Sunday, July 30, 2006

7/30 Show Recap

Who will Janelle nominate?

James says that he is in a sort-of alliance with Danielle and Diane. Janelle says that she wants to nominate Diane, while James disagrees. He tells Diane to relax and to look for the best. Diane tells Janelle that she won't put them up if she doesn't put her up. She leaves with saying that they will be good friends outside the house. Meanwhile, Will put on a puppet show while taking a bath. It was quite entertaining, if I do say so myself. He worked Howie and Janelle into forming a dual allaince with CT.

George has been having a tough time with eating slop every day. He's been frying it, baking it, even sticking it in the toaster! The food comp occured at night. Here's the scoop: "Food Fight"--Everyone took a position inside a padded arena. It was basically like a game of dodgeball. The person who grabs a star ball gets to eliminate someone. They repeatedly do this until half are on slop. People on slop: Marcellas (by Mike), Will (by Howie), George (by Kaysar) [He would have already been on it anyway.], Diane (by James), and Erika (by Danielle).

Funny stuff here--Diane asked Janelle how to make bananas "old" in order to make banana bread. Janelle said to put them on top of the fridge because that's what she does. CT continued to work Howie and Janelle in order to fuse alliances. Janelle seems very confused to nominate--CT or floaters. After a talk with Howie and James, Janelle seems like she wants to put up CT. However, after she talked to Will, she seems open-minded once again. She told Will that she won't put him up because she likes him. Will now wants Howie and Janelle to ditch James and Kaysar and join him and Mike in CT.

Order of keys: James, Marcellas, Howie, Kaysar, Will, Danielle, Diane, George. Erika and Mike are nominated. Who will win PoV, and will it be used to save Erika or Mike? Find out Tuesday!

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