Monday, July 24, 2006

7/24 Live Feeds--Evening So Far

A little update here--the scoop since my last update.

Jase seems to be going on and on (and on, of course) about what he plans to do should he stay in the house after Thursday's eviction. He wants to get rid of Janelle first (see Jani, he DID want to get rid of ya!), then Marcellas, and then Erika. (Hmm...) He is also telling the house that he never approached James before the nominations, but still is upset because he feels that James "totally hardcore betrayed me." He then went on to say that he needs "hardcore people who will stick with him." (I see...) Jase then goes on to Danielle and Diane, and the three of them figure out that Will voted Diane out last week. After this he calls Diane Mrs. Smith (?? So much for secret!) Then he goes on about Janelle being a prostitute outside of the house and then goes on about how much he likes Mike and Will. (Does he ever shut up? My God! No wonder the house hates him so much!)

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Diane starts talking and I think Hell is starting to freeze over. She goes on about Janelle and Kaysar being really close and telling him not to stir up trouble and about him calling her Mrs. Smith and on and on and on. (These two are perfect for each other! Their alliance should be called TICC--Talking In Circles Crew.) Meanwhile, Jase plans on backdooring James should he get HoH on Thursday. (Wait--I thought he wanted to leave?? Is anyone else overly annoyed by him? Look for that to be the next poll!)

BB gave the HG a TON of alcohol along with their feast tonight. This of course influenced Jase to go all over the house. He kicked off his rant by going off on James about being backdoored. (For the last time, he wasn't backdoored! If you're backdoored, then the HoH originally planned before the nominations to put you up after PoV. Take Kaysar from last season. He nominated James and Maggie, expecting to take off James to put up Eric, who he wanted to evict.) After this, Jase went off on Marcellas. (I still don't understamd why he dislikes Marcellas so much. What did he ever do to him?)

Meanwhile (I'm sure, alcohol induced), some of the HG reinacted the PoV ceremony. (?? What on Earth? The HG have totally lost it tonight.)

...And that's about it. The PoV Ceremony, Take Two is still occuring. Here's what I know: I'm sure that after tonight's events Jase will be evicted, perhaps unanimously. Noone wants him in because of his actions, much like what he did in BB5 to get him evicted.


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Anonymous said...

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