Tuesday, August 08, 2006

8/8 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Before I post here, I'd like to inform you of something new I added to the blog today. You can now subscribe to this blog using the FeedBlitz service. All you need to do is enter your e-mail address in the box given to you on the side bar. This service will provide you with all of my blog posts sent directly to your e-mail. It's really great! Hope you all subscribe. And now, onto today's afternoon events in the BB house:

Erika is acting much like Marcellas did on his first week of slop. She is desperate for food, as this is her first week on slop. (She better pull it together, because she won't be able to eat until Thursday night!)

An outdoor lockdown was issued just before 1 PM to get everyone out of bed. Howie and Kaysar were still sleeping when the lockdown was issued. When the HG were let back in, the feeds kept zooming in on a missing duck on the bathroom shelf. (I'm not sure what was up with that. Perhaps a twist?) Meanwhile, Mike and Will are talking about how bad they feel about evicting Kaysar this week. (Remember guys--the vote hasn't happened! There's still time to change your mind to evict James!)

Janelle and Kaysar talked once again about the vote. Kaysar thinks the vote will be unanimous, with him being evicted because if he can't get the votes, the ones supporting him should just make it unanimous. Janelle then told Howie and Kaysar that she cannot play for PoV next week. (I can't wait until tonight's show to figure this all out!) Kaysar told the two that if he gets evicted this week, to evict Danielle next week and put Erika on slop again this week. He will try to ask CT and others for their votes again tonight.

Currently, the HG are all scattered about, talking. One more note before I close here: Don't forget about the show tonight! I will post a full recap of it as soon as it ends here on the east coast. Look for it!

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