Sunday, September 03, 2006

9/2 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

Aha! Janelle wins PoV, so what do the HG do now? How about stay up all night? Yep...that's exactly what they did, much to my dismay. Here's all of the overnight activities occurring in the BB house last night:

The feeds returned just before 11:00 PM with Janelle wearing the PoV necklace. Erika looked very upset and knew that she would be leaving on Tuesday. BB gave the HG wine to celebrate. Apparently, the competition had something to do with questions as Erika could not believe she missed so many of them. I think the questions had to do with past food competitions. Mike tried to cheer Erika up, but it didn't really work. Janelle is ecstatic that she beat James' record and won five PoV's in one season.

Janelle wants to evict Erika, but isn't sure if it's the right move for her. CT convinces her that nobody will vote for them to win, so if she evicts Erika, and makes it to the final two, she will win hands down.

Erika tried to convince Janelle to keep her and evict Will. She says that she is happy with $50,000 and she will win guaranteed if she keeps her. Janelle just kept saying that she can win against anyone, not just Erika. She keeps going on about how if she wins, she will take Janelle to the final two, and CT won't. Janelle finally leaves the conversation with saying that she will think about it.

Will tried again to secure his place in the final three to Janelle. She tells him that she is still going to evict Erika no matter what she tells her.

Erika tells Mike that she is sure she is going. The two cannot believe that Janelle has now won nine competitions. Erika cannot believe that Janelle won't keep her because nobody in the jury will vote for her to win. She was sure that she could win the PoV competition.

The HG stayed up all night and even into the morning. Janelle and Will just went to sleep.

Currently, all HG are asleep.


Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!!!!!! You still think that this game isn't rigged?!?!? Have you been paying attention? How many times has she won??? Maybe the game was Who Has The Biggest Boobs and she won!

Anonymous said...

Seriously people! Get over the boobs and good looks thing! The only thing Janie is guilty of is being lucky and ambitious! Erika's got just as big of boobs AND used them to get her this far in the game(as well as many of her other parts) Let go of the jealousy and be happy for our girl Janie!
Rock on Janie!

Anonymous said...

Have any of you ever had people wanting to get rid of you every week and your doing whatever you can to win? Janelle has beat the odds folks! Get over it! Last season she was targeted from the first day she walked thru those doors and this season even tho she had a strong alliance she still had people wanting her out and she not only has she beat them in physical challenges she has studied for the ones she needed to use her brain to win. She has done that while people like Danielle had to have things handed to her. Like they say all the time. Hate the game people not the player! Go Janelle!!!

Anonymous said...

shiznit, you are full of shit, is that why your name is like that???? You talk about Danielle getting things handed to her, what about the ho? Did Will and Boogie not practically hand her the POV so she would not leave the show or did you miss that one?? And it is sad that she always has to get advice from Will since she is too stupid to think for herself.