Sunday, August 06, 2006

8/6 Show Recap

Who will win HoH? And who will he/she nominate? Let's find out:

Erika said she wouldn't give up until she won HoH. (Hmm...that changed in a hurry!) I can't believe they showed the part where Howie said, "Big boy like spider sperm!" I chuckled. After Danielle talked to Howie about his weight, he said that he will try to work out more. Back to the HoH comp: Will first out. He got a rotten egg. BB announcement: Head and torso must be below the web.

James drops out. He gets the nullify eviction vote pass. Mike drops out. He gets to $10,000. Kaysar drops out. He gets the other rotten egg. Marcellas drops out. He gets the slop pass. George drops out. After much pressure from Danielle, Howie and Erika fall nearly simultaneously, leaving Danielle to win HoH. She rejoiced like none other. (Did she forget that Erika GAVE it to her?)

Kaysar attempted to heal Will's ailing back. I don't know if it worked or not. James called Janelle a "Anna Nicole Smith wannabe" and said that she was the dumbest person in the game. (Umm...did anyone know HOW BADLY I WANT HIM GONE! Urgh!) Danielle's HoH room was more of a tropical palace when I got to look at it better. It was brown, but inviting. They showed the whole Marcellas-giving-George-the-slop-pass-but-not-wanting-to thing. He used it after the HG cheered him on to. (Ahh, another wonderful moment on BB featuring George. They seem to be showing a lot of these.) James didn't want to go on the block, but agreed considering he could get out Janelle. (Did I mention how much I dislike him?)

Marcellas tried to convince Danielle to nominate Janelle and Kaysar, and not James. It didn't seem to work. She had a long talk with Kaysar, and nothing seem to have accomplished. She keeps saying over and over again that "someone from S6 must go."

Order of keys: Erika, Howie, George, Mike, Marcellas, Will, and Kaysar, leaving James and Janelle nominated.

Who will win PoV? And will it be used to save either James or Janelle? Find out Tuesday!

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