Monday, July 31, 2006

7/30 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

It was once again anothet thrilling night in the BB house! While one group watched a movie, the rest played cards. Overall, not much strategy talk. The news of last night:

Diane and Mike said the movie they saw was terrible and one of the worst they've seen. (This makes BB feel wonderful giving them this as a reward!) Will also said it was bad, but said it was one of the best he's seen in the DR.

It seems that Janelle wants Diane out for personal reasons (she wrote bad things about her on the Joker's site), and she feels that CT would vote her out. She then begin telling the rest of the S6, as well as Erika, that Diane will be put up and evicted. After talking to Will, Janelle said that she is most loyal to Howie, Kaysar, and Marcellas (no James?) while Will said he is most loyal to her and Mike. In other news, James told Danielle he plans on putting up Janelle and Marcellas no matter what she does this week. After talking to Will, Janelle ran to Marcellas and told him exactly what she is doing. Marcellas tells her to not put her up and put up Will instead.

Apparently, James got word that Janelle plans on putting up Diane at the PoV ceremony. (I think it's scheduled for today, but I can't be sure due to this week's changing around.) He ranted about him putting up Jase for her, so why can't she put up Will for him?

...And that's about it. Note here: We just got word that the PoV ceremony would be in two hours (about 12:30 their time). More later!

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