be a tie, and Mike will have to make a tough decision.

Surprisingly, nothing else has happened this morning other than James complaining! He keeps going on and on about everything we have already heard 100 times. I'm so sick of him! Get him gone so he can bitch to Howie and Marcellas in sequester! I'm sure they'll love it.


Anonymous said...

I am so sick of Janelle and I agree with is so obvious that the producers want her to win because all of you losers will quit watching if "America's Sweetheart" aka biggest bitch loses.

Anonymous said...

So it's ok for Janelle to cry and pout and threaten suicide cuz Howie gets evicted but not for James to be mad that Janelle gets away with cheating?

Ok, just checking.

Anonymous said...

How can you like somebody that is so fake and that is a BITCH??? Its pretty sad that she was going to stab someone for going out with her boyfriend! What is she gonna do with the money if she wins? Get bigger boobs, more fake hair, and more knives? Oh, and save some money for the hot water bill?

Anonymous said...

James is a sore loser.....just because a girl outmuscled him. :(


GO Janie!!!

Anonymous said...

James is pissed because once again the producers are catering to Barbie. If it had been the other way around, I suppose she wouldn't have had use of her legs again and would have threatened suicide so everyone would feel sorry for her. Why are the rules only fair for one person in the house?? They stated that a contestant could not take a doll out of someone else's hands but Barbie did. How is that fair? And they just happened to not get the camera angle that showed this???? Come on, I hope he does sue CBS and wins more than the half million dollar prize.

Anonymous said...

Janelle is smart, she wins comps because she studies, Danelle is a sore loser oh wait she never won anything on her own, it was handed to her nasty sorry butt, why isnt Danelle shouting it is just a game oh I know why because when its personal she has a 2yr-old fall out tanturm, Dani isn't as smart as she thinks she is because Will is going to skin her alive and its going to be so funny watching her slim spill on herself!


Anonymous said...

Great coverage and recaps of the Big Brother House, but the author is a little too biased for me. Very hypocritical to hate James and Danielle for the same things Janelle has done (or doing).

Janelle DID break a rule by pulling the doll which James had in his hands first. If they air that part, it's going to make the producers look bad. If they don't air Janelle grabbing the doll from James it will make the producers look EVEN WORSE.

I think the show knows that Janelle would of been gone if she didn't win. The show is pushing for her to stay. No one said she is "cheating," we're all just saying the show is catering to her and making competitions that she could excel at.

Anonymous said...

Janelle wouldnt be gone if she didnt win- Mike and George would have voted for her and mike would have saved her!!...all i can say

James go have fun in sequester....its all you deserve.

by the way- if they cant cater to janie why should they cater to james and let him get his way,and get a redo??....get over yourself

Also, us viewers/readers dont know what the rules were and wont know until tuesday so whoever says the rules state that, are wrong.
This Blog ROX

Anonymous said...

I meant Will/George

Anonymous said...

James is getting EXACTLY what he deserves. He turned on S6 and made a deal with Legion of DOOM( doom for all those in the pact).
Go Janie!

Anonymous said...

I am sick of Mike Boogie! He thinks just because he has the power he can threaten people like poor Chicken George. Janelle needs to go after him or that nasty ass Danielle if she wins HOH this week.

Anonymous said...

All of you Janie lovers seem to forget that she threw her own alliance under a bus in what...week 2?? She decided to trust ChillTown because they said that they would save HER, no, not her alliance, but her ugly ass. Now you same people that see nothing wrong with that are mad at James for joining a different alliance? What fricking hypocrites. How can you say that all James deserves is to go to sequester when HE was the one saying he was going to go after people that were after his alliance, not himself, but his alliance. He was the only one sticking up for Howie and Kaysar, not that dumbass blonde who is not smart, she is just damn lucky. It also helps when she has the producers pulling for her. I think all of you that hate James don't like him because he is the only man smart enough to look past the fakeness and see the real bitch that she is.

Anonymous said...

Eric, I agree with you that the author is WAY too biased. It is almost uncomfortable to read. I am going to go to a different site where we are not subjected to stupid personal comments about what the author feels. I even like Janie, but after reading how much this person seems to be in love with her, I am changing my mind. I can at least admit that Janie has made some big mistakes in this game.

Anonymous said...

"by the way- if they cant cater to janie why should they cater to james and let him get his way,and get a redo??....get over yourself"

To this person. I am not full of myself. When Erika won the competition where most of the buzzers malfunctioned, there was a redo almost instantly. (Which Janelle won fairly.) In the other competition, Janelle -in plain sight- grabbed the doll which was already in James hands. (Winning unfairly.) You are letting your love for Janelle make you only believe what you want to believe.

You can think what you want, but I will never take any argument into consideration from someone who doesn't have a coherant thought.

You don't think redoing a competition with malfunctioning buzzers and not redoing a competition where someone already held an object which another ripped from their hands is fair? If Janelle had the doll ripped from her hands by James, you would be arguing fairness aswell. Your letting your personal oppinions of the PEOPLE effect your views of the GAME.


"Eric, I agree with you that the author is WAY too biased. It is almost uncomfortable to read."

I like the coverage on this blog and haven't really found another one like this. But the bias and little personal comments do make me feel uneasy when I'm reading them.