8/27 Live Feeds--Evening News
Are the HG getting ahead of themselves with wanting certain people out? The PoV ceremony has yet to occur, and they are already talking about who to get rid of next week! It's an evening of moving along in the BB house:
Danielle is having regrets about how she played the game and wished she kept Marcellas now. She wants her suitcase so she can get her packing over with.
She asked Janelle why she votes out James. Janelle said it was because James told George to backdoor Janelle, and George reported this to Janelle. Danielle still can't believe how badly James acted when he threw all those PoV's. Janelle agrees with her. Danielle told Janelle that Erika broke the news of backdooring her to Danielle. Janelle feels bad for her. Danielle knows that she is going home now, and wishes she had kept Marcellas longer. She tried to work Janelle for a vote, but Janelle never gave her a straight answer. Danielle says that she hopes Janelle wins and told her to follow her gut from here on out. She wishes she had played the game more intensely.
Danielle then talked to George and told him to work with Janelle and to not trust Erika. George told her that he will do whatever he can to make it to the end. They are both upset about Danielle leaving.
Janelle can't believe Will convinced Erika to get rid of Danielle. Will says that their next move is to get rid of Erika. Janelle agrees. Janelle has convinced Erika that she will go after CT should she win HoH.
Currently, the HG are cooking up some dinner. At this point, it does look like Danielle will go up tomorrow and will probably be evicted on Thursday.
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Just found this site, and think it's great! Thanks for keeping all of us up to speed.
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