Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Afternoon into th evening

Here is the some-what interesting parts today:

Of Course you could guess they got the HoH camera and were entertained by it for most of the day, and Will didn't want his picture taken(Don't worry Will I wouldn't either)

From conversations, it looks like Jase is gone and Jase thinks the same. He is hoping that a twist similar to last years will occur maybe allowing him back into the house.

Today was a meal restriction day- so the houseguest's decided to experiment....Howie has taken over chef duties as Chicken George is now on SLOP!(I wouldn't let Howie cook for me any day)

Of course there was the general chit-chat(Past seasons,floaters,Hoh comps etc)

One note- There was an indoor lockdown and when it was done the HGs went outside and said that it looked like they had set up tomorrows HoH competition to make sure it worked-good finally something other than a phone-booth competition(hopefully)

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