Tuesday, September 05, 2006

9/5 Show Recap

Who will win PoV? And who will the winner evict?

The jury house did indeed have to evacuate their home in Mexico in preparation for Hurricane John. Time for a visit from some new HG! The jury house was shocked to see Danielle, especially James. Then George comes as well, leaving the jury house even more shocked. Howie claimed that he knew George would be coming as well. (Just a note--if you think that Howie got over getting evicted, he definitely did not! Howie was extremely rude to George, and nobody seemed to be able to control him. He just doesn't realize that this is a game!)

Will cannot believe how well Operation Double Date worked. Erika says that she trusts CT more than Janelle. Janelle doesn't understand why Erika is sad that she is going this week, when she will never win if she makes it to the finals.

PoV competition: "When The Stars Align"--HG must pair clues to a corresponding side of a star, so only one set of answers work. (Kinda hard to explain--you'll have to see it to understand what was happening.) Whoever finishes first wins, and the winner is...Janelle! Erika was upset that she was so close and not being able to win. It's Erika's turn to work Janelle now. She says that they will definitely not take Janelle to the final two, so she'd have to win the final HoH to make it to the finals. Erika swore on her mother that she would take Janelle. (But, who cares? So did Jennifer, and we all saw how that turned out!) Will now thinks that he may be going next because he thinks Erika and Janelle have figured out Operation Double Date. Janelle has no idea what she is going to do. PoV ceremony: Janelle took herself off the block and Mike nominated Will.

Live eviction: Janelle held the only vote, and decided to evict...Will!

HoH Competition: Part 1--"Mount HoH"--HG must hold onto the key above them while standing on a side of a volcano. The last person left will win Part 1 and automatically advance to the final part of the HoH competition. What's this? Mike drops out!--saying that the girls have to take him to the final two. (Mike is pretty pissed that Janelle got out Will still.) Hmm...Janelle took her hands off the key [accidentally, apparently], leaving Erika the winner of Part 1. Janelle is now pissed that she was eliminated.

Who will win HoH? And who will that person evict? Find out Thursday!


Anonymous said...

boogie looked like he was ready to kill when Will got evicted!!! pay back is a bitch. SO basically the girls are the final 2, unless boogie gets lucky. If that did happen, who do you think he'd take to the final 2 w/him?? Better be Janie & hopefully she's smart enough to let him know that Erica was the one who told her that Will was playing her, causing janie to vote Will out. I really want Janie to win but the other two have no chance against her, so I guess the smart thing for Boogie & Erica would be to get rid of her if they want to win. GO JANIE!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish Erica got the boot, what can I say Will's a great player--I was really pulling 4 Janie & Will 4 the final 2. Hopefully Will won't hold that against her when it's time to decide the winner of THE game! GO TEAM JANELLE!!!!

Anonymous said...


BB13 said...

Some notes here...

My guess is that Mike would take Erika to the final two should he win HoH. (There's no way he can beat Janelle, and at least he has a shot against Erika.)

As for the rest of the HoH--part 2 should be tomorrow and part 3 LIVE on Thursday. We probably won't get to see part 2 but we'll know the result before Thursday. The winner should be announced live THIS Thursday of the HoH.

The finale is Tuesday. Only two episodes left!

Anonymous said...

I noticed Janelle's hand come off the key when Boogie gave up. She put it right back on and they went for a few minutes more when someone from the show replayed the clip and confirmed she had. Good thing to catch it early. It would be ashamed to have to change an outcome later.

Anonymous said...

I laughed my ass off when Janie let go of the key, not once but twice!!!!!!! YEA, I guess she is not perfect after all, huh?????