Monday, August 07, 2006

8/7 Live Feeds--Evening News

Before I post, just a note: I added this week's episode to the site. If you don't want to hear it then scroll to the bottom and press stop on the player. Sorry, but I couldn't make it not play automatically. Hope you enjoy it! Now, onto the evening's news in the BB house:

James told CT that he wouldn't campaign against Kaysar. Will then told him that he would go home then. Later, through a Mike and Will talk, it seems like they are now voting to evict Kaysar. (Honestly, you can never listen to what they say. They change every other second, so I'm not saying who I think they'll vote for until Thursday.) They then laugh at Kaysar because he might get evicted on his birthday.

Another floater meeting! (These guys are making it so obvious that they are an alliance. They have little meetings have hour!) They said that the vote should be 5-1 (Kaysar out) because Janelle's vote will be nullified.

Throughout the night, we've had a lot of random talk, not worth posting for. I try to only post the strategy stuff on the blog as I don't think anyone cares for the random stuff. At this point, it looks like it's back to Kaysar being evicted, probably close to unanimous. (Perhaps they should install an America's Choice this week: Who do you want evicted? It seems like that would be the only way to save Kaysar at this point.) More later!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I have a question. Is there anything that makes it seem like Kaysar & Will have a secret alliance? Cuz on youtube, there is a live feed clip that makes it look that way. I don't know what to believe! LOL.

BB13 said...

Umm...Kaysar and Will made a pact week two to put up floaters until only the six (CT/S6) existed in the house.

They then made a truce for the five (CT/S6 minus James) to be the final five.

Those are the only deals I know of. Who knows though?


Anonymous said...

For those who care, hitting the ESC key also seems to turn off the sound.

Anonymous said...

sux that kaysar will leave on his man this really sucks. I'm so pissed these days.

Anonymous said...

I sure wish they would have Americas evict, but it would take to long to air uless they showed the results on Sunday, won't it be funny if Kaysar's evicted, he's voted back in by America like the year before.

Anonymous said...

Star ... that would be HILARIOUS!

Isn't there supposed to be some other kind of twist?

BB13 said...

the Coup D'etat is the new twist which involves the overthrowing of the HoH....tune in Thursday to find out what it is

Anonymous said...

thanx bbvii