8/9 Live Feeds--Overnight Info
It's the last night for either James or Kaysar inside the BB house? What will happen on it? Let's find out as I roll out the events of last night inside the BB house:
Danielle's and Erika's talk lasted for hours. They kept going on and on about how one of their group needs to win HoH, Janelle needs to be backdoored, and Howie and James need to go up. The rest of the house has no idea why they have spent nearly the entire night in the HoH room. They wonder if they still are HG.
Mike and Will had a long talk about who they are going to vote out this week. They are still undecided, but it seems like they plan on voting out James--for now. Who knows what could change today? Meanwhile, S6 talk once again about how much they hate the floaters and how obvious they've made it that they're a group. They plan on making a huge scene if one of them wins HoH next week.
Janelle and Kaysar had a long talk about pretty much everything. Kaysar can't believe that he's leaving before sequester--AGAIN. They said they don't know if they can trust James or not. Kaysar said not to screw things up after he leaves like Howie did last season. (Putting up James and Sarah--two members of the Sovreign Six.) They are also so sick of the floaters and how much they want to get rid of them. (The floaters are the new nerd herd to S6.)
Janelle and Will talked about who they are planning to go after next week. Janelle said definitely Marcellas, and then either Danielle or Erika. Will said that Danielle needs to go next week. Meanwhile, Erika and Marcellas are worried that nobody in the jury will like them if one of them (the floaters) is in the finals. (They are already worried about that?)
Mike and Will had yet another talk. Even though the two have an alliance with Danielle and James, Will wants to vote out James this week, and then help whoever wins HoH get rid of Danielle next week. Mike says that he trusts Danielle 100%, and doesn't really want to vote out James this week. (What do you know? They are changing after only an hour or so!) When Howie and Janelle arrive, they start talking of their "alliance" with them. (I never knew if that fell through or not.)
The floaters had another meeting in the HoH room--they talked of how bad they all hate Janelle and how she must go if one of them wins HoH next week. Their talk then moves to previous seasons with a mix of Janelle bashing. Meanwhile, apparently, Howie, Janelle, as well as Kaysar are all in this "alliance" with CT called the "misfits." They all can't wait until the HoH competition tomorrow. Kaysar hopes he can stay to partake in it.
After telling Kaysar "happy birthday," Howie was the last one asleep at 3:00 AM. All HG are currently asleep. Since today is Thursday, expect a lot of fire and not much to say on the updates as the HG will be mostly cleaning and primping themselves for the live show tonight.
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