Thursday, September 07, 2006

9/7 Show Recap

Who will win HoH? And who will that person evict?

Mike was shocked that Janelle evicted Will. Erika was extremely happy for Janelle, while Janelle hated the fact that she lied to Will and evicted him. Janelle was upset that she lost her focus and "gave" the competition to Erika. She is determined to win the second part. Janelle was extremely surprised that Mike threw the competition, and is confident that she can beat him in the second part. Mike was very sad (he cried!) that Will left the house before him.

HoH Part 2: It's a neon paradise--with a car on top! While you are suspended in the air, you must reflect a laser off of each of the past winners onto a mirror in the correct order--it was VERY confusing. The HG to complete it in the fastest time wins! Janelle's time: 3:45. Mike's time: 1:57. Mike wins the HoH and the car! Mike told Erika that it would be stupid for either of them to take Janelle to the finals because they would both lose.

Time for Will's visit to the jury! The jurors were floored to see Will! Marcellas loved Janelle's getting rid of Will.

HoH Part 3: How well do you know the jury? Questions about how the jury answered certain questions. HG with most points wins. Final score--Erika: 4 Mike: 5. Mike wins HoH!

Mike's decision: Janelle has been evicted from the BB house.

Who will win BB7? Find out Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Thank God Janelle is gone!!!! YEA YEA

Anonymous said...

yea, im place of janelle there is a PIG who uses women like trash. what a freaking pig bogie is and if another women was to date him after seeing how he treats women they are idiots also.

Anonymous said...

I sure didn't see Erika saying can't rape the willing. She is still letting him kiss her, etc. after knowing it was just a "showmance" so you really cannot fault Boogie.

Anonymous said...

im PISSED that Janie isn't in the final 2, but you know that she'll win America's choice and take the 25k!!!

Anonymous said...

Erika was a willing party, thats not what i am saying. what i am saying is he lead her to believe he had real feelings for her when actually he was treating her like trash. and shame on her for being in her 30's and falling for it. but if your a man and you use women like that your a pig no matter how you look at it.
boogie = scumb azz pig..
erika= dumb azz female..