Sunday, July 23, 2006

7/23 Live Feeds--Morning Info

The HG have really taken to the no-wake-up-calls Sundays that BB has so graciously given them. I'm not liking them though! C'mon BB, don't you think that getting up at 1:30 is just a little late?

The first one up was Mike at around 10:15 AM. Danielle shortly followed him. They talked for nearly two hours about Marcellas, past seasons of BB, Survivor, even how many ounces were in a cup. Pretty exciting, huh? Most of the rest of the HG awoke between 12-1 PM. The last few up were Janelle and Marcellas (no surprise there) at around 1:30 after a BB wake up call.

Mike of course reported everything that him and Danielle talked about to Will. The main thing being their hatred of Marcellas and how he needs to go. (Speaking of which, I still have no idea who James plans to put up tomorrow in the PoV ceremony. It won't be Jase, and it seems he doesn't want to put up Mike either. Will CT convince him to put up Marcellas?)

Will and BB had another spif between each other. BB: "Will, no climbing." (He was hanging upside down from the spiral staircase telling Janelle that she should have done the SpiderMan kiss like that.) BB: "Hey! I said, knock it off!" Will: "Just trying to make a show."

Will and Mike are planning their double date with Janelle and Diane once the show ends. Diane then goes on and on (etc.) about her love life. She's still going on and on. Meanwhile, the HG requested to BB for an Italian feast tonight.

Latest news: Mike went up to James to set up a time where they could talk (assuming he will tell him to put up Marcellas). Oh, I almost forgot! Diane is still going on.

Another exciting morning in the BB house! Expect more on the afternoon stuff later.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.