Monday, July 31, 2006

7/31 Live Feeds--Evening News

Before I begin with this update, I want to post my thoughts on Janelle's decisions this week. First of all, her decision to nominate Erika and Mike: She said at the nominations ceremony that she wants to evict Mike by placing someone like Erika against him. This does not make any sense. You nominate two people who you would like to see evicted because you never know how people will vote, and Janelle knows that! Then, she makes unlimited deals with CT, almost too many to track. Mike wins PoV (the person who she wanted to go), so then she decides to put up Diane in his place, someone who nobody really wants to see go, other than her and Kaysar. Now, James is mad at her. Marcellas is mad at her. Erika seems mad at her as well. These are three people who used to like you--now they don't. Please Janelle, next time you win HoH, do the right thing! Now onto the events that have happened since my last update:

The HG had an interesting conversation about which HG they would EAT. Will said either Howie or Janelle. Kaysar said Marcellas, but Erika disagreed saying he would be too bony. They all agreed Nakomis would give them food poisoning. (Here's the bad part--that's pretty much the most exciting thing of the night!) Will then changed his mind by saying Howie would be too fattening. He also said James wouldn't be too bad to eat. They finally stopped talking about this once Mike made a pizza.

The only real strategy talk came here: Danielle, James, and Marcellas talked about how much Janelle screwed up this week. They all plan on evicting Erika and keeping Diane. However, James never talked about putting up Janelle again, since Marcellas was right there. (At this point, I have no idea if James is truly serious about putting her up. Considering the S6 has won HoH every single week so far, if James decides to put her up, his alliance would come after him full force. I think he'll probably wait a while before he makes his move on her.) After the talk, Danielle tries to work Mike to evict Erika. He tells her he already gave his word to Janelle that he would evict Diane. (I think CT's alliance with Janelle is true. However, I don't think that they will keep the rest of the S6, just Janelle.)

Danielle then goes out to Diane and says that she is trying to rally the house to evict Erika. Diane tells her that she is just hoping for the best, like she did week 2. He tells her that James had nothing to do with her going up. It was all Janelle's decision.

Currently, the HG are playing badminton and talking--no strategy though. At this point, the vote looks close. Votes for Diane (to be evicted): Howie, Kaysar, Mike, and Will. Votes for Erika: Danielle, James, and Marcellas. George is the swing vote. Now, if the vote is tied, Janelle will evict Diane. If DJM want Erika out, they need to work CT. However, I doubt they'll budge. As it looks, I predict a Diane eviction on Thursday.

Afternoon/Evening 7.31

Diane was indeed put up in place of Mike....and of course she whined and cried about it trying to get people to feel sorry for her

Heres the happenings from today:

Danielle and Erika are gunning for Janie saying that she made personal reasons that werent even true. Diane hates her too and thinks she is phony(my question is "What can she do from her couch?") I think Janie has nothing to worry about as Danielle couldn't win an HoH to save her life and Erika is easily swayable.

James and Kaysar had a heart to heart about love and life. Kaysar asks James if he misses Sarah?(DuH?) James say he does and can't wait to see her. Kaysar says that the house as a whole misses thier loved ones-noting George mainly

Will, Marcellas, Kaysar had a sex talk in the BY. Will asked Kaysar if the Koran believed in Copper Tonning. He said he didn't know. Marcellas talks about gay persians saying he meets them all the time. Will asked Kaysar about that too.

There is alot of random talk-past seasons,music,movies,tv shows etc.(how boring??)

Thats about it

Interesting rite??

PoV Ceremony Outcome

By the way it seems, Diane has been nominated. More later!

7/31 Live Feeds--Morning Report

The morning news from the BB house...

Unlike yesterday, the morning didn't begin until 10 AM with Danielle the first one up. Kaysar was short to follow at around 10:15. A wake-up call from BB came around 10:20 with an announcement of the PoV ceremony in two hours.

Once Janelle awoke, her and Kaysar talked for awhile. Kaysar tells her that Marcellas has been telling the whole house about what Janelle's plans are. He also thinks that James is planning something with Danielle as he is spending quite a lot of time with her. He tells her to put up either Diane or Will, but not George. Marcellas meanwhile is telling her to do the direct opposite.

We had a little bit of talk among most of the HG. Not much--all wondering who Janelle will put up. Currently we have fire, assuming PoV ceremony is going on. I'll have more on the outcome once the feeds return.

7/30 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

It was once again anothet thrilling night in the BB house! While one group watched a movie, the rest played cards. Overall, not much strategy talk. The news of last night:

Diane and Mike said the movie they saw was terrible and one of the worst they've seen. (This makes BB feel wonderful giving them this as a reward!) Will also said it was bad, but said it was one of the best he's seen in the DR.

It seems that Janelle wants Diane out for personal reasons (she wrote bad things about her on the Joker's site), and she feels that CT would vote her out. She then begin telling the rest of the S6, as well as Erika, that Diane will be put up and evicted. After talking to Will, Janelle said that she is most loyal to Howie, Kaysar, and Marcellas (no James?) while Will said he is most loyal to her and Mike. In other news, James told Danielle he plans on putting up Janelle and Marcellas no matter what she does this week. After talking to Will, Janelle ran to Marcellas and told him exactly what she is doing. Marcellas tells her to not put her up and put up Will instead.

Apparently, James got word that Janelle plans on putting up Diane at the PoV ceremony. (I think it's scheduled for today, but I can't be sure due to this week's changing around.) He ranted about him putting up Jase for her, so why can't she put up Will for him?

...And that's about it. Note here: We just got word that the PoV ceremony would be in two hours (about 12:30 their time). More later!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

7/30 Live Feeds--Evening News

Sorry about the luxury comp winner mixup earlier. By the HG talk, it seemed that the red team won. Here's the scoop since the luxury comp:

Like I said, the black team (Danielle, Diane, James, Janelle, Mike, and Will) won the luxury comp by about ten seconds. Apparently, the HG had to get out of a spinning car and do "pit stop" stuff with it. The black team won by a very close margin. Their prize: watching the movie 'Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby,' along with getting popcorn and snacks (even the slop eaters could eat). Meanwhile, the losers got cards to play with, after of course a long round of complaining about the comp. (These HG seem to complain about every comp so far. Sheesh!)

After the movie, Diane and Janelle said that it was terrible. The guys said it was pretty good. However, whenever the HG talked about the plot of it, we got fire! Later, Janelle and Kaysar had a long talk about who to put up. Janelle does not want to put up Will so much, but rather Danielle or Diane. She then goes to Erika, and she says to do what is best for her. (Erika doesn't seem too upset that she could be evicted on Thursday.)

Kaysar and Mike talked, and Mike thinks that he has gotten Kaysar into their little deal now. I'm not sure if Kaysar thinks the same. He walked away seeming upset.

Currently, most of the HG are talking about something which is giving us frequent fire. I'll have another update early tomorrow!

7/30 Show Recap

Who will Janelle nominate?

James says that he is in a sort-of alliance with Danielle and Diane. Janelle says that she wants to nominate Diane, while James disagrees. He tells Diane to relax and to look for the best. Diane tells Janelle that she won't put them up if she doesn't put her up. She leaves with saying that they will be good friends outside the house. Meanwhile, Will put on a puppet show while taking a bath. It was quite entertaining, if I do say so myself. He worked Howie and Janelle into forming a dual allaince with CT.

George has been having a tough time with eating slop every day. He's been frying it, baking it, even sticking it in the toaster! The food comp occured at night. Here's the scoop: "Food Fight"--Everyone took a position inside a padded arena. It was basically like a game of dodgeball. The person who grabs a star ball gets to eliminate someone. They repeatedly do this until half are on slop. People on slop: Marcellas (by Mike), Will (by Howie), George (by Kaysar) [He would have already been on it anyway.], Diane (by James), and Erika (by Danielle).

Funny stuff here--Diane asked Janelle how to make bananas "old" in order to make banana bread. Janelle said to put them on top of the fridge because that's what she does. CT continued to work Howie and Janelle in order to fuse alliances. Janelle seems very confused to nominate--CT or floaters. After a talk with Howie and James, Janelle seems like she wants to put up CT. However, after she talked to Will, she seems open-minded once again. She told Will that she won't put him up because she likes him. Will now wants Howie and Janelle to ditch James and Kaysar and join him and Mike in CT.

Order of keys: James, Marcellas, Howie, Kaysar, Will, Danielle, Diane, George. Erika and Mike are nominated. Who will win PoV, and will it be used to save Erika or Mike? Find out Tuesday!

Luxury Comp Winner

The winners of the luxury comp were the Black team: Danielle, Diane, Will, Mike,Janelle, James.

7/30 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Here's everything that's happened since my last update:

Janelle and Will had another long talk. He told her that no matter what she does, everyone will come after her. CT will start playing for HoH just to keep her in the game. If he goes this week, then Mike will be after her along with the rest of the house. He also told her about Erika and Mike's secret alliance. Meanwhile, Danielle and James plot to get rid of Janelle.

Later in the day, Howie and Janelle talk about what to do. Howie says that Janelle made a bad decision by not putting up Mike and Will in the first place and by even thinking about trusting CT.

Scoop on luxury comp: The HG are in teams, and apparently they have to repair a car. Team 1: Erika, George, Howie, Kaysar, and Marcellas. Team 2: Danielle, Diane, James, Janelle, Mike, and Will. I think that Team 1 already went. The feeds came in and out on Team 2 working.

I'll have more later!

Luxury Competition

As I post Janelle is in DR and they DR person asks her if she like Will Farrell, so it looks like they are about to do a luxury competition

Heres what I know: It looks as if its to watch a movie(Talladega Nights with Will Farrell)

As i Post we have fire...Ill post more later

7/30 Live Feeds--Morning Report

Surprisingly, the HG woke up fairly early today, much to my dismay, since I had conked out for the night. Here's the lowdown on the morning info:

Kaysar was the first one up at just before 7 AM. James shortly followed. George awoke around 8, and Mike rolled out at 9. There wasn't a whole lot of talking going on. If anything, it's a "Good morning" and such. Danielle has been following behind on her "first one up" duties. She didn't wake up today until almost 11 AM. Erika shortly followed her. The HG are under indoor lockdown and they seem to think that today will be a luxury competition.

When will awoke, him, James, and Mike talked about the whole Janelle situation. He says that he doesn't know what she plans to do. Mike tells him that him and Will are not coming after him or Janelle.

At this point, I have no idea what Janelle plans on doing. She just woke up. I'll have more later!

7/29 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

It was once again another exciting night in the BB house! Now despite others going to bed fairly early (James, Janelle, Will), the rest of the house stayed up late once again. Will they ever learn? I think not. Stuff from last night:

James thinks that this week will be a double eviction week because Julie said that it will be a week full of competitions. Mike and Diane seem to agree. Meanwhile, after about a two hour now, Will awoke saying that his nap was the best so far. Mike then says that his foot had to be wrapped for two weeks. Apparently, he stepped on something, and blood squirted everywhere in the PoV comp. Will plans on dressing George in drag for the next live show.

Later, Erika and Mike talked strategy. She plans on putting up Howie and Janelle if she gets HoH next week. Mike plans on doing the same if Will goes up at the PoV ceremony. Meanwhile, James seems pretty mad at Janelle. He says that if she doesn't do the right thing, then he will target her. He then tells Howie that he is safe with the floaters. (Aha!! Because he's a SNAKE THAT'S WHY!!) James: Don't tell her about this or she'll nominate me." Howie: "She's nuts." (No, Howie! Don't join the Alliance of Snakes!) They both agree that if she doesn't nominate Will, then the whole house will come after them, including CT.

Howie was up by himself for about two hours before Janelle awoke. They talked. He tried convincing her to put up Will. She still seems undecided. After a long talk, Janelle was the last one back in bed at around 6 AM.

Then--what would you know? Kaysar was the first one up at around 6:30! I'll have another update on the morning stuff in about an hour. Most of the HG are currently awake, talking.

7/29 Live Feeds--Evening News

It was quite a day of excitement in the BB house! Or, not so much...

Howie, Mike, and Will talked about the PoV comp... a little. Howie said that he could have eaten the worms. They also talked about the various wake-up calls. Howie then goes on to say that he keeps in the touch with all of S6, including April and Eric.

Janelle and Marcellas had a bit of a long talk with each other. Marcellas wants Janelle to put up Will (along with most of the house), but he said that if she is too scared to evict him, then to just put up George. (I'd go with the first choice, but that's just me!) He says that CT are the only ones after her and she should go after them before they get that chance to go after her. He also says that Kaysar, not Janelle, is the biggest target out of S6.

Meanwhile, Danielle and Diane complain to George (like he cares!) about how much time Janelle has been spending in the HoH room. ( is hers, isn't it?) Howie tells James that he wants Will out.

Currently, most of the HG are asleep (!! Unbelievable!) The rest are just talking about nothing. More later I suppose!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

7/29 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Now that the HG have finally arisen, will Janelle stand by her word and put up George? Let's see what's happened since yesterday:

Mike was the first one up at just after noon. He seemed to be limping pretty badly as he walked into the kitchen. Danielle was next to follow about ten minutes later. We then had an extended period of fire, possibly a wake up call. In a talk with Danielle, Mike said he got stitches for his injured foot. They also said that they are pretty sure that Janelle will put up George in Mike's place. Danielle then joins James and Marcellas in the backyard, and they seem upset that Janelle did not put up Will with Mike. (That snake, Danielle!)

Mike and Will had a long talk about sticking with Janelle to the end--if she sticks with them. James meanwhile told Danielle that he plans on putting Janelle (yes, Janelle) if she nominates Diane in the PoV ceremony. Danielle is encouraging him by saying to get rid of Howie as well. (S6 really needs to watch James. It seems like me may be only working Danielle, but some of it may be true. I say get him out while you can--before sequester.) Danielle says she doesn't like Janelle because she only aligns herself with men, not women.

Throughout this afternoon discussion, Howie, Janelle, and Kaysar are still sleeping! Kaysar woke up at around 3:30 PM, while Howie and Janelle had to be woken up just about an hour ago. Once they were all awake, the S6 had a talk in the HoH room. They told Janelle that they were upset that she made a deal with CT before consulting them, and Janelle seemed to understand where they were coming from. They tell her that CT was manipulating her into letting them stay for a few more weeks. Janelle says that if she puts up Will, CT will come after her. She then goes on and on about how she thinks she made a stupid move and feels she is the worst player in the house. Kaysar says that she is better than Howie. She then says that she will talk to the rest of the house before making a decision.

Other than that, not a whole lot of talk. I don't really know who Janelle will put up in place of Mike. At this point, my guess is Will after a talk with S6. But, who knows? Today is only Saturday!

7/29 Live Feeds--Morning Report

Well... our lovely BB HG have slept the entire morning! I don't blame them... they didn't get to bed until after 8 AM last night, or this morning rather. Anyway, I thought I'd tell you that. Currently, Mike has arisen and he is limping pretty badly. Looks like another trip to the medics, no?

7/28 Live Feeds--Evening/Overnight News

Whoa! Who would have thought BB would change things entirely around? They had the PoV comp very early this morning, much to my dismay because I already knocked out for the night. Grr...! Let's begin with after the nominations last night.

Like I said, Janelle nominated Erika and Mike. In my opinion, this was not a good decision. She said she put Erika up as a "pawn," but pawns only occasionally work. She was going to nominate Diane, but felt sorry for her after talking to her. (Grrrrrr at Diane!!) Howie and James don't agree with Janelle's nominations. Meanwhile, Erika isn't too offended by the nomination because she thinks Janelle knows she might be with Mike. (Ahh... I see it now. But, why not Will instead of her?)

Throughout the night, Janelle was basically explaining to EVERYONE about her nominations. She plans on putting George up if the PoV is used. (Wait... she plans on backdooring GEORGE?!?! Janelle has been spending way too much time with Kaysar apparently.) Danielle agrees with me.

Will had a long talk with Janelle, and it seems as if she bought it (??). He said that if Mike stays, they will take out the rest of the floaters until only them six are left. (Wait a minute... so he doesn't want to stay!)

The PoV comp began with only Mike sleeping. Diane, Erika, Howie, Janelle, Mike, and Will were the PoV players. (Marcellas has yet to play for a PoV.) I really have no idea how the PoV went down. The feeds were coming in and out with wake-up calls, strategy talk, and what not. After an extended period of fire, Mike had won the PoV. Apparently the PoV was something physical, and 'Fear Factor' like.

Janelle plans on putting George up in Mike's place, much to everyone's dismay. And NOTHING is scheduled for today. Joy! Expect the HG to NEVER WAKE UP considering the PoV comp. Ha.

Friday, July 28, 2006


Sorry for so few updates.....when the houseguests are getting up at noon-1 there time not much can go on.....

Heres the updates from this afternoon:

Nominations were today and of course there was lots of talk of who to nominate. Also people trying to make last minute deals with S6: Will of course said he would be a pawn, and wants Janelle to put up Erika. Janelle told him she wants to put up CG and Mike and backdoor a floater(thats what she told Will).

Will is still complaining about Slop and says BB won't talk to him about penalty nominations anymore. He likens it to licking a brick. James is pretty much in an alliance with Danielle and said he wont nominate or vote for her.( I think pretty soon we will have to rid of him.....james bb6)

We had an outdoor lockdown and janelle was called to DR we then had fire and when it came back the houseguests talk pointed out that Erika and Mike Boogie were nominated

Thats about all!

7/27 Live Feeds--Evening/Overnight News

Ahh... another win for S6! Will their reign continue? And how is the house reacting? Here's what happened last night in the BB house controlled by S6:

When the feeds returned, S6 was celebrating their win in the yellow room. The rest of the house is pretty upset, especially Danielle and Mike. Danielle is mainly upset that Jase was evicted, saying that he deserved to be here way more than Will. Mike also seems very mad at the floaters for not taking out S6 in the comp. (Umm... Will kinda took out HOWIE--when he could have taken out Janelle.) They then go on to stay that CT is way more privleged than S6 is. Mike: "If I get evicted, I'll get into my $80,000 car and go to work." Meanwhile, Janelle is excited to see what her HoH room will look like. Mike and Will plan on throwing the food competition if they are on the block to make the house miserable. Will's reasoning for eliminating Howie was he thought his turn would be a double elimination one. (??) Danielle tells him that she thinks they both will be safe this week.

The feast for tonight was Chinese. Of course, George sat alone in the green room. (I don't know why he can't just sit at the table eating slop with the rest of them. It makes it look like nobod likes him when he's all alone during these feasts.) Now Mike has taken the role of James in complaining about competitions. He still doesn't understand why noone took out S6. Janelle got her HoH room, and it was pink. BB didn't show the first look at it, but instead showed S6 talking in it after everyone left. They said they want to put up Diane and Mike. After the crew left, Erika and Janelle talked. She wants George up instead of Mike. (Well, duh! Pre-season alliance I say!) She isn't too happy because Janelle says she wants Mike up.

There was an extended period of fire, in which the food comp took place. It was another team competition, and the whole house (even the winners) said it was totally unfair. The comp had something to do with catching bouncing balls. People on slop: Danielle, Diane, Erika, Marcellas, and Will, and of course George. S6 really wants Mike out, while the floaters really want George out. Meanwhile, Will plans on getting a penalty nomination by eating regular food.

Throughout the night, the feeds have mainly been on S6 going around in circles about who to nominate. Now they plan on nominating George and Mike, and not Diane. (James is pushing real hard for Diane to stay.) Janelle then tells Kaysar that she will out up George and Will, and backdoor someone. (Not saying who--my guess is Mike or Danielle.) Note here about HoH room: She also got a BARBIE bed. Ha. Before they head to bed, Marcellas tells Janelle to watch out for Danielle and Erika.

Other than that, not a whole lot of showing of any of the other HG on the feeds. Howie was the last one in bed (as usual) at 5:15 AM. At this point, it looks like Janelle will nominate George and Will and then remove George to backdoor someone (Mike? Danielle? Erika? I have no idea.) Since there is no food comp today, don't look for an early wake-up call. My guess is in about 3-4 hours.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

7/27 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

We had off and on feeds and fire throughout the afternoon. Not a whole lot to say here:

Will said he hoped George would win HoH so we could eat. He also said that he would try for HoH if he stayed. (It seemed like he did to me!) We also got bits and pieces of HoH comp practice. BB played a lot of various music throughout the afternoon as well (wedding, piano, peaceful music). Jase worked for about an hour on his hair. James said that he wants to have kids eventually. Danielle studied the definitions in the house for quite a bit.

Currently, the HG are talking about tonight's events. Danielle seems very sad that Jase was evicted.

7/27 Show Recap

Now, a brief break from the live feeds reports to break you the latest show recap. Who will be evicted? Who will win HoH? Let's find out...

After the PoV ceremony, Jase told the HG that he hated them all as well and said he'd rather be on Survivor than on Big Brother. (Then why did you agree to this again?) Mike and Will then talked, and it sounded like they were going to try their hardest to get the votes to evict Jase. Meanwhile, Jase tried to rally the house to vote him out. He then turns around and says that he wants to stay in his DR session. (Make up your mind!) They showed the bathtub occasion with Erika, Janelle, and Mike. Marcellas called Jase out about his violent behavior. Jase of course lashed back at Marcellas. Jase tried rallying S6 to evict Will. They shook hands over it. CT was very upset over this deal. In the talk with Julie, Marcellas said that Kaysar looked even more gorgeous without his hair. George said that he has gotten "a serious case of gas" from his slop diet. She also called Mike out on his sleeptalking. Now to the DR voting sessions: Danielle said she was very upset with Jase's deal with S6. Kaysar said he can put up with Will in the house. Mike said that he liked Jase, but Will is his best friend. No vote was shown.

There was a little special report about George. I didn't realize he has a daughter as old as Diane! Lordy... it also seems very evident that he wants to play the game and he is here to stay. Good for you, Georgie! Now on to Julie's talk with James. He said the reason he nominated Jase was because his main targets were Danielle and Janelle. James also said that George has more heart than anyone else in the house. He told George that he will keep him in the game as long as possible. He also said he is most loyal to S6 as well as Danielle. Onto more DR voting sessions: Diane said Jase deserves to be in the house more than Will does. Howie feels that Will is not a threat and Jase could help the S6 in the future. Marcellas thinks that Jase needs to control himself more. Again, no vote was shown.

There was another special report about Will. His brother said that he was very unexpected in BB2. Shannon, Will's "showmance" from BB2, said that Will hasn't spoken to her since BB2 and that even though Will was charming, she's glad she got out of the relationship. They both said that he is a much better person than what he is perceived as inside the house. More DR voting sessions: Erika said that keeping Jase could bite her in the ass. George said that he has no idea what to do. Janelle said that Jase will come after her if he stays in the game.

By a unanimous vote, Jase is evicted from the Big Brother house. He asked before the vote that only Danielle and Diane escort him to the door. He also said that he would be back in two weeks, thinking some sort of twist would send him back. Will also said that Jase did not deserve to leave this early. In the talk with Julie, Jase said he would much rather be on Survivor. He said that he came in the house unfortunate because he did not have any alliance to stick with. (Umm... The Smiths?) It also seemed very evident that Danielle was with Jase in her goodbye message.

HoH comp: I was another trivia comp, called "Defined and Dismissed." If you answer a question first, you may eliminate another HG. If you answer it wrong, you are eliminated. The questions had to do with the words listed on the house walls. Marcellas eliminated Mike. Kaysar eliminated Diane. Will eliminated Howie. Will was eliminated. Erika eliminated George. Kaysar eliminated Erika. (Whoa!!) Janelle eliminated Danielle. Marcellas eliminated Kaysar. Janelle won HoH. For the fourth straight week, season six in power!

Again, Jase got evicted and Janelle won HoH.

7/27 Live Feeds--Morning Info

Hmm... we didn't have much of a morning in the BB house. After a somewhat early wake-up call, the feeds went on fire and currently are still on fire. I have no idea why.

The first one up today was Mike at around 9 AM. Janelle followe at around 9:30, and Danielle awoke at 9:40. They talked while doing the dishes, but no strategizing. A wake-up call came around 10:30, shortly followed by fire. We've had it ever since.

Once I figure out what this fire mess was all about, I'll post another update. Until then, get ready for tonight's show!

7/26 Live Feeds--Late Evening/Overnight

Not much went on last night, considering it's Wednesday. Even though all the HG casted their votes, I have no idea who they voted for. Here's what went down last night:

Erika and Mike had a long talk about who to go after next week. Mike wants to go after Kaysar and Janelle. Erika disagrees because she likes Kaysar too much to go after him this early in the season and because since Kaysar is so attached to Janelle, she doesn't want to go after Janelle either. They both are very suspicious of Danielle and Marcellas because they really don't know what side they are on. (Remember--Erika, Mike, and Will are in a pre-season alliance.)

BB gave them alcohol. I assume they get alcohol every night this week by winning beer for every day at the food comp. Meanwhile, Erika talked about the goodbye speech she is going to tape for Jase. (It seems that the house thinks that Jase is going. I'm good with that!)

In a talk with the S6, James is convinced that the only people coming after them next week are Mike and Will. When Erika joined them, James then told her that she is one of their targets. (Hmm... don't knwo if he was kidding here or not.)

Janelle tells Danielle, Marcellas, and Will about coming after her best friend with a knife because she slept with her boyfriend. She then goes on to a similar story when her roommate slept with her boyfriend, and then we got fire for about ten minutes. This talk then shifted to romance and past relationships of the four.

We then got an extended period of fire (two hours) due to maintenance and such, lasting from 1-3 AM. When they returned, the HG were eating their feast (I guess for today?) consisting of Mexican food.

Throughout the night, we had off and on fire, hardly any strategy talk. Apparently, BB installed a lights out time, occuring at 4 AM. The HG of course didn't all go to bed then though. Howie was the last one asleep at around 6 AM. Today, being Thursday, the HG will be doing a lot of cleaning and making themselves look beautiful, considering the live show is tonight. Speaking of which, tonight's show (eviction, HoH) is at 8 PM. Don't forget it!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Afternoon into th evening

Here is the some-what interesting parts today:

Of Course you could guess they got the HoH camera and were entertained by it for most of the day, and Will didn't want his picture taken(Don't worry Will I wouldn't either)

From conversations, it looks like Jase is gone and Jase thinks the same. He is hoping that a twist similar to last years will occur maybe allowing him back into the house.

Today was a meal restriction day- so the houseguest's decided to experiment....Howie has taken over chef duties as Chicken George is now on SLOP!(I wouldn't let Howie cook for me any day)

Of course there was the general chit-chat(Past seasons,floaters,Hoh comps etc)

One note- There was an indoor lockdown and when it was done the HGs went outside and said that it looked like they had set up tomorrows HoH competition to make sure it worked-good finally something other than a phone-booth competition(hopefully)

7/26 Live Feeds--Morning/Early Afternoon

Surprisingly, BB woke the HG up very early today. Great idea, BB!

Like I said, the wake-up call came around 9:10 AM, before anyone was up. Danielle was the first one up after the wake-up call, getting out of bed at around 9:15 AM. Once they got up, Mike and Will had a little chat. Will says he wants to stay this week, but needs to go home before sequester. They then go on to stay that they will play hard for the HoH, and if they win it, they will put up two people from S6.

It seems that Danielle is telling Jase she will vote to evict Will and telling Will she will vote to evict Jase. I think she is more with Mike and Will than she is with Diane and Jase. She's doing a very good job at playing both sides though, including S6's! At this point, BB is calling HG to the diary room as they roll out of bed. I'm not sure at all who's going, but I have an idea that it's Jase. I guess we'll see tomorrow!

7/25 Live Feeds--Rest Of Evening/Overnight Hours

Once again, it was a long night in the BB house, thanks to alcohol and, well, just always staying up so late! Here's all the info from last night:

Erika plans on voting to evict Jase. It seems (though I'm not sure) that Diane and Mike will evict Will. I think Mike will evict Will because Jase would be a stronger partner for their CT alliance. Meanwhile, both Diane and Jase are talking about how much they hate Janelle. (Don't sweat it, Mr. and Mrs. Smith! She hates you too!)

While talking in the HoH room, S6 got into a huge fight over LAST SEASON. (I wish these guys would realize what season they are in. They talk so much of previous seasons, when they should be starting a new one!) After their spif, they talk again about who to evict. Danielle and Jase join them. It seems Danielle wants to evict Will, but she can't get the votes to do so. Jase tells the S6 that we won't go after them until after sequester starts. He plans on getting rid of Erika and Mike next week. (Remember--this is Jase after drinking quite a few beers. I'm not sure if he realizes what he is saying.)

In a talk with Erika and Marcellas, it seems that Danielle wants to evict Jase now. She is scared that S6 is cutting deals with CT now to target the three of them. (She's right--if S6 agrees.) Now Jase is very confident that he will stay, saying that S6 agreed to his deal. (And he seems very serious to keep his part of the deal up--after all, there is only two more weeks until sequester.) Meanwhile, it seems that Danielle has somewhat joined Diane and Jase's alliance. They talked of throwing the HoH comp so Jase could win and trying to get as many votes as possible to evict Will.

Now it seems like Mike wants to evict Jase because Will says he wants to stay until the week before sequester. (Make up your mind, please!) Meanwhile, the S6 is torn. Janelle and Kaysar want to evict Jase, while Howie and James want to evict Will. (This wouldn't have been a problem, but now James has convinced so many that Janelle and Kaysar need all the votes they can get to evict Jase.)

In a long talk, Janelle and Kaysar convinced Howie to evict Jase. (Now it looks like Jase will be evicted: Erika, Howie, Janelle, Kaysar, and Marcellas will vote to evict him.) Meanwhile, Will tells Mike to vote him out, thinking that his vote is the swing vote. Hmm... Erika tells Danielle and Diane she will evict Will. (Hopefully she's lying!)

After a long talk with Mike, the S6 all (even James!) agreed to evict Jase. (This should seal it.) After the talk, Janelle said that if she wins HoH, she will point to everyone and say, "Pack your bags bitches!" The S6 were the last ones up and went on for hours about last season, how happy they are now, how much they want to win HoH, etc. Howie was the last one asleep at around 5:30 AM. All are still asleep, and probably will be for another four hours or so. As for the votes, it seems that Jase will be evicted. Votes to evict Jase: Howie, Janelle, Kaysar, Marcellas, and Mike. Votes to evict Will: Danielle, Diane, Erika, and George. Voting day is today.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

7/25 Live Feeds--Evening So Far

Here's another quick update about what's been happening in the BB house since my last update!

The feast for the day came around 7 PM, along with a lot of alcohol. George of course had to sit out :(, but the HG cheered him up afterward by talking quite a bit to him. The only strategizing going on really is Howie quizzing Janelle for possible HoH comp questions. Other than that, the HG are pretty much just talking small talk. I'm not for sure, but it seems like Danielle wants to vote out Jase.

I'm pretty sure the vote to evict Jase will be close to unanimous. Speaking of which, voting day is tomorrow, so we should be getting a wake-up call from BB around 11 AM.

7/25 Live Feeds--Afternoon/Early Evening

Moving on from the show to the feeds--here's what's been happening since my last update:

Overall, nothing much happening in the house in the last few hours. Just a lot of small talk; however, James wants Kaysar and Howie to vote out Will, not Jase. Oh, and I'm still not sure if Danielle decided on who to vote out yet. Right now, I thought that Jase was the one who was going. But apparently, he has pep-talked James and the rest of the house to give him another chance and let him fight for the PoV.

That's all really happening right now. More later I suppose!

7/25 Show Recap

Here's how tonight's show went down:

I didn't realize how much George and James don't like each other. They both were at each other's necks after the nominations. Overall, the house seemed very pleased by the nominations. Marcellas went on a bit of a gay spell in the DR by saying he would love to kiss Jase and Kaysar, but definitely not George. Marcellas: "Kaysar is fine as hell!"

Jase showed off his rapping skills. Then George tried to. He umm, well, let's just say he should stick to cleaning and cooking, now shall we? Danielle made fun of Jase's hairstyling ways. I didn't realize how much George pep-talked Howie. He seemed very poised to play the game now.

PoV Comp: A new stlye of picking players was used. The HG picked balls out of a bag containing the HGs' name as well as 'HG's Choice' balls. James-Kaysar, Will-Mike, George-Jase. Janelle was the host. Like I said, the PoV comp consisted of tasks. Task 1: Eat a bowl of slop. All HG agreed. No wait! Will decides half-way through not to eat the slop. Mike does the same after he threw up. Task 2: Burn your clothes. All agreed. (Marcellas gave Kaysar a standing ovation when he burnt his. Ha.) Task 3: Be written on by the non-competing HG. All agreed. Task 4: Become a human blueberry. All agreed. Task 5: Sit out the next PoV comp. James and Jase did not agree. (So wait... James does get to play in next week's PoV? What was with all the whining?) Task 6: Shave your head. Both agreed. (Marcellas threw a fit.) Task 7 (Tiebreaker): How many days can you go on slop? Kaysar wrote 15. George wrote 60. George wins PoV.

James of course went on and on about the comp. Apparently, Kaysar told Jase that he would probably be going up. That sent Jase off on everything. He threw pillows, the fire extinguisher, and went off on S6. Jase went EXTREMELY crazy on Marcellas. The whole house is pretty much just staring in disbelief at Jase's rant. Marcellas then goes on to say "the whole house hates you" to Jase.

PoV Ceremony: Will's speech went on and on about everything. Yada, yada. I will throw comps, yada. I will wreck the house, yada. I want out, yada. Understand? I thought so. George used the PoV after a nice, heart-felt speech. In George's spot, James put up Jase. "This meeting is ajourned."

Who will be evicted? Who will win HoH? Find out Thursday!

7/25 Live Feeds--Morning/Afternoon So Far

Much to my surprise, BB gave the HG a wake-up call fairly early today. The HG didn't give up without a fight though!

At around 10:45 AM, Danielle was the first one up out of the sleepy bunch of HG we have in the BB house. Then, around 11:20 AM, BB gave the HG a little wake-up call. Some awoke. Some stayed in bed. BB: "Hey! I said it's time to get up for the day! Please keep the bedroom lights on during the day." Then finally, "This is a lockdown." These HG sure don't like getting up. Wait--I know a solution! Let's go to bed a little before 5 AM. Maybe that would work?

Our sleepy HG didn't take a liking to the lockdown. They complained about the heat, having nothing to do, past seasons, etc. Much to my dismay, the lockdown lasted nearly an hour. I guess that BB fixed the leak during it, plus they put in a scale to track George's weight loss while he's on the slop diet. Most of the HG weighted themselves. George was happy that he had lost some weight. Diane was upset because she apparently gained weight. James made fun of Howie because George only weighed seven more pounds than he did. Howie: "George is also seven inches shorter than me."

Meanwhile, James and Kaysar talked about their talk with CT last night. They still are unsure of who to evict. James is also worried that Marcellas has pushed Janelle away from the S6. They went on and on about the good/bad things that would happen by evicting either Jase or Will. I'm still not sure of how they'll vote tomorrow. My guess is Jase because it seems that the house wants Jase out--especially after last night.

...And that's pretty much the only strategizing going on. The rest of the house is talking about BB, Survivor, health/fitness, etc. I'm still not sure of Danielle's vote yet--she hasn't said. I assume she will soon, and I'll have that for you in the next update. Currently, the house is talking about what will happen on the show tonight. Speaking of which, don't forget about the show! It is at 8 PM (PoV comp & ceremony), and I will have a show recap for it shortly afterward.

7/24 Live Feeds--Late Evening/Overnight Stuff

Ahh the HG learned from last night, sort of. They still went to bed fairly late. Here's the info about last night's events!

After the HG did the PoV Ceremony, Take Two (I still don't know what was up with that...), Mike and Will went on for quite a while about their season. Diane then piped up about how she'd love to get "black-out drunk."

Jase tells Danielle that he will talk to S6 and tell them to nominate him before the PoV if they win HoH and plan on nominating him. (Get all that? Basically Jase doesn't want to be backdoored next week like we was this week--even though he wasn't "really" backdoored.) Meanwhile, Diane and Mike are saying that Will really does want to be here, and Mike wants to see Diane win.

The drunken HG had a marvelous time spraying whipped cream all over each other and then licking it off. After this little event, Erika and Mike are talking and apparently they have a pre-season alliance as well! (Hmm....!) Even though they seem way drunk, they are talking strategy. Erika says she won't vote to evict Will and telling Mike to not talk so much (using different words, of course). Erika then tells Mike that she will keep him and Will in the game as long as possible.

Danielle has a long talk with James about how to vote. She plans on talking to Will to see if he really wants to leave and then talking to Kaysar before she decides. After Danielle leaves, Jase comes in and pleads to James saying that he wants to "go out like a man" (??) and have a shot at the veto.

Meanwhile, the drunken four (Erika, Howie, Janelle, and Mike) are crammed in the HoH bathroom tub. It starts overflowing and the HG downstairs are saying that water is coming through the ceiling. (Surprised BB didn't tell them to get out of it!) Erika and Howie later get out, leaving just Janelle and Mike. They then talk strategy, and Mike flat out says that he is putting up Kaysar and another S6. Janelle tries to change him by saying that they will not put him up if they win HoH next week. She then tells him to win HoH if he doesn't like their style. He seemed pretty offeneded by that, so he goes off. He runs out into the backyard and bad-mouths Janelle all over the place, saying some pretty bad stuff (drowning her, strangling her, etc...good Lord!) The other HG are basically just laughing or ignoring him. He goes on for over an hour about her. (This being just after they were all over each other...)

James apparently wants Will gone now. Janelle is saying that she wants Mike gone next week, no matter who wins HoH. Meanwhile, Mike is still going off. He hid Janelle's sunglasses and I think he might have peed in Howie's medicine? What the hell is wrong with him? Get him OUT!

Other than that, the nighr was pretty peaceful! Heh. Main points of the night: Erika and Mike are in a pre-season alliance, Janelle and Mike hate each other now, James wants to get rid of Will, and Mike was the last one asleep at just after 5 AM. (OK, that wasn't important, but I forgot to include it above.) Since it's Tuesday and nothing is scheduled, a wake-up call shouldn't be happening for at least another 3-4 hours. All are still asleep.

Monday, July 24, 2006

7/24 Live Feeds--Evening So Far

A little update here--the scoop since my last update.

Jase seems to be going on and on (and on, of course) about what he plans to do should he stay in the house after Thursday's eviction. He wants to get rid of Janelle first (see Jani, he DID want to get rid of ya!), then Marcellas, and then Erika. (Hmm...) He is also telling the house that he never approached James before the nominations, but still is upset because he feels that James "totally hardcore betrayed me." He then went on to say that he needs "hardcore people who will stick with him." (I see...) Jase then goes on to Danielle and Diane, and the three of them figure out that Will voted Diane out last week. After this he calls Diane Mrs. Smith (?? So much for secret!) Then he goes on about Janelle being a prostitute outside of the house and then goes on about how much he likes Mike and Will. (Does he ever shut up? My God! No wonder the house hates him so much!)

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Diane starts talking and I think Hell is starting to freeze over. She goes on about Janelle and Kaysar being really close and telling him not to stir up trouble and about him calling her Mrs. Smith and on and on and on. (These two are perfect for each other! Their alliance should be called TICC--Talking In Circles Crew.) Meanwhile, Jase plans on backdooring James should he get HoH on Thursday. (Wait--I thought he wanted to leave?? Is anyone else overly annoyed by him? Look for that to be the next poll!)

BB gave the HG a TON of alcohol along with their feast tonight. This of course influenced Jase to go all over the house. He kicked off his rant by going off on James about being backdoored. (For the last time, he wasn't backdoored! If you're backdoored, then the HoH originally planned before the nominations to put you up after PoV. Take Kaysar from last season. He nominated James and Maggie, expecting to take off James to put up Eric, who he wanted to evict.) After this, Jase went off on Marcellas. (I still don't understamd why he dislikes Marcellas so much. What did he ever do to him?)

Meanwhile (I'm sure, alcohol induced), some of the HG reinacted the PoV ceremony. (?? What on Earth? The HG have totally lost it tonight.)

...And that's about it. The PoV Ceremony, Take Two is still occuring. Here's what I know: I'm sure that after tonight's events Jase will be evicted, perhaps unanimously. Noone wants him in because of his actions, much like what he did in BB5 to get him evicted.

7/24 Live Feeds--Afternoon Since PoV

Like I said in my last post, Jase has been nominated in George's place, which means that the two to be voted upon are Jase and Will. But who will go? It looks like Jase, but voting day isn't until Wednesday.

CT was very upset about Jase being nominated. Mike was sure that James would put up Marcellas. Following the nominations, Mike became very arrogant towards Howie and the rest of the house for that matter. Jase told George to vote him out. George: "I can't do that Jase." CT and James had a disussion in the HoH room about floaters and how much they want them out. HG (in particular, Danielle, Diane, and George) are pep-talking Jase to keep fighting. Jase says he wants to go home as he missed his stepdaughter Calleigh's birthday today. Like she did last week, Danielle plans on telling Jase and Will tomorrow how she will vote.

Jase pleaded his case to Kaysar to let him stay this week. Then we went on about getting Janelle out of the S6 and replacing her with him (??? You have got to be kidding me! If they were to kick someone out of the S6 it would surely be James! PRE-SEASON ALLIANCE I say!) Kaysar says he will talk to James about it. (He better not be serious about this. Can he?!?!) Mike meanwhile is shocked that he is in an alliance where both people want to leave.

James and Kaysar talked about Kaysar's convo with Jase. They both agree that Jase needs to go before he causes them any more trouble. (Good--he's not serious about the whole Janelle thing.) Jase is pleading his case to the other HG (thought he wanted to leave?). I don't know if any of them have promised him a vote or not.

Marcellas and James talked. They seem to be on good terms now. James offers him some candy by saying, "Put some nuts in your mouth, and you will feel at home." Heh.

Currently, Erika and Kaysar are talking--just small talk though. As it looks, I don't know who will be evicted on Thursday. Only time will tell.

7/24 Live Feeds--PoV Ceremony Outcome

After only about 30 minutes of fire, the feeds returned. Not sure who's nominated, but I believe it's Jase due to the HoH talk. Mike is furious. Will thinks he's going home. HoH: "Jase has to go."

UPDATE: BB called for an outdoor lockdown about 20 minutes ago. Has the PoV ceremony even happened yet? I'm not sure. It's either Jase is nominated or it hasn't happened. I will get back with definite result once feeds return.

UPDATE #2: It's official. Jase is nominated. More later!

7/23 Live Feeds--Late Evening/Overnight Hours

If you didn't think the HG could stay up past dawn, think again! More on that later though. Here's the news coming to you from last night (and this morning, too!)

The big HoH meeting between James, Kaysar, Mike, and Will went on forever. Mike rambled on about wanting Marcellas evicted, wanting to join forces with S6, yada yada yada. S6 seemed unbudgable. (Good for them!) Afterwards, James and Kaysar brought up the idea of Marcellas being put up, but Janelle quickly rejected. Mike and Will of course reported all of this to their CT sidekicks, George and Jase. (Yes, they are officially with them, it seems.) Howie, Janelle, and Kaysar pleaded their case once again to James to put up Jase. (Quite a few others want Jase put up as well.) James refused once more. (It seems that him and Jase are in some sort of pre-season alliance. Not sure though.) After the talk simmered down, James complained once more over the PoV comp, and Will not only went on about wanting to go home before sequester, but also continued to sing. (In case you didn't know, the feeds get blocked every time a HG sings due to copyright issues.)

Jase is almost 100% sure that he will not be put up on the block at the PoV ceremony. (Can you say pre-season alliance?) In other news, S6 is still going around in circles about who to put up. I guess we won't know for sure until later today! Oh, and referring to the opening remark, Howie was the last one up and finally went to bed at around 6:30 AM. Geez.

Anyway, the PoV ceremony is scheduled for today. We should be getting a wake-up call for it in about two hours or so. I will post the outcome of it as soon as I figure it out. (And there better not be any 2-3 hours of fire to go along with it! Sheesh!)

UPDATE: About an hour ago, BB said that the PoV ceremony would begin in two hours. Therefore, expect the PoV ceremony to start in about one hour :)

UPDATE #2: We have been under fire for quite some time now. I'm pretty sure the PoV ceremony is currently taking place. I will notify you if I see otherwise.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

7/23 Live Feeds--Evening News

Just a quick update here before I head off to bed...

The HG have really gotten creative by planning a fake wedding of Diane and Howie. Janelle is the Maid of Honor, and James and Kaysar are the Best Men.

Will tells the rest of CT (George/Jase) about his convo with Janelle. He tried to talk her into a final two deal, but Janelle didn't budge. (Good for you, Janie!) After his report, he said that Janelle isn't as dumb as she looks. (Didn't we know that already?) Meanwhile, Danielle and Erika are talking. Danielle is not buying Will's "I want to go home" act, and is wondering if James and Marcellas are in a secret alliance. (I'm not so sure about that one.)

George goes up to the HoH room to have a talk with James. He is flattering George by telling him how surprised he is that he won PoV yesterday. "You surprised a lot of people, you whooped everyone's ass!" George is excited he won and his glad that he is getting to play the game a bit more. They shake hands after their little talk. Erika then comes in shortly after George leaves, and her and James talk about who to put up tomorrow.

Jase and Will have decided to burn the Jenga game BB gave to them. Another spif here--BB: "Jase, Will, stop that! Hey, I said stop! Jase, please go to the diary room!" BB told Jase that they can burn the game; however, they won't get alcohol tonight or anymore board games in the future.

The feast was given to the HG at around 8 PM. It was Italian. Will of course complained, saying that it wasn't as good as the Chinese they received last night. (Good Lord, Will!)

James, Kaysar, Mike, and Will had a long talk in the HoH room. Mike is pushing hard for Marcellas to be nominated in George's place. They also talked about forming a dual alliance between S6 and CT. (Don't do it James!) Mike: "All we're asking for is a little help now and you may need a little help later." They are currently still talking.

In other news, I'm not sure what the HG will do about Jenga. They still haven't gotten alcohol for the evening though.

7/23 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Well, since most of the HG stayed in bed for a good part of the afternoon, there isn't much to say in this update. But I'll still do one anyway :)

Diane's going on about her love life made Will start to go on about his. (Hmm... let's just have a Dr. Phil session to get all of our feelings out now, shall we? Give me a break! Excitement, please!) Meanwhile, James and Mike had a pretty competitive badminton game going on. James won and apparently he is undefeated in the house (nothing like being undefeated in badminton--I bet Sarah is proud!) Mike reportedly "let him win." Ha.

Marcellas thinks that everyone will end up being nominated this season. Janelle told him that Howie slept with Jennifer in sequester last season. (How dare he! I'm surprised he didn't catch the "breaking my word" virus!)

Will "saved" a cricket floating in the pool. He gloated about doing something nice today for a while before returning to his usual complaining of the boredom and such. In other Complaining News Today, James once again enforced that BB has rigged the game for George. Oh wait! A news flash! Marcellas is now complaining about James' complaining! My, what a day here on CNT.

Will flirted some more with Janelle. (And he wonders why his girlfriend will probably leave him. Hmm...) He then went on with his usual "If I'm not evicted by week five, then hell will unleash!" Whatever, Will.

To close my updates, George is currently eating slop straight out of the bucket. Poor Georgie!

Tonight's Show Recap

Tonight's show just ended here on the east coast. Most of it was pretty redundant; however, I'll post a few notes of interest to bring you up to date.

I don't think the house knows that Janelle and Will were the two votes to evict Diane at Thursday's eviction. It seems that Will made his best effort to make the house believe that two out of the three S6 voters were the two.

While throwing an innertube as a frisbee, Jase made a ridiculously annoying jingle about a flying innertube. BB then showed DR sessions of the HG's not liking Jase so much this season. (Me either! Hopefully James will come to his senses and put him up tomorrow!)

The food competition came out just as expected, although BB forgot to show Sunday's outcome. Here are the results in case you forgot: Monday--feast, Tuesday--feast, Wednesday--bread/kumquats, Thursday--feast, Friday--veggies/beer, Saturday--feast, and Sunday--feast.

The George spying incident was shown as well, just before nominations. The keys came out as follows: Erika, Danielle, Mike, Kaysar, Janelle, Jase, Diane, Marcellas, and Howie; therefore, leaving George and Will nominated.

Other than that, I've pretty much recapped the show already on feeds updates. The next show is Tuesday, in which the PoV comp and PoV ceremony (scheduled for tomorrow, by the way) will be shown. Look for the show recap after it! Also, I will be posting a feeds update on the afternoon news here in a bit.

7/23 Live Feeds--Morning Info

The HG have really taken to the no-wake-up-calls Sundays that BB has so graciously given them. I'm not liking them though! C'mon BB, don't you think that getting up at 1:30 is just a little late?

The first one up was Mike at around 10:15 AM. Danielle shortly followed him. They talked for nearly two hours about Marcellas, past seasons of BB, Survivor, even how many ounces were in a cup. Pretty exciting, huh? Most of the rest of the HG awoke between 12-1 PM. The last few up were Janelle and Marcellas (no surprise there) at around 1:30 after a BB wake up call.

Mike of course reported everything that him and Danielle talked about to Will. The main thing being their hatred of Marcellas and how he needs to go. (Speaking of which, I still have no idea who James plans to put up tomorrow in the PoV ceremony. It won't be Jase, and it seems he doesn't want to put up Mike either. Will CT convince him to put up Marcellas?)

Will and BB had another spif between each other. BB: "Will, no climbing." (He was hanging upside down from the spiral staircase telling Janelle that she should have done the SpiderMan kiss like that.) BB: "Hey! I said, knock it off!" Will: "Just trying to make a show."

Will and Mike are planning their double date with Janelle and Diane once the show ends. Diane then goes on and on (etc.) about her love life. She's still going on and on. Meanwhile, the HG requested to BB for an Italian feast tonight.

Latest news: Mike went up to James to set up a time where they could talk (assuming he will tell him to put up Marcellas). Oh, I almost forgot! Diane is still going on.

Another exciting morning in the BB house! Expect more on the afternoon stuff later.

7/22 Overnight Live Feeds Update

Ahh... another exciting night in the BB house (yeah, right!). Nonetheless, there is something to write about here. Here's the latest since my last update.

Shortly after 9 PM, the feast for the day arrived. It was Chinese. The feeds of course showed the HG stuff their faces on all four cams. Unfortunately, George could not partake in the gorging. The feeds were being pretty cruel to him by showing George and then moving slowly over to the sliding door where the rest of the HG were eating. He looked just awful, almost like a child who noone wants to play with. Poor George!

After dinner, some of the HG went outside to play some badminton (how fun!). While outside, Erika was telling the HG that she saw George licking mayo off a knife.

Note on the PoV comp: Apparently the final task was a tiebreaker question between George and Kaysar. The question was "How many days could you go without slop?" Kaysar wrote 15 days, thinking George wrote two weeks. However, George wrote 60 days (the rest of the time they can spend in the house), therefore George winning PoV.

James whines because he thinks he is fat. He then gives advice to Howie on finding girls.

Danielle and Kaysar had a long talk about Marcellas. She worked him pretty good to get rid of him. They then talked about how much they feel sorry for George. (Note here--I don't think that the house wants to get rid of him anymore. Most want to keep him in as long as possible to have him suffer through the Sixty Days of Slop.) Erika and Howie join them, and the talk shifts to Kayar's injury. Apparently when he was getting covered with the blue dye, a blueberry got in his ear.

S6 talk in HoH room about who to put up in place of George. All but James want Jase up (because he told Jase he wouldn't put him up). Janelle is almost positive ("I'll bet you $500") that the first four evicted will compete in a competition to come back in the house.

Here's a funny convo--Janelle: "Why is cheese so fattening?" Erika: "Because it has a lot of fat in it." Janelle: "It does?" Erika then tells the house that her and Josh (her ex) had sex an average of four times a week.

Most of the HG are smoking the hookah (I guess Kaysar got to keep it?). They continue with the random, late-night talk until around 4 AM. Kaysar is the last one asleep at just after 4:30. All are still asleep and probably will be for the next hour or so. Since it's Sunday, nothing comp-wise will happen today. The PoV ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

7/22 Live Feeds Update

Here's the events of today since the feeds returned after a THREE HOUR block during the PoV comp. I keep stressing over that. It was three hours! Sheesh.

James is ENRAGED about the consequences of the PoV comp. He is stressing over and over (and over) that BB is setting the game up for George to win. He thinks that they will give him the HoH next week as well. He also believes that BB hates him.

CT of course is working George to NOT USE the PoV. (??... are you serious?) George told them that he has to use it. (Duh! C'mon now, CT, this isn't Marcellas.) Kaysar meanwhile is complaining of a sore ear. (BB has really injured these HG in the comps. First George, then Alison, Janelle as well, even Erika, and now Kaysar!)

S6 wants James to put up Jase in the event of George saving himself. James tells them that he has already told Jase he would not put him up this week. Janelle, "Who cares?" (Mike, I say, Mike!) They want to keep George in the game as long as possible to make him suffer through the slop diet. Also, Kaysar was taken away for medical care for his ear.

CT is taking the PoV outcome very well, considering that one of them will probably be evicted.

In other news, James is still complaining. Other than that, most of the HG are outside searching for something to do. Expect more on the boredom later!

UPDATE: Kaysar has returned. He is currently sleeping.

PoV Winner

After THREE HOURS OF FIRE, the feeds returned with Kaysar and George having their heads shaved and George wearing the PoV medal. More later!

UPDATE: Apparently the PoV comp. had something to do with tasks. The people playing for PoV were George, James, Jase, Kaysar, Mike, and Will. The first task was to eat a bowl of slop. Mike and Will opted not to do this, therefore being eliminated. The second task was to cover yourself with blue dye (or something like this). The next task was to shave your head. Jase and James opted not to do this. The fourth task was to burn your clothes. The final task was to agree to eat slop for 60 days. George was the one who agreed to this, therefore he won PoV.) If anyone knows anymore, please tell!

UPDATE #2: It seems (from what I am watching on feeds and reading throughout the web) that the six people that played in the PoV comp. are not allowed to play in next week's PoV unless they win HoH or are nominated. This sounds a bit better because I don't think that BB would just ban George, James, and Kaysar. Again, if I am wrong, please correct me!

ZINE: I sent the first issue of the zine a little bit ago to the people who signed up for it. If you want to be a part of it (again, it's free), then go to, and fill out the questionaire. For those of you that received it, please let me know if you did not get it. Thanks!

7/21-22 Live Feeds Update

Like I said in my last post, I have been a bit busy with the Zine and am planning to do most of the updates in that. If you would like to sign up for it (it's free, no worries there), then refer to my post a while back regarding it. Anyway, I will try to do one or two updates a day if possible. Here's the news from yesterday and today so far.

We had flames for nearly two hours during the nominations. Once the feeds came back on, it was apparent that George and Will were nominated. George seemed saddened and surprised by his nomination, while Will expected it, since he told James to nominate him before the ceremony. (If you're wondering why Will wants to go home so bad, it's not an act. Apparently, he really did not want to do the show since he didn't need the money [being a winner already] and because he already has devoted his life to his medical practice and the restaurant business with Mike.)

The events after the nominations are as follows: James says that he nominated George because he caught him spying on the HG. Will plans on pulling a Marcellas by not using the PoV if he happens to win it. James plans on not evicting George, just to make him step up and play the game a bit more. The S6 seems to want to use the PoV to save George and put up Mike if they win it.

Moving on to the late evening/overnight hours: Now the S6 wants to evict George and keep Will. They plan on evicting Will the week before sequester. (This winning HoH stuff is really getting to the S6. It seems like they think they will win it every week.) BB gave the HG a lot of alcohol, which of course made CT (ChillTown) extremely wasted. Jase's BB5 side came out immensely. It seems that George and Howie are becoming good friends. When George thought he was going home, Howie encouraged him to win the PoV. George then told Howie to go for the win. Marcellas and Kaysar seemed to be the only ones not drinking. Like Mike did with the last batch of alcohol, Jase became extremely obnoxious. Danielle (yes, Danielle) was the last one up, finally deciding to go to bed a little before 5 AM.

Currently the PoV competition is going on. We've had fire for about 45 minutes now. I'll be posting on the PoV winner once I figure it out!


Sorry all I havent been posting

I probably wont be doing as much posting since I will be doing a daily zine

heres key notes: Will and Cg are nominated and they are about to do veto!

Friday, July 21, 2006


Hey allIm going to start a daily Big Brother 7 Zine.....if you dont know zine is short for magazine and is some what like a newsletter!!

If you would like to recieve my daily zine/newsletter plz go to the following link and fill out the application

This newsletter will start tomorrow!!

Food Competition

The Houseguests made pairs and one at a time had to guide a ball using a black bar around holes making sure the ball didnt fall in them....if they made it all the way up they won feast for the day they were playing for

The pairs were:

Chicken George/Jase(Saturday)


Wednesday-Bread/Kumquates(and everything below where they fell in)
Friday- Veggies/Beer(and everything below where they fell in)

No slop this week!!!

Update later

Overnight Update

Will says he wants out before sequester(he does have a life and a careere unlike some of these people who need the money
James told Will he can come to him whenever he feels its his time to leave,he also told Diane she was safe
Kaysar wants Chicken George to go this week(I thought if you wanted to nominate people you have to win HoH??)
Houseguests play Volleyball agian
Jase thinks he is going up(GOOD GET HIM OUTTTTTTT!!!)
BB gave the houseguest pizza!!!!
Mr and Mrs Smith(Diane/jase) meet in bedroom

Kaysar wants to be Dani's morning buddy

Well thats all about all that happened,noms should be today,maybe food comp but i think thats tomorrow

As i post all Hgs are sleeping

Which format do you like,my old one,or this on plz reply with comment

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Show Recap

The Live show went like this:

Recap of weeks events(noms,pov etc)
Segment about Kaysar and talk with Kaysar in HoH room
Talk of Mr & Mrs Smith(ITS REAL!!!)
Eviction-(8-2) Nakomis
HoH-They had to memorize clips from previous comps in the house
They were asked questions with choices being a/b
If you got the question right you moved on to the next question
Last 2:James/Danielle in tiebreaker
Winner and New HoH

Live Show Day

Of course on Thursdays we get lots of fire/trivia with the bad music

So there isnt anything to report except that they are doing the usual getting ready and cleaning!!

Live Show at 8est...i will post an update at about 9:00est

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

7/19 - The Day's Events

Ahh... voting day! How will the house vote? Hopefully to evict Diane! But who knows? Here's how today's events went down:

First one up today was Will (at an early time too!) at around 9 AM. Of course he awoke singing, which gives us the infamous FIRE!
Apparently the wake-up song was by System of a Down. The HG complained about the loudness of the song. (Then get up earlier!)
BB called the HG to the diary room one at a time to cast their vote for eviction.
Nakomis and Janelle are hoping for a twist that might affect the eviction tomorrow. (Me too! We need another twist.)
Jase had some fun with the crafts. He created 'Aluminum Foil Man' out of George. The HG seemed to get a kick out of it!
Kaysar got his HoH camera, and like last week, the HG had a ball with it!
James, Erika, and Marcellas talked about relationships.
James and Marcellas talk forever about Kaysar's nominations, alliances, the food restriction, etc.
Marcellas doesn't feel he is a part of any alliance, wants to start his own with Erika.
Losing HG can't wait for the food restriction to end.
Will complains about the boredom in the house.
Marcellas and Diane talk about future game.
HG were under an indoor lockdown while BB set up a net to play badminton or volleyball on.
Most of the HG are currently outside as I post this.


Heres all the notes from the overnight

Kaysar and James discussed eachothers strategy
Jase tried to pry information from s6
He told them hes keeping nakomis-LIAR
Jase worked on Marcellas to keep Diane insuring she stays
Mike and Jase talked about keeping Diane
Jase tried to feed a spider a moth he found
Kaysar is mad at the voting changes
Erika is confused at why s6 wants to keep all the power players
s6 is trying to get Danielle/marcellas to keep Nakomis but its not working
Marcellas is getting annoyed by James and Kaysar
Nakomis and Kaysar talked awhile in the hoh room-she said if she stays she will target mike and cg
Voting is today, but once they vote they cannot reveal or talk about thier vote
Hopefully Nak stays but it looks like a 6-4 vote Nak is eliminated
What do you think? Comment

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tonight's Show Recap

The show tonight just got over here on the east coast. Nothing suprising happened, so it ended up being a bit of a sleeper. Here's the recap:

Diane was extremely upset to be nominated. Marcellas feels sorry for her.
Both think that if they do not win the veto then the nominations won't change.
The veto competition went a bit like this. The players were Diane, Erika, James, Kaysar, Nakomis, and Will. George hosted. The houseguests had to hit an oversized golf ball. The farther it got from the hole, the more points you were awarded. Once you were awarded seven points, you were eliminated. The elimination order went like this: Nakomis, Diane, James, Will, and Kaysar. Erika won (by a mile!).
Erika did not use the veto. The nominations stand.
Not sure how the eviction will go Thursday. The HG constantly change their mind on who should go. I say "Vote Diane out!" Wonder if they'll listen.

Into the afternoon

Hey all

Is anyone good with animation? If so plz email me @

Heres whats been happening in the afternoon:

Marcelles says he loves Kaysar(Im pretty sure thats against his religion)
Diane trying to feel sorry for herself(give me a break)
Janelle and Erika talk for awhile
Janelle thinks they should get rid of CG before they get rid of Ct(Bad Idea Janie)
Lots of shots of the Spiders(Very disgusting)
Diane re-colored her hair
Marcellas shaved his head
Danielle said shes voting to evict Nakomis
Nakomis said if shes saved she will go after Chill Town
Supposedly there is suppose to be an extended fire today due to something occuring in California

Overnight Feeds

Hey all

sorry Ive been very busy,if anyone would like to help with feed updates plz im me @

The Hgs did the usual playing pool,charades etc
Mike's an idiot(jacking off in the laundry basket-GROW UP!!)
Mike and Will are gunning for Janelle
Mike pried her for information-but janelle didnt give any
Marcellas was trying out his new soap opera
s6 is going to lie to the floaters
Danielle agrees to keep Nak if s6 goes after Ct(yea rite-backstabber)
Kaysar is first one up(Very early-6 bb time)
Jase is up too...
as i report other 12 are sleeping

Monday, July 17, 2006

Update and Pov

hey all-

sorry for not a lot of update :( I've been very busy

heres whats been happening:

Lots of Diane Nakomis talk-everything,mostly BB
They think people came for TV not to play the game
They think Erika is doing CTs dirty work-and CT will put her out when necessary
Marcellas is sucking up to Diane/Nakomis
The BB6ers are bashing CT-stop bashing them and take em out
Lots of fire and some peeks on peoples diary room sessions
Weve had fir for about 15 mins now
Veto-according to sources she didnt use it but not sure will get answer as soon as feeds come back on

Latest Update

Hey all! Sorry I didn't post many uodates yesterday. This update will cover major events happening throughout yesterday and overnight:

Mike had his party. Must say it was quite a sexual one. Erika posed on the table wearing only a bikini. She was surrounded by sushi and had the cake placed between her legs. However, only the winning HG of the food competition could enjoy the food. This got the losing side super irate and wondering if BB did that just to divide the house. BB gave the winning side alcohol, which made the losers even more pissed. What a party, eh?
In other news... Erika wants to use the veto (But on who?)
Marcellas goes nuts over the food ordeal (Remember--he still refuses to eat the slop. He hasn't eaten since Saturday morning)
James and Janelle are super pissed about pretty much everything (I thought the HG liked the slop? It must be a 24 hour thing.)
Erika seems very worried about Marcellas not eating. He then says he will eat tomorrow.
HG are very bored once party ends
James and Janelle talk for quite a while (not neccesarily strategy-wise, but they talk)
James jokes (or does he?) about commiting suicide due to the food restriction
Erika tells Kaysar she'll do whatever he wants her to do with the veto
Howie is at the point where he is cool with Nakomis staying (That's your cue, Erika!)
Diane tells the HG that she had a lesbian relationship (Oh my lord--eyerolllllllllll at that... send her home please!)
Mike constantly tells Erika to do body shots, another round of whipped cream, etc. to the point where Erika is getting p/o'd with him. (Keep going, Mike! The more you talk, the more Erika wants to use the veto to get you the hell out of here!)
Here's where the good stuff happens--although fire cuts most of it out. Will and Mike call Kaysar down to talk to him. Will tells Kaysar to nominate him or else. Kaysar ignores. Marcellas yells at them to come talk to us. Mike wants to hurt Marcellas (Again, the alcohol...). Mike and Will get into a bit of an ordeal, but nothing happens. Just confrontation. At this point, the house looks divided.
Janelle and Kaysar begin to argue. Janelle wants someone from Chilltown out--NOW. Kaysar disagrees.
Mike and Will continue to stir up the house
After a long talk, it seems that Kaysar and Janelle now want to get rid of Diane
Not sure about Kaysar's plan, but it seems he wants to save Nakomis to put up someone else (Mike, Mike, Mike! I say!)
After a night of intensity, Marcellas is the last one in bed at just before 5 AM their time.
...And there you have it! A very summarized recap of yesterday's events. It seems at this point that Kaysar will get Erika to use the veto on Nakomis to hopefully put up Mike. We will see what happens. I believe PoV ceremony is scheduled for today. All HG are currently asleep. Will have another update once more events unfold.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

East Coast Show

Today's show was a review of what we already know of course :)

Recap of 1st week(Eviction,HoH etc)
Kaysar's New HoH room-whoo hoo(its already getting boring
LOTS! of game talk(and breaks)
The Food Competition "Slop til you drop"-I didnt know the competition was that close
Will and Boogie talk to Kaysar in HOH room(I knew they weren't being honest)
Show ends with Mike saying Kaysar made wrong Nominations
Tune in Tuesday for POv/POv ceremony

7/16 --So Far-- Update

The HG obviously had a long night last night as the first one wasn't up until 10:15 their time! BB--time to issue a daily wake-up call.. I'm begging you! Here's what's happened so far in this house full of sleepers:

Mike was the first one up waking at about 10:15
Like I said in last update, today is Mike's birthday--HG are wishing him a HB (once they drag out of bed)
HG talk about how hard Jeopardy is (FLOORING with excitement this morning, huh?)
A LOT of small talk this morning (usual, usual) about family, shows, but of course no srategy talk
A LOT of random fire accompanied with occasional trivia but always awful music
Will was the last one up at around 12:30 (sheesh!)
Marcellas thinks that whoever wins this season deserves it
Marcellas and friends discuss how bitter Jase has gotten lately and how Will has gotten even more cocky
Nakomis likes Howie more than Jase (Wish Howie could say the same about her!)
Mike did a terrible impression of Janelle
Mike and Will think that the girls should serve sushi to the guys naked (whatever...)
Will is upset because he doesn't think he will have enough time to do The Amazing Race (Didn't hear that he made the next season! Hmm...)
Will and Kaysar are plotting a surprise birthday party for Mike
Diane tells the guys about how many boyfriends she's cheated on (Aha! That's the reason she's single--maybe she'd learn...)
Deathly exciting, isn't it! Still not much strategy going on--I'm sure more will happen later in the afternoon. In other news, don't forget about the show tonight at 8 PM! (Should contain food and nominations.) Then, right after the show, join me and other fellow BB watchers for chat. The link is in the forum. (Please become a member first.) I also have a link on my FreeWebs site. (Link is also on the left.) Don't forget to vote in the poll as well! Got all that?

Overnight Excitement

There was a lot of excitement in the house of many alliances-

James convinced Howie/Janelle that Kaysar's nominations were bad(I don't know if I would call it bad more like the wrong ones at the wrong time!!)
BB gave them alcohol(Uhoh! drunk houseguests)
The BB6ers don't know what they want to do-if they do anything it will be save Nakomis
The houseguests to play a movie variation of charades(very entertaining)
Marcellas thinks he could do Survivor standing on his head(what can't you do standing on your head?)
Will fell and we got the clouds/bad music(hes alright though)
Erika doesn't know if she wants to be or agianst the BB6ers
Janie and James are trying to put the "Save Nakomis"plan into action
Kaysar's afraid he has too many targets on his back(Duh! your part of BB6)
Kaysar is the last one up and he begins to pray(He prays for about 10 minutes)
No one is up in the Big Brother house as i post
But..... Happy Birthday to Boogey(Yea right have a bad birthday,get nominated!!)
Plz visit my new forum and become a member for FREE!! and then join us in chat after the eastern show tonight at 9!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

7/15 Evening Update

Another update here--lately we have been seeing a LOT of random fire accompanied with trivia and of course the awful music. Here's the Live Feeds coverage from the late afternoon/evening hours:

Diane still doesn't know why she was truly nominated
Diane and Nakomis are spending quite a lot of time together (making it pretty obvious they are in an alliance together)
Nakomis talks for quite a while with Kaysar about their particular strategies
Marcellas, Mike, and Jase talk once again about porn (Howie would be in this conversation had he not gotten power-cocky)
Kaysar asks Nakomis many questions about her strategy this season
Kaysar sounds like he regrets nominating Nakomis
Kaysar asks Nakomis about her decision to go after Jase in BB5
Kaysar believes his decisions are going to send him home soon (thought he learned his lesson from last season!)
This talk between Kaysar and Nakomis has lasted about an hour now and is the only thing showing on the feeds
Currently, Danielle has joined Kaysar and Nakomis, and they are talking about the another update slop they were given to eat yesterday. Overall, nothing much else. Look for later tonight!
Plz visit my new forum/chatroom using the link on the left!!