Sunday, August 06, 2006

8/6 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Moving along here with the day's events--time for the afternoon news from the BB house:

Throughout the afternoon, we had a lot of random talk (and of course random fire to go along with it) amongst the HG. The first strategy talk didn't come until after 2 PM with James saying he is almost 100% positive that he will not go home on Thursday. (Never say never, James! You don't even know who you're up against yet!) After talking more about the PoV, it seems Janelle didn't put the whole house on slop, but rather a few people. (I think she put Erika, Howie, and Kaysar, but I'm not totally sure.)

Danielle was originally scheduled to come out at around 5:30 PM, but instead came out of SC at 3:30. (I think BB just let her out because the HG were getting restless and were going to riot again if she was not released instantly.) Shortly after being released, Mike tells Danielle that the house has come up with a deal for her. He says that if she puts up Marcellas tomorrow, the whole house will vote to evict him, and whoever wins HoH next week will not put her up. Danielle immediately rejects the idea. She says she has to put up S6. She then talks to James, and apparently, he no longer wants Janelle out. James: "I can't put her up next week if I get HoH." They both agree that they are tired of CT throwing comps and just skating through the first five weeks of play. Moving on to Will now, Danielle says that someone from S6 must go this week. James and Will both think Marcellas should go up. After the talk, Will tells James that Howie doesn't care if James goes home this week.

Erika and Marcellas think that Danielle promised safety to the last four people on the web next to her (Erika, George, Howie, and Marcellas). Meanwhile, Howie thinks that Danielle will nominate Marcellas tomorrow unless she wants to be the new Jennifer. Janelle and Kaysar think that Kaysar will go up. Erika has told him that he will probably go up as well.

The floaters have a meeting. Danielle and Marcellas say that if one of them wins HoH next week, then they will not put up Janelle so she won't have a guaranteed place to play PoV.

My next report will be a recap of tonight's show. I will post it as soon as I see it after it goes online at CBS Innertube. Look for it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot for all the updates, this is the best blog and we apprecaite your updates.