Sunday, July 23, 2006

7/22 Overnight Live Feeds Update

Ahh... another exciting night in the BB house (yeah, right!). Nonetheless, there is something to write about here. Here's the latest since my last update.

Shortly after 9 PM, the feast for the day arrived. It was Chinese. The feeds of course showed the HG stuff their faces on all four cams. Unfortunately, George could not partake in the gorging. The feeds were being pretty cruel to him by showing George and then moving slowly over to the sliding door where the rest of the HG were eating. He looked just awful, almost like a child who noone wants to play with. Poor George!

After dinner, some of the HG went outside to play some badminton (how fun!). While outside, Erika was telling the HG that she saw George licking mayo off a knife.

Note on the PoV comp: Apparently the final task was a tiebreaker question between George and Kaysar. The question was "How many days could you go without slop?" Kaysar wrote 15 days, thinking George wrote two weeks. However, George wrote 60 days (the rest of the time they can spend in the house), therefore George winning PoV.

James whines because he thinks he is fat. He then gives advice to Howie on finding girls.

Danielle and Kaysar had a long talk about Marcellas. She worked him pretty good to get rid of him. They then talked about how much they feel sorry for George. (Note here--I don't think that the house wants to get rid of him anymore. Most want to keep him in as long as possible to have him suffer through the Sixty Days of Slop.) Erika and Howie join them, and the talk shifts to Kayar's injury. Apparently when he was getting covered with the blue dye, a blueberry got in his ear.

S6 talk in HoH room about who to put up in place of George. All but James want Jase up (because he told Jase he wouldn't put him up). Janelle is almost positive ("I'll bet you $500") that the first four evicted will compete in a competition to come back in the house.

Here's a funny convo--Janelle: "Why is cheese so fattening?" Erika: "Because it has a lot of fat in it." Janelle: "It does?" Erika then tells the house that her and Josh (her ex) had sex an average of four times a week.

Most of the HG are smoking the hookah (I guess Kaysar got to keep it?). They continue with the random, late-night talk until around 4 AM. Kaysar is the last one asleep at just after 4:30. All are still asleep and probably will be for the next hour or so. Since it's Sunday, nothing comp-wise will happen today. The PoV ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.