Thursday, July 27, 2006

7/26 Live Feeds--Late Evening/Overnight

Not much went on last night, considering it's Wednesday. Even though all the HG casted their votes, I have no idea who they voted for. Here's what went down last night:

Erika and Mike had a long talk about who to go after next week. Mike wants to go after Kaysar and Janelle. Erika disagrees because she likes Kaysar too much to go after him this early in the season and because since Kaysar is so attached to Janelle, she doesn't want to go after Janelle either. They both are very suspicious of Danielle and Marcellas because they really don't know what side they are on. (Remember--Erika, Mike, and Will are in a pre-season alliance.)

BB gave them alcohol. I assume they get alcohol every night this week by winning beer for every day at the food comp. Meanwhile, Erika talked about the goodbye speech she is going to tape for Jase. (It seems that the house thinks that Jase is going. I'm good with that!)

In a talk with the S6, James is convinced that the only people coming after them next week are Mike and Will. When Erika joined them, James then told her that she is one of their targets. (Hmm... don't knwo if he was kidding here or not.)

Janelle tells Danielle, Marcellas, and Will about coming after her best friend with a knife because she slept with her boyfriend. She then goes on to a similar story when her roommate slept with her boyfriend, and then we got fire for about ten minutes. This talk then shifted to romance and past relationships of the four.

We then got an extended period of fire (two hours) due to maintenance and such, lasting from 1-3 AM. When they returned, the HG were eating their feast (I guess for today?) consisting of Mexican food.

Throughout the night, we had off and on fire, hardly any strategy talk. Apparently, BB installed a lights out time, occuring at 4 AM. The HG of course didn't all go to bed then though. Howie was the last one asleep at around 6 AM. Today, being Thursday, the HG will be doing a lot of cleaning and making themselves look beautiful, considering the live show is tonight. Speaking of which, tonight's show (eviction, HoH) is at 8 PM. Don't forget it!

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