Monday, July 31, 2006

7/31 Live Feeds--Morning Report

The morning news from the BB house...

Unlike yesterday, the morning didn't begin until 10 AM with Danielle the first one up. Kaysar was short to follow at around 10:15. A wake-up call from BB came around 10:20 with an announcement of the PoV ceremony in two hours.

Once Janelle awoke, her and Kaysar talked for awhile. Kaysar tells her that Marcellas has been telling the whole house about what Janelle's plans are. He also thinks that James is planning something with Danielle as he is spending quite a lot of time with her. He tells her to put up either Diane or Will, but not George. Marcellas meanwhile is telling her to do the direct opposite.

We had a little bit of talk among most of the HG. Not much--all wondering who Janelle will put up. Currently we have fire, assuming PoV ceremony is going on. I'll have more on the outcome once the feeds return.

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