8/6 Live Feeds--Evening News
Finally--my last update for the day! Here's the evening news from the BB house:
Danielle bragged for hours on end to Erika and Marcellas about how good she did in the HoH comp. (My God! Has she completely forgotten that Erika GAVE HER THE HOH? If I was her, I would be like "Honey, I GAVE it to you!" Jesus!) Marcellas then went on about how Janelle never apologized to him for evicting Diane last week. Later, Danielle and Kaysar talked, and she basically told him she plans on putting him up tomorrow. She said he should have fought harder for the PoV if he didn't want this to happen. Kaysar seems frustrated with her. (I think it's a stupid move--she's basically sealing her fate next week should Howie or Janelle [possibly others] win HoH next.)
After their talk, Janelle declared war on Danielle and the floaters. (Yes! This is BB6 all over again! The floaters are just the new nerd herd.) S6 says that they can no longer discuss strategy with any of the floaters ever again. Meanwhile, the floaters all agree to vote out Kaysar when Danielle puts him up tomorrow.
Janelle and Kaysar talked. Janelle said that if Kaysar goes up tomorrow, then he should have the votes to stay if they can get Erika and George to vote to evict James. They then say that whatever happens, they are happy to see three out of their four go to sequester.
Currently, the HG are outside all discussing their usual random late-night talk. At this point, here's what I think: Danielle will nominate Kaysar at the PoV ceremony (should be tomorrow). Unless S6 can get one of the floaters and CT to vote to evict James, it looks like a Kaysar (although nobody wants it) eviction on Thursday. Pray for a twist!
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