Sunday, July 23, 2006

Tonight's Show Recap

Tonight's show just ended here on the east coast. Most of it was pretty redundant; however, I'll post a few notes of interest to bring you up to date.

I don't think the house knows that Janelle and Will were the two votes to evict Diane at Thursday's eviction. It seems that Will made his best effort to make the house believe that two out of the three S6 voters were the two.

While throwing an innertube as a frisbee, Jase made a ridiculously annoying jingle about a flying innertube. BB then showed DR sessions of the HG's not liking Jase so much this season. (Me either! Hopefully James will come to his senses and put him up tomorrow!)

The food competition came out just as expected, although BB forgot to show Sunday's outcome. Here are the results in case you forgot: Monday--feast, Tuesday--feast, Wednesday--bread/kumquats, Thursday--feast, Friday--veggies/beer, Saturday--feast, and Sunday--feast.

The George spying incident was shown as well, just before nominations. The keys came out as follows: Erika, Danielle, Mike, Kaysar, Janelle, Jase, Diane, Marcellas, and Howie; therefore, leaving George and Will nominated.

Other than that, I've pretty much recapped the show already on feeds updates. The next show is Tuesday, in which the PoV comp and PoV ceremony (scheduled for tomorrow, by the way) will be shown. Look for the show recap after it! Also, I will be posting a feeds update on the afternoon news here in a bit.

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