Thursday, August 31, 2006

8/31 Live Feeds--Evening News

Well, well, well! The hour from Hell is over, and the HG can now relax...or can they? When will the next HoH competition be? I would expect soon, considering another HG will be evicted in just four's what went down in the BB house since the feeds returned following the live show:

Will thinks he broke his thumb in the PoV competition and wants to see a doctor. (Can he not take a look at it himself? Haha...I know he's a plastic surgeon, not a doctor. Silly me.) Janelle said that she broke a nail.

The HG aren't sure about what's going down for the rest of the season, since there are still three weeks left. (Remember, the HG son't know about the scheduling change of BB this season. The finale was originally set for September 19, but was moved back a week for unknown reasons. There are actually only 12 days left.)

Janelle asked Erika if she was mad at her for being nominated for a third time by Janelle. Erika says no, but she'd rather not be nominated again. The two laughed.

Mike and Will agree that Erika cannot win HoH because she will nominate Janelle and Will, and Janelle will win PoV, which means one of them will be evicted--most likely Mike due to Janelle's vote. Mike is very nervous about the upcoming HoH.

The HG are all sad that George was evicted and wonder who will clean the house now. (What a shame--looks like you may all have to clean the house now. Darn!)

Janelle told Mike and Will that she wants Erika out really bad and says that Mike needs to win HoH to get rid of her.

There is still no word on the HoH competition. I would guess it would be soon.

Currently, Janelle is prepping Mike and Will for the upcoming HoH competition. Erika isn't to be seen on the feeds.

8/31 Show Recap

Time for the first JAM-packed show of the season! Two people will be evicted--but who will they be?

Danielle never thought that Erika would put her up. George thinks that this week would be peaceful, and he thinks he is going. Will loves the fact that Danielle and Erika hate each other because of him, and they aren't even blaming him! (I totally agree Will!) Erika and Janelle both think that nobody knows they (individually) are with CT. Mike and Will assure George that he is with George and that he too is with CT! (So, we've got Erika, George, and Janelle all in CT, but nobody knows it? Hmm...) Mike and Will both assured Danielle that she was safe this week. Danielle has doubts though. Will told Danielle that she just needs to relax. Time for the live voting: Janelle--Danielle, Will--Danielle, and Mike--Danielle. By a unanimous vote, Danielle has been evicted from the BB house.

HoH competition: "Male or Female?" This game is much like the "Before or After" game played last season. The HG who gets the most points at the end wins. Winner--Janelle.

Janelle's nominations: Erika and George.

PoV Competition: "I'm Knot about Veto." Each HG is attached to a giant veto symbol by a knotted rope. The object is to untie your knot and grab your veto symbol. First HG to do so wins. Winner of PoV--Erika.

PoV ceremony: Erika used the PoV and put Mike up in her place.

Live voting #2: Will--George, and Erika--George. By a unanimous vote, George has been evicted from the BB house.

Who will win HoH? And who will be nominated by that new HoH? Find out Sunday!

8/31 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update I hate Thursdays--on the feeds anyway. Nothing happens! We never get strategy talk, and if anything exciting happens, fire will most likely block it. It's like the BB gods hate us or something on Thursdays. GRR!!

Other than the occasional chit-chit or other various stuff, nothing happened today on the feeds--I mean NOTHING. However, a little bit ago, a BB producer came on, but of course we got FIRE before he could say anything--something about the storage room.

Sigh--guess I have to wait in agony over tonight's show! It starts in just a few minutes here on the east coast. Unfortunately, for those in Tropical Storm Ernesto's path, the show may be blocked for part of the time do to weather coverage. I would advise the rest of us who are planning on taping the show to tape a little after 9:00 because the show may go over being so jampacked. Please, please, PLEASE make sure you check your local listings as I know some places have college football on instead of BB. I will have the full show recap (be prepared for a long one!) following the show.

Currently, (you guessed it) we have fire.

8/31 Live Feeds--Morning Report

Erika stayed up for nearly two hours longer than anyone else before finally going to bed at 5:15 AM.

A BB wake-up call was issued at 11:00 AM, and George was seen as the first one up at around 11:15 AM. Every HG was seen awake but Janelle before the feeds went to the infamous fire at 11:50 AM. We have had it ever since.

Currently, we still have fire!--and probably will for most of the day.

8/30 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

Well, the night wasn't as exciting as I hoped it to be. BB actually did not give them alcohol tonight, which probably led to the unexcitement. Here's how the night went down in the BB house:

Mike asked if George was nominating the two girls if he got HoH next week. He said yes. Mike is also concerned about Janelle's and Will's relationship with each other. He says that Will is acting as though they are planning to go out after the show, when Will actually has a girlfriend. Mike is just bothered by that.

Mike and Will agreed that they are going to try for the HoH tomorrow because they aren't sure if they are safe with the girls or not.

At this point, I would expect a Danielle eviction tomorrow, possibly by a unanimous vote. As for the rest of the night's happenings, I'm very excited to see the show tomorrow!

Currently, Erika is the only one still up, and she is outside by herself.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

8/30 Live Feeds--Evening News

What sort of exciting events do the HG have panned out for them this evening? Well so far, it hasn't been too eventful--a lot of sitting around and doing nothing basically. Hopefully it gets better as the night goes on (as it usually does). Here's what's happened so far this evening in the BB house:

Will told Erika he thinks George would win over anyone, including Janelle, in the end. Erika wants the final four to be her, Janelle, Mike, and Will. He agrees. They go on about what's happened so far this season and what their predictions are for the rest of it. Erika says that once George is gone next week, their next target needs to be Janelle, and then they will play it out in the final HoH competition.

In case you're wondering, BB never gave the HG their trampoline back.

Once again, (and probably for the rest of the season) nothing has really been happening on the feeds. The house is just waiting until tomorrow night to see what happens. Hardly any strategy talk happens at this part of the week.

Currently, Erika and George are outside talking. Danielle is cooking dinner. The other HG aren't shown.

8/30 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

So, did the afternoon get any better strategically speaking? Sort of. There has been a lot of repetitive information being shared among the HG though because Danielle is so paranoid on whether or not she will be leaving tomorrow. (She should be! The vote rests in CT's hands, of all people.) Here's the scoop from this afternoon in the BB house:

Janelle made sure that Mike and Will are both voting to evict Danielle. They said yes. Mike told the two about his conversation with Danielle this morning. He tells Janelle that she needs to stop talking to Danielle because she thinks that she will be safe this week.

The HoH camera arrived, and as always, the HG had a blast with it. Though, they couldn't get it to work at first--probably because Erika was trying to get it to work. Ha! Just kidding.

Mike asked Danielle who she would take to her in the final two. She said definitely Will, if he was still in, but definitely not George because she thinks the jury would give him the money because he needs it.

Other than that, there hasn't been a whole lot of new strategy talk--just a lot of rehashing of what we already knew.

Currently, all four feeds cams are on George sleeping.

8/30 Live Feeds--Morning Report

Another sleepy morning we have today! Not to mention, hardly any game talk. Here's the few notes from the morning events inside the BB house:

Mike was the first one up at 8:20 AM today. He cooked breakfast and worked out while the rest of the HG slept in until a BB wake-up call coming just before 11:00 AM.

Mike told Danielle that she should be safe unless Will flips the vote and keeps George for some reason. Danielle is nervous because Erika has made her feel like she is the one going this week. Danielle is suspicious of Will's siding with Janelle lately. Mike says that Janelle is so annoying and needs to go immediately.

That has really been the only real strategy talk that happened this morning. The HG got up fairly late today, and the game talk has yet to heat up.

Currently, Janelle, Mike, and Will are outside talking, and Danielle, Erika, and George are inside playing cards.

8/29 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

Time for dinner! The five-star dinner the HG earned in the food competition has arrived, but how will that heat up things in the house? It's a sizzling overnight in the BB house, and here's the scoop:

The five-star dinner arrived at just after 8:00 PM for the all-dressed-up HG. They got four bottles of wine, salads, bread, steak, lobster, plus desserts for after the meal. While eating, the HG noticed that BB had taken away the trampoline. (Not sure if they did that just so they wouldn't go jump on it after they stuffed or if it's gone for good.) The dinner lasted a full two hours before BB called an indoor lockdown.

Danielle told Erika that she forgives her for nominating her. Erika thanks Danielle and truly did not plan on putting her up. Danielle said that she would never have put up Erika though. The two agree that it's a game, and it's getting down to the wire. Danielle seems to know that she will be going Thursday. She told Erika not to take Will to the final two because she will vote for him. to win.

And the showmances heat up! Janelle tried to get Will to kiss her an umpteen number of times, but failed. Erika and Mike are getting very cozy in the HoH room. The feeds wouldn't show the HoH room, so not sure what really did happen.

Currently, all HG are asleep.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

8/29 Live Feeds--Evening News

OoO excitement at last as the HG prepare for their big five-star dinner tonight. They keep saying they hear things outside and can't wait to see what BB has prepared for them. Here's the evening events that have happened since my last update in the BB house:

Danielle told Will that Erika has alligned with Janelle. Will acted surprised and says that one of them has to go next week. Danielle says that if she is HoH next week, there will be trouble. She also thinks that BB is building gazebos or something for tonight's five-star dinner.

Janelle told Erika that CT has to next week. Erika asked her who she was planning on putting up is she won HoH. She said Mike and Will. Janelle thinks that CT will sacrifice one of them to earn the two jury votes, while Erika isn't too sure about that.

The HG have been primping themselves for their big dinner tonight. They are making a pretty big deal out of it. (Good for them! We need some excitement after all the depression that's happened so far this week.) Janelle was told in the DR that dinner would be at 8:00 PM, which is in about an hour. I'm looking forward to it!

Currently, all HG are still primping.

8/29 Show Recap

Who will win PoV? And will it be used to save either George or Janelle from eviction?

Janelle feels annoyed by her nomination and thinsk that the whole house is after her. (Ya think?) George isn't surprised by being nominated. Will is thrilled that CT is not nominated this week. George has no idea how CT made it this far in the game. Danielle is convinced that Erika and Janelle both have individual deals with CT. Danielle and Erika promised each other that they would take each other to the final two. Erika said that she wants to put up Will if George or Janelle wins PoV. However, she still is a "member" of CT, and still doesn't know what to do. Danielle wants CT out now.

It's Christmas in the BB house! And it's Neil Patrick Harris surprising the HG! He ate slop, brought the HG gifts, even did flips ont he trampoline! The HG got some pretty good gifts too. Mike and Will got Nintendo DS's, the girls got lingerie, and everyone got some new clothes. George told Mike and Will that he was struck by lightning! Will wants to get rid of Danielle this week by either George or Janelle winning PoV. Him and Janelle agree that Danielle cannot win the PoV this week. Mike told Erika that Danielle needs to go this week because she can beat anyone if she is in the finals. Erika agreed, and can't believe that she may have to put her up this week.

PoV Competition: All the HG get to play this week. However, they all play one at a time's the Morph-O-Matic!...Or "Two Faced" this year. And the results are: George--24:23, Erika--1:51, Will--3:19, Janelle--1:00, Danielle--1:23, and Mike--7:42. Janelle wins PoV.

Erika has no idea who to put up in Janelle's place. CT is telling her to put up Danielle, and Danielle is telling her to put up CT. Janelle and Mike both tell Erika that Danielle could beat anyone in the finals. Erika thinks that CT needs to be broken up because she doesn't think they would pick her over each other.

Erika told Danielle that she was going to nominate her at the PoV ceremony, which sent Danielle into a crazy spell! She rang the HoH doorbell 20, 30 times, and Erika never responded to her. She is extremely upset and doesn't understand Erika now. PoV ceremony: Janelle did indeed use the PoV to save herself. Erika put Danielle up in Janelle's place.

Who will be evicted--Danielle or George? Find out Thursday!

8/29 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Another thrilling afternoon in the BB house...I think these HG are trying to set a new BB record for sleeping the most in one day! And I'm not liking it! Here's the scoop from this afternoon in the BB house:

George told Erika that he thought he heard Danielle say that she wanted Mike out last night. Erika tells George not to think about anything Danielle said last night because she was drunk and didn't know what she was saying.

Mike thinks that Danielle is OK with leaving now. Erika told him that George is worried he might be going Thursday. Mike said that he has nothing to worry about--CT controls the vote, and they are voting out Danielle.

Danielle thinks that Erika wants George and Janelle in the final three with her. Mike thinks that is a bad move for Erika then because she cannot beat Janelle at anything, including winning the game. As Danielle left, she told Mike that she would be seeing him next week.

BB called an indoor lockdown, and since then the HG have been sleeping.

Currently, all HG are asleep!

8/29 Live Feeds--Morning Report

It's a restful Tuesday morning in the BB house, and it shows...half of the HG aren't even up yet! Guess we'll have to wait until the afternoon for some excitement. Here's what did happen this morning in the BB house:

Danielle was the first one up today at 10:00 AM. After doing her morning routine, she cried and said that she was sorry to Sarah for not being able to save James. She still cannot believe that nobody wants to take her to the final two and wonders what she did wrong. She also misses her family and cannot wait to see them when this is all over.

We had a wake-up call at 11:00 AM to wake up the rest of the HG. George cleaned the kitchen. After the wake-up call, Janelle, Mike, and Will went back to bed.

Currently, the three up are outside.

8/28 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

So did the night get more exciting as it went on? Not so much...there just wasn't a whole lot of strategy to be discussed. Here's the little bit of info I've gathered from last night in the BB house:

Danielle and Erika had a talk in the HoH room. Danielle tells Erika that she doesn't know if she will vote for her in the end now. Erika replies with saying that it is just a game and wishes she can look past this.

Janelle, Mike, and Will prepared for the HoH competition on Thursday and wonder what type of competition it will be.

Danielle told Mike that Erika told her about having a secret alliance with Janelle. She also asked him if CT was voting to keep her, and he said yes. Mike reported this to Will, and Will said that he told Janelle to make it look like her and Erika are alligning together. They still agree that Danielle must go this week, with Erika going next week.

Janelle and Will were the last two asleep at around 2:20 AM.

Currently, all HG are asleep.

Monday, August 28, 2006

8/28 Live Feeds--Evening News

What an exciting evening...NOT. Hopefully it gets a little better as the night goes on. (I'm sure alcohol will play a part in tonight's festivities as well. Here's the evening news so far from the BB house:

The HG receive their five-star dinner tomorrow they earned in the food competition. They plan on getting all dressed up for it and taking dates as well.

Will told George he is officially a member of CT. (Didn't know you had to apply to become a member of a BB alliance! Silly me!)

Danielle asked BB for more beer. (Don't do it BB!!)

Other than that, nothing has really happened. The house is pretty depressed, thanks to Danielle.

Currently, Will is telling Janelle about why he has done certain things this season. The other HG are small-talking.

8/28 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

With the nominations set, how much strategizing will go on this afternoon? And will Danielle be able to cope with her nomination from her supposed alliance member? It's Monday afternoon, and here is the latest from the BB house:

Danielle is miserable now that she is nominated. Erika feels really bad. George tries to confort her saying that it is only a game.

George, Mike, and Will still can't believe that Janelle finished less than a minute in the PoV competition. Mike and Will tried to bring George into their CT alliance. They told him that once Danielle goes, it will be the girls versus CT, and George will be caught in the middle. They need him to take out Erika next week. George agrees that Erika must go because she won't commit to anything. (Look who's talking George!)

Mike and Will hope that Janelle wins the next HoH so they can take out Erika. Mike doesn't have a problem with voting Erika out since she told Will last night that she has been in an alliance with Danielle since the first week.

Danielle told Janelle to keep hanging in and to take out the rest of the house single-handedly and win.

Danielle is extremely upset and alone since she was nominated today, much like Janelle felt with Howie was evicted. I predict that she will get over it tomorrow. (Hopefully, anyway, I'm so sick of the negative atmosphere in the house this season! Make it fun for us, please!)

Currently, Danielle and Janelle are playing cards. Mike and Will are outside working out. Erika and George are not to be seen, but I think they are cooking some food.

8/28 Live Feeds--Morning Report

Another Monday morning and another PoV ceremony in the BB house! Who will go up should Janelle save herself with the PoV? Plus what other exciting events lie in store for us this morning? Find out as you read the morning events from the BB house:

Danielle was the first one up this morning at 8 AM. A BB wake-up call came at 9:30 AM stating the PoV ceremony would begin in two hours.

Erika talked to George and Will before the PoV ceremony stating that she is still planning on putting up Danielle even though Danielle confronted her last night. They both agree that she is a good player, and you have to take the good players out.

Will told Mike that Erika will be putting up Danielle today for sure, and that they must vote out Danielle and not to give her any sympathy votes because Janelle talked of giving Danielle a sympathy vote.

The feeds were blocked for about ten minutes beginning at around 12:00 PM for the PoV ceremony. Janelle did use the PoV to save herself, and Danielle did indeed go up in her place.

Danielle asked Will if he had her vote. Will told her yes and not to worry. Danielle thinks she will be safe as Janelle and Will have both told her that they will vote to keep her. Danielle told Janelle that if she goes, to take Erika to the final two as nobody will vote for Erika to win.

So there you have it. Danielle and George will be voted upon for eviction on Thursday. Who will go? I say Danielle by a 2-1 vote. Janelle will probably keep her to get a jury vote from Danielle.

Currently, Danielle, Erika, and Mike are outside playing cards. Danielle is MUCH calmer than last night, and it seems very obvious that the alcohol made her so upset. (Maybe she should cut back a little...she is the only one to seem to be consistently influenced by it.) Janelle and Will are sleeping. George isn't to be found.

8/27 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

What a night! A night of drinking, fighting, hiding did this all come together? It's a crazy overnight in the BB house:

Mike and Will say they are exhausted because it took so much effort to convince Erika to agree to put up Danielle. Janelle wonders who George will put up if he wins HoH. Will hopes he would get rid of Erika, but he doesn't know.

Danielle is now extremely upset that Erika wants her out after she had her back since the beginning. When BB gave them their alcohol, she got extremely drunk, and actually started to scare Mike and Will with her behavior. They went up to hide in the HoH room. She has an extremely long argument with Erika calling her out on everything. Afterwards, Erika runs up to the HoH room to talk to Will.

She says that she can't nominate Danielle. She can't take this all week. She now wants to nominate George. Will says that George will do the same thing because she told him he was safe. After their talk, Erika realizes that Danielle needs to go, but she's going to have a hard time dealing with her for the rest of the week.

George was the last one asleep at 2:15 AM.

And that's about it! Whoo! Danielle went crazy over the night. What I said doesn't even come close to how upset she is at Erika. Sure, alcohol had something to do with it, but she still took it a bit too far. I would still expect her to be nominated at the PoV ceremony.

Currently, all HG are asleep.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

8/27 Live Feeds--Evening News

Are the HG getting ahead of themselves with wanting certain people out? The PoV ceremony has yet to occur, and they are already talking about who to get rid of next week! It's an evening of moving along in the BB house:

Danielle is having regrets about how she played the game and wished she kept Marcellas now. She wants her suitcase so she can get her packing over with.

She asked Janelle why she votes out James. Janelle said it was because James told George to backdoor Janelle, and George reported this to Janelle. Danielle still can't believe how badly James acted when he threw all those PoV's. Janelle agrees with her. Danielle told Janelle that Erika broke the news of backdooring her to Danielle. Janelle feels bad for her. Danielle knows that she is going home now, and wishes she had kept Marcellas longer. She tried to work Janelle for a vote, but Janelle never gave her a straight answer. Danielle says that she hopes Janelle wins and told her to follow her gut from here on out. She wishes she had played the game more intensely.

Danielle then talked to George and told him to work with Janelle and to not trust Erika. George told her that he will do whatever he can to make it to the end. They are both upset about Danielle leaving.

Janelle can't believe Will convinced Erika to get rid of Danielle. Will says that their next move is to get rid of Erika. Janelle agrees. Janelle has convinced Erika that she will go after CT should she win HoH.

Currently, the HG are cooking up some dinner. At this point, it does look like Danielle will go up tomorrow and will probably be evicted on Thursday.

8/27 Show Recap

Who will Erika nominate?

Will told the HG that he is solely responsible for the past three evictions. Danielle and Mike don't know why Janelle voted James out. Mike told Danielle to not blame him for James' eviction because he could not vote. Danielle wants Will out. Erika was extremely happy to finally win an HoH, and thus get a guaranteed spot in the final five. She told Danielle that she was safe. Janelle is not happy that Erika won. Will said that he has now lost 21 HoH's in a row. The house taught George and Janelle how to play poker. Janelle won every game they played, much to the house's dismay. OoOoO Erika's HoH room! It's a floral paradise!--much to Will's dismay. George was upset at all the food Erika got--especially the homemade chocolate chip cookies. Danielle still does not understand why Janelle votes against James. They think she has a deal with someone else in the house. They think that Janelle and Will have some sort of deal together, which makes Danielle want to get rid of Will even more.

The HG have had a blast with George's bellyflopping. Danielle told Will that she was extremely upset that Will voted him out. Will assured her that he is going after Janelle next, not her, because Janelle told him she was coming after CT. Danielle cannot wait to evict Will. Janelle enjoys flirting with Will, and it makes her feel good. Erika told Mike that she is putting Janelle and Will up. Erika wants Janelle to go, but she doesn't have a problem with Will going to the jury because that's another vote for either one of them to win. Mike doesn't want Will to go this early though. Erika doesn't know who Mike wants out more--her or Will. Mike says that he wants to go farther with Will than Erika, but needs to make sure Erika doesn't think that.

Time for the food competition! The HG got to dress up in these outdoor-esy type costumes. The birds (Danielle/Janelle) and the bees (Mike/Will) post pollinate these huge flower baths and deliver it to the sunflowers (Erika/George). They will then place the nectar in a container labeling a certain food or luxury. So what did the HG earn? They lost the red room to earn meat and fish for the week, they got one day of slop to earn a trampoline, they got another day of slop to earn Christmas in August (Janelle of course went off on what she wants BB to give her for the Christmas), George got a slop pass, a five-star dinner, and they got alcohol for the week in exchange for the pool table.

CT needs Erika to keep Janelle and instead get Danielle out. Will tried to convince Erika to get rid of Danielle this week instead of Janelle. Erika doesn't think that Danielle would come after her, but Will thinks otherwise. He told Erika that Danielle is unbeaten when it comes to the finals. The two agreed that Danielle is currently the biggest threat.

Order of keys: Danielle, Mike, and Will, leaving George and Janelle nominated.

Who will win PoV? And will it be used to save either George or Janelle from eviction?

8/27 Show Reminder

Oops! I forgot to remind you all about the show tonight in my last update. In case you forgot, BB is on tonight at 8 PM. The show should contain this week's food competition as well as Erika's nominations. Not sure if Christmas in August will be shown. My guess is no. As always, expect a show recap from me following tonight's show here on the east coast.

8/27 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Ahh...even though Christmas is still four months away, the BB HG are getting into the spirit a little earlier! What's this--complaining about the gifts? Maybe they're not so's the afternoon events from the BB house:

The HG spent much of the afternoon trying to get some sleep they failed to get during the overnight. As the HG awoke for the second time today, some tried on the new clothes they received, while others surveyed all the new gifts the HG got. Apparently, Will also got a Nintendo.

Erika and Will think that BB spent at least $300 on each of the HG for the Christmas, so they better be grateful for what they did receive. (Despite the great gifts they got, Will and a selected others still complained about them!)

Danielle wonders why Erika has been acting a little off lately. Will thinks it's because she likes Mike, but Mike doesn't like her as much because she's so much older than he is. (She's only like three years older Will! And why does that matter? Shouldn't be what's on the inside? :) Danielle feels bad for her.

Erika asked Janelle who she will put up if she wins HoH. Janelle responded with George and Mike. They agreed that Erika would vote out Mike, while Will votes out George. Then Janelle would be the tiebreaker and vote out Mike. Janelle said that she wants to be responsible for removing CT from the house. The two are both excited.

Danielle told Will that she is scared of being in the final two because she doesn't want to lose again and disappoint her family.

Erika told Danielle that she plans on putting her up tomorrow because she would beat her in the final two. She then started crying and feels bad for what she's about to do. Danielle said not to worry about it, and that it's just a game.

Currently, Will is cheering Erika up by telling her that this is just a game, and she has to do what has to be done. The other HG are scurried around the house.

8/27 Live Feeds--Morning Report

Christmas in August has begun! We had fire through it unfortunately though...the feeds returned just a bit ago. Here's what I've come up with through this morning when he have had feeds in the BB house:

The HG were woken up for the Christmas celebration at 9:30 AM, not even three hours after Erika and Mike had gone to bed for the night. The feeds were blocked for nearly two hours while the HG partied.

When the feeds returned, Will confirmed that Neil Patrick Harris ("How I Met Your Mother") paid a visit to the HG. They then talked about what each received as gifts. Janelle got a Sidekick cell phone. The girls all got lingerie. George got a chicken head visor, as well as a camera. The house got a DVD player, but they cannot use it yet. Some HG got new pillows. The HG all got new clothes in addition to their various gifts. I guess we'll know the full lowdown when it goes on the show (probably not until Tuesday).

BB called an indoor lockdown in order to clean up the backyard. The HG all pretty much went to bed after this call.

Currently, all HG are asleep.

8/26 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

Janelle did indeed win PoV. So, what else happened last night? Let's check out the overnight events from the BB house:

From what the HG are saying, Janelle finished in less than a minute, while George took 24 minutes. Danielle and Erika each finished in about 2 minutes. Will finished in 3 minutes, and Mike did it in 7. (These are just estimations from what the HG have been saying.)

Mike and Will convinced Erika that Danielle must be put up and thus evicted. Erika doesn't want to do it because she will lose Danielle's jury vote. Mike and Will said that they will vote for her if she puts Danielle up. Shortly after, Danielle asked Erika if she was putting her up, and Erika said no. (So what is she doing?)

Danielle told Will that she will not vote for her in the finals because she has won too much. (?? Isn't that a reason you're supposed to vote for someone?) She told Will that Janelle is just lucky. She goes through all the HoH's and PoV's that Janelle won and insists that they were all given to her or that she cheated during them. (And how many have you won where they have not given it to you Danielle? ZERO!)

Erika and Janelle talked in the HoH room. Erika doesn't know who to put up. They talk about Danielle, and Janelle says that she will win if she is in the finals. Janelle starts to push for Mike to be nominated because she doesn't like him, and Mike doesn't like her. Erika asks Janelle if she should put up Will, and Janelle continues to push for Mike. Erika still has no idea what to do. She calls Mike up to HoH. Erika tells him that she doesn't want to keep Mike and Will in the house for another week. Mike says that Danielle and Janelle are the same way (in terms of getting votes at the end). She then calls Will up, and Will told her that he will take her to the final two, even over Mike. (Earlier, Mike said the same thing--only in reverse.) She then calls George up, and he thinks Danielle should go. She then calls Mike back up and tells him that she is putting up Danielle.

Erika and Mike stayed up for the entire night and even some of the morning talking about who should go up. They finally went to bed at 7:15 AM. At this point, it looks like Erika will put up Danielle, with Danielle being the target.

Currently, all HG are still sleeping. Christmas is today! Look for some long feeds blocks.


Janelle won PoV!!!!!
As I expected, It was the morph-o-matic competition comprised of evicted houseguests.
Supposedly Janelle did it in ONE minute!!!
More in the morning

Saturday, August 26, 2006

8/26 Live Feeds--Evening News

With the PoV competition rapidly approaching, which HG will plan on playing and which plan on throwing? The whole house plays as the evening events roll on in the BB house:

Danielle and Will discussed possibilities for tonight's PoV competition.

Will and Janelle briefly talked. Janelle is extremely nervous for the competition. Will said that their only problem is Danielle winning, so Janelle told him to not let Danielle win.

Mike and Will talked once again. Mike plans on throwing the competition, while Will is going to try for it. If he wins it, he will remove George, so Erika will put up Danielle. They will then vote Danielle out. They want to be in the final three with George because nobody will vote for George, should he make it to the end.

We have had fire since 8:20 PM. Shortly before, Erika was called to the diary room. It seems most definite that the PoV competition is currently in progress.

I'll have the result when I know it!

8/26 Live Feeds--PoV Announcement

BB: "Attention HG: The PoV competition will begin in two hours (8:30 PM BBT).

8/26 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Will the PoV competition ever start? It's an afternoon of waiting and wondering in the BB house:

The HG have been on an all-day indoor lockdown while BB sets up the PoV competition. (Speaking of which, Will just announced that the PoV competition will be sometime early evening, as reported to by BB. [6-9 PM BBT, my guess.] He also said that BB will give them a two-hour warning prior to the start of the competition.)

Mike said that Erika told him last night if Will wins PoV, to use it on George, and that way Erika will have to put Danielle up as a replacement. If he uses it on Janelle, Danielle might get suspicious. They gave assignments to each other: Mike's is to completely convince Erika that Danielle must go this week, and Will's is to win PoV tonight.

Danielle told Erika about her talk with Dr. Zachary. She told her to be herself, so Danielle says that she is now the Danielle from BB3 and is coming full force after CT. Erika is happy for her. Danielle says that there is no way she is going to win because she plans to be mean from here on out. She just now realizes how much she has been played by CT.

Mike and Will told George they plan on saving him if they win PoV, so Danielle will go up and out.

Danielle and Erika continue to rehash their favorite moments of this season and get pumped up for the next HoH. Danielle told Erika that he she wins PoV, she plans on taking George off and putting Will up, so Will goes. Erika says that Janelle needs to go before Will. Danielle agrees. They agree that they have to convince Mike and Will to throw the next HoH so Danielle will win it and take out George, when she will really put CT up.

Currently, George, Janelle, and Mike are playing cards. Erika is laying down, and Danielle and Will are not to be found!

8/26 Live Feeds--Morning Report

What an exciting morning in the BB house...NOT! The HG slept in pretty late, and no strategy talk has happened this morning. So what DID happen? Let's find out with the morning events inside the BB house:

Danielle was the first one up at 10:25 AM. Will was short to follow, and the two joked that the PoV competition will be at 3:00 AM tonight, so Janelle will be the only one alert during it, and thus win it.

Overall, nothing else has happened. Janelle and Mike are the only two not awake yet. It seems that the PoV competition will be later today, possibly tonight, as BB has yet to make an announcement about it.

Currently, Danielle, Erika, and George are cleaning up the kitchen. Janelle and Mike are still sleeping. Will is not to be found.

8/25 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

With the nominations in place, the HG must prepare for what will unfold at the PoV competition. How will they strategize? Who wants to save who? Find out as I unravel the overnight events from the BB house:

Danielle and Mike talked about how hard the game is now, since there is only six HG left. Danielle said that from now on, when she tells Mike something, she means it.

Apparently the alcohol doesn't arrive until tomorrow, because Danielle complained about BB not giving them any beer. Also, they get unlimited eggs along with their meat. The HG talked of making steak and eggs and the like tomorrow.

Janelle and Will talked. Will said that he will tell Mike to talk to Erika about putting Danielle up should Janelle win PoV. He will tell Erika that Danielle is coming after her, so the best thing for her to do is to put Danielle up. Will: The best-case scenario--Janelle goes off and Danielle goes up and out. The worst case scenario--George goes off and Will goes up, and Janelle goes out.

BB gave them a feast of shark, mahi-mahi, buffalo wings, turkey sausage, shrimp, and steak, along with beer and wine. They immediately fire up the grill to cook some of the meat.

Mike and Will talked once again about convincing Erika to put up Danielle should George or Janelle win PoV. They will vote to evict Danielle, leaving her evicted.

Erika and Mike talked. Mike did an excellent job of convincing Erika that Danielle must go up if the PoV is used. Erika is all for saving Janelle and putting up Danielle, especially since Janelle saved her the two times she was nominated by Janelle. (Well, the first time she was, but certainly not the second time. CT played her!)

The HG pretty much all went to bed at the same time, just before 3:00 AM. All HG are currently asleep.

Friday, August 25, 2006

8/25 Live Feeds--Evening News

George and Janelle are indeed the nominations; how will the HG react? It's Friday evening, and here's the latest from the BB house:

Janelle said that Danielle must go this week because she is so controlling of Erika. CT agrees that Janelle has to win PoV; otherwise, Erika will put up Will next to Janelle to ensure that Janelle will go.

Many of the HG (Erika and Will mainly) have bruised themselves up pretty badly from the food competition.

The trampoline arrived. (Hmm...thought it wasn't coming until tomorrow afternoon?) Mike and Will immediately jumped on it, even though BB said only one HG was allowed on it at a time. All the HG had a turn, except Janelle who said she was too tired at the moment. George rolled all around the place while Will ferociously trampled the trampoline. Will stayed on it for most of the evening.

Danielle and George talked about the money BB gives them for making sequester. George said in his season, they got an additional $1,600 for making it. Danielle says that they get so much more now, and then went on to say how much Diane needed to make sequester because of financial trouble.

The HG are currently fixing up some slop for dinner.

8/25 Live Feeds--Nominations

After nearly two hours of fire, the feeds returned. George confirmed that he was nominated, and I'm pretty sure that Janelle is next to him. I'll update if needed.

8/25 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Ahh Friday...nominations today! What will Erika do? It's an afternoon of constant strategizing in the BB house, and here's the report:

Mike told Will that he thinks he can sway Erika to not nominate Will. Will tells Mike that if George and Janelle are nominated, then they must help Janelle win PoV. First, Mike has to convince Erika to not nominate Will though.

A note from the food competition--today is the only day the HG are on slop (except George and Erika).

Erika and Will talked. Erika told Will that she plans on nominating George and Janelle. If Janelle wins PoV, she will put Will up, but assures him that George will be the one going. They agree that Janelle cannot win the PoV and must go this week. Assuming Janelle does go this week, the next target will be Danielle. They continue talking, and Will is afraid that Danielle is coming after CT should she win HoH. Erika said that she is gunning for George. Will doesn't believe her. They continue to predict the events following this week. (How can you do that? The nominations for THIS week haven't even happened yet. Don't get ahead of yourselves, now!)

George and Janelle talked. Janelle thinks that they will be nominated against each other. George thinks the PoV will be physical, as they have been recently. Meanwhile, Will reported to Danielle about his talk with Erika. (Nothing she didn't already know.)

We have had off and on fire for about the last hour now. It looks like it's going to stay fire as the nominations should be in progress. I'll have the result as soon as I know it!

8/25 Live Feeds--Food Competition

The feeds returned just a bit ago. Here's the scoop from the food competition:

The HG earned a trampoline for the rest of the season, arriving tomorrow afternoon. They also earned "Christmas in August," which will be occurring on Sunday. The HG aren't sure what that will entail. George also got a week-long slop pass. As for the food side of it, the HG can only eat meat, but they get liquor for the entire week.

The HG are currently under indoor lockdown as BB cleans up the competition area. More to come later as the events unravel!

8/25 Live Feeds--Morning Report

ACK!! Blogger, the blogging site I'm using is EXTREMELY down right now, so if the site isn't loading--don't freak out. It took ages for it to load for me! Onto the morning events in the BB house:

Janelle was the last one asleep last night at 5:00 AM. This morning, Erika was the first one up at 9:00 AM. BB issued a number of wake-up calls from 10-11 AM to get the restless HG out of bed for what? A food competition!

Here's the scoop: Everyone has these cool little suits on. Danielle and Janelle are birds, Erika and George are flowers, and Mike and Will are bees. The HG must work together to get the nectar from the flowers to the bees, and then the honey from the bees to the birds. We have had fire for the last 30 minutes. (Usually they show us these food comps! Darn them!)

Once the feeds return, I'll update anything I notice.

8/24 Live Feeds--Overnight News

Will the strategizing continue as we head into the night? It's getting closer to the nominations with the overnight events of the BB house:

Time to see Erika's HoH room! It's a totally girled-out room with little flowers everywhere. After everyone left, Danielle and Erika talked. Danielle doesn't know why Janelle voted against James. Danielle doesn't understand why Will told her James' eviction was his (W) fault. The two think that Janelle is with CT. Erika can't believe that "we" (her and Danielle) are HoH. (Even though Danielle isn't really HoH...)

Will told Mike to tell Erika that if she puts up George and Janelle, to put up Danielle if one of them comes off. They think that Janelle will definitely be nominated, but Mike is worried that Will may be put up as a pawn. Will just told Mike to talk to Erika later to see what see is going to do tomorrow. Shortly after, a Mexican feast arrived for the HG (except George, that is).

Mike told the HG about the expired Coup d'Etat power. The HG then talked about having a food competition tomorrow. (Not sure if this is true or not--usually food comps are over once sequester starts.)

Mike had a long talk with Erika about her nominations. She told Mike not to worry and that the two of them are safe. She will nominate George and Janelle. If one of them comes off, Danielle will go up.

Currently, Janelle and Will are the only ones up. They seem to be going to go to bed soon.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

8/24 Live Feeds--Evening News

Aha! Erika wins HoH, so what sort of strategizing will we see on this Thursday evening? It's the evening events from the BB house:

Mike and Will discussed this week. They agree that they must do everything they can to make sure Janelle wins PoV. Even if Will is nominated next to her, Janelle has to win the PoV. Will agrees--he doesn't care if he goes home but Janelle must stay. They say that they will do everything they can to make sure Danielle goes this week.

Erika told George that she plans on putting him up as a pawn alongside Janelle. Danielle later told him the same thing. Later, Erika told Danielle that she will nominate George and Janelle, with Janelle being the target.

Danielle told Mike that she is coming after Will full force.

Janelle thinks that her and Will are going up tomorrow.

Currently, all the HG are scurried around the house.

8/24 Show Recap

Who will be evicted--George or James? And who will win HoH?

James thinks that George will leave this week. George is not going to campaign for votes and hope for the best. Will thinks that James is playing both the LoD's side and Janelle's side. Erika doesn't know who to vote out. Danielle thinks the best thing to do is to vote out George. Danielle and Janelle agreed on a one-week truce. Danielle told Janelle that she will go after CT if she wins the next HoH. Janelle told James that she will vote to keep him, which makes James feel confident he will stay this week. Will told James that he has nothing to worry about. Danielle needs James to stay for her emotional self. She will go crazy if James is evicted this week. Will told Mike that James must go this week for CT's personal safety next week.

Time for the jury house! The house is beautiful, and of course Marcellas' constant bitching ruins it! GRR...! Howie walks through the door, and he screams! Marcellas is not happy about Howie joining him in the jury house. Howie was pretty offensive while watching the week's events with Marcellas. Looks like an intense week in the jury house!

A showmance here, a showmance there--a special on Mike and Will's showmances with Erika and Janelle. While Erika and Mike's relationship is more physical, Janelle and Will's is more flirtatious. Will thinks Erika is kissing everyone's ass--and she is! He thinks Janelle is much more trustworthy and nice than Erika is. Time for Julie's talk with Mike: He says that keeping Janelle in the game poses a bigger target on her than CT. He somewhat trusts Janelle. He hopes that him and Will can make it to the finals together. DR sessions: Erika doesn't know what George is doing. Danielle needs James to stay. Janelle thinks that James and her go so far back, but doesn't feel that she can trust James 100%. Will thinks that James is the bigger threat. Danielle will go absolutely psycho if James goes this week.

Time for the live voting: Erika--James, Will--James, Danielle--George, and Janelle--James. By a vote of 3-1, James has been evicted from the BB house.

HoH Competition: It's called BUT FIRST!! The game is similar to the Higher or Lower game. If the statement is true, step up. If it is false, step down. 1st out--George and Janelle. 2nd out--Danielle and Will. Winner of HoH--Erika. Thursday is TWO evictions! Not sure how that will go down...

8/24 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Before I begin another live feeds update, let me tell you about yet another blog I have created! The next season of Survivor begins Thursday, 9/14 at 8:00 PM. Thus, I have created a survivor blog that will cover show spoilers, news, and of course, recaps. I'm just getting it started, so it may be a bit before I get the blog up and running. The site for it is So, I now have three blogs:,, and the Survivor one. Make sure you check them all out! And now on to the afternoon events inside the BB house:

Danielle and Erika talked about tonight's vote. Danielle knows that even though James will be evicted, she still has to vote for him. She told Erika to explain that to George so he isn't mad at her. Erika told Danielle that having James' jury vote will help her. The two still think that Marcellas took every prize in the PoV competition. (Janelle won--Kaysar was evicted.) They also still believe that the "power" can be used tonight. (Well, it could if Mike didn't have it.)

Danielle told James that he knows he is being evicted tonight. She starts to cry and doesn't want to believe that he's leaving. James tells her not to let anyone see her crying because it shows that she is getting weak. James tells Danielle to go after CT, but she tells him that she needs to be next to someone from CT to get jury votes. Danielle said that if James goes, CT would lose three jury votes when it comes to the finals. She goes on to say that she will work with Janelle to take out Will. She is extremely upset.

We have had fire for the last hour and probably will until after tonight's show. Speaking of which, don't forget about it! It will contain the events in the house since the PoV ceremony, plus the live eviction and HoH competition. As always, I will have a full recap following the show here on the east coast.

8/24 Live Feeds--Morning Report

With the eviction and HoH competition only hours away, will the HG decide on an evictee? And what sorts of strategizing will occur as we zone in on the HoH competition? It's Thursday morning in the BB house, and here's the latest:

From last night, Janelle went to bed at 3:30 AM.

Moving to this morning, Erika was the first one up at 10:20 AM. Shortly followed was a wake-up call featuring music, "Lucky Star" by Madonna.

James told Danielle that he really wants to stay this week and start to play the game. (Bad time to start James--considering you are probably going to be evicted in about six hours!)

CT talked about tonight's HoH competition. Mike tells Will to throw it, let Janelle win and take out either Erika or Danielle, then they will win HoH next week and take Janelle out. Will says that he trusts Janelle 100%, and Mike said he thinks he trusts Erika, but Will isn't so sure. They then told Danielle that they want her to vote out James. Danielle said that she would do whatever they wanted her to do, whether she agreed with it or not.

Currently, we keep getting off and on fire as much of Thursdays always are.

8/23 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

Will BB once again give the HG alcohol, or will we have to suffer through their complaining? It's another overnight, and here are the events of it from the BB house:

Danielle pushed Erika to keep James because he will go after CT for them. Erika is not budging. Danielle tells her that she will be voting to keep James tomorrow. Erika tells her that George won't put her up, so she has to vote to keep him. She then tells her that George will get rid of Janelle and Will for them because he thinks they are after him. Erika really thinks that George could win. Danielle thinks that she is crazy for thinking that. She goes on to say that James is too sneaky and that he needs to go, but he will vote for Danielle if she goes to the finals.

Janelle told Will that Erika will vote however Mike wants because she always votes along with the HoH. Will said that he is glad Marcellas went out when he did and wants Danielle out. Mike joins them and wants Janelle and Will to go to bed a little earlier tonight.

Mike told George that he was safe because both Janelle and Will are voting out James, and he will break the tie to keep him. He then tells Erika that he wants Danielle to be the only vote against George, so he would go after her should be win HoH tomorrow.

Much to James' dismay, BB gave the HG alcohol again, so expect another long night! George made a toast and thanked the HG for accepting him thus far. James and Janelle started chugging beers. Janelle chugged one in four seconds. The HG (with the exception of George and Mike, who went to bed) spent much of the night drinking and drinking and drinking.

Will assured Danielle that Janelle will win HoH tomorrow and put up CT, not Danielle. James told Danielle that he plans on putting up Erika and Mike if he wins HoH, then put up Janelle should PoV be used.

Currently, Janelle is the only one up reading the Bible.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

8/23 Live Feeds--Evening News

Another day, another evening. The hours are dwindling down for either George or James. Will the HG make a clear decision on who they want out? (Do they ever? I didn't think so.) Here's the evening stuff from the BB house:

The HG think that the indoor lockdown may be an all nighter and are not happy about it.

James tells Danielle that if the vote is 3-1, then she knows that Erika is not on her side. If it's 2-2, then she knows that Erika is on her side, and thus the two will do fine dealing with Janelle and CT. James then yells up to BB to not give the HG alcohol tonight. Danielle says that she needs alcohol to get through tonight. (Is it just me, or is Danielle sounding more like an alcoholic as the days go on?) James says that the last thing they need is for Erika to get drunk with Mike again--they need her on their side, not his.

The indoor lockdown did end. It appears that nothing changed in the backyard.

Danielle and Erika know that James will be evicted tomorrow. Erika says she isn't happy about it, but she likes George more than she does James.

Mike doesn't think that Danielle will put CT up; however, Will thinks she might if she thinks CT was against James the whole time. They aren't sure about what Erika and George would do if they won HoH. They agree to talk to Danielle and tell her that James was coming after CT, so they had to evict him. Janelle joins them and talks about how James is going to react tomorrow when he find out that he is evicted. CT thinks he will go out quietly since he complained about the way Howie went out. Janelle hopes James doesn't get mad at her.

James asked Erika if he had her vote. Erika told him that she had already promised she would keep George safe this week if he put up either Howie or Janelle last week. James told her that George is coming after everyone except Janelle, while James is only going after Janelle. Erika told him that she would think about it and get back to him later.

The two are currently talking on all four feeds. At this point, I'm not sure how the voting would go down. I think that originally Janelle was going to keep James to make it a tie, but if Erika switches, then Janelle may just vote James out to make it a tie. I'm not sure. I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to know for sure!

8/23 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Hmm...quite a bit of talk this afternoon (for a change)! What sort of scheming will happen today in the BB house? Here's the latest news:

Danielle tells James that she is nervous about the vote, and if CT votes James out, she will go after CT. She plans on putting George up with a CT member. Then if George wins PoV, she will put the other CT member up so one CT member goes home no matter what if she wins HoH. She also said that she will join up with Janelle if James leaves.

Erika, Mike, and Will are practicing for the HoH competition. Will once again isn't doing such a good job. (I'm not sure if he's doing this on purpose or not--I just don't think he wants to win HoH. He did perfectly fine in S2 without ever winning one.) Mike wants to stop, but Will insists that he needs more practice. Erika leaves to go talk to Danielle and James.

Erika and Danielle talked. Erika says George feels bad about evicting Howie. Danielle says that she cannot take the game, and originally opted not to do BB7, but the producers convinced her to come on the show. Meanwhile, James asked Janelle if she knew anything about the vote. Janelle said no because she isn't sure how Danielle is voting. James isn't either--saying she won't give him a straight answer.

George and James talked about each other's game play. James still doesn't know why George put up Howie--he said Mike had a point and that convinced him to do it. James thinks that Howie is more mad at CT for promising him a vote and then backstabbing him. George asked James why Kaysar got rid of Nakomis. James said it was because she was a good player in her season.

Danielle and Erika had an emotional talk. Erika tried to lift Danielle's spirits by telling her to visit Dr. Zachary (the BB psychiatrist) and talk to her about it. Danielle keeps saying that she can't take the game this season--she isn't the same Danielle from BB3. They both know that if James leaves, they will be extremely sad.

Janelle is having regrets about agreeing to vote out James. She doesn't want America to hate her for backstabbing her own alliance. (No Janelle! Please, PLEASE do it! We don't care--honestly!) Meanwhile, Danielle and Erika talked once again about the vote. Erika doesn't care who goes--but would rather see James go because she feels he is coming after her. Danielle says that she can convince James to go after Janelle. Erika isn't so sure. They keep going around and around in circles about who to vote out, and they have yet to make a decision.

James told Mike that if he goes, Danielle will go after CT and not George or Janelle. He also says that the house will be at war--everyone will be gunning for everyone--if James goes. Mike agrees with him that George has been floating thus far and needs to go this week. He says that the vote should be unanimous for George to be evicted.

Erika told Danielle to make a move--said that she voted out Kaysar, and now Danielle needs to get rid of Janelle. Danielle isn't really talking--she is just sitting there taking all of Erika's talk in.

BB called an indoor lockdown. My guess--practicing for tomorrow's HoH competition. They usually do that on Wednesday evening.

8/23 Live Feeds--Morning Report

Is it the overnight...or the morning? According to my clock, it's the morning, yet the HG are still awake! Geez--go to bed! One day, they will regret it...on to the morning (with some overnight) news from the BB house:

Stuff from late last night: Janelle explained to Will that nobody would talk to CT the first two weeks because they didn't want them to do anything they (S6) were doing. Will talked about having a pre-season alliance with Kaysar. (?? I didn't see any evidence of this!) Janelle also said that it was dumb of Jase to join CT because that made him the biggest target out of the three CT members, and thus getting him evicted. After reading more of the Bible, Janelle went to bed just after 4:00 AM.

Onto this morning: BB issued a wake-up call shortly after 9:00 AM. At the time no HG was up. George was the first HG up at 9:30 AM, along with Erika and Mike. Erika thanked Mike for last night. (Hmm...what exactly did they do?) George and Mike wondered why BB woke them up so early, and maybe they will be voting today.

Mike and Will talked about splitting the money. (Their code word for splitting the money is "banana bread," so when they talk about it, the feeds won't get blocked, and BB won't reprimand them. [They are not allowed to split the money according to their contracts.]) They agreed that they won't make a sure deal about splitting until after this week once they talk to Janelle more.

Will told Janelle that he told Danielle he was coming after Janelle. Janelle says that she told Danielle she was coming after Will. Danielle told both of them that she plans on going after Erika. After talking with Janelle, Will comforts a crying Danielle. She tells him that she is upset because she knows James is going.

Danielle is very upset and is talking of leaving the house to go to sequester. James tells her that he is not going this week and will fight for both of them. Danielle goes along with him. Meanwhile, Will made sure that Erika is going to vote out James. She said yes, especially when Will told her that Danielle and James are alone outside. Erika is convinced they are together to get her (E) out.

The HoH camera arrived about 30 minutes ago, and the HG are still taking pictures with it. As it seems, they did not do voting today. My guess for the early wake-up call is because BB let them sleep in so late yesterday. (Janelle and Will slept past 1:00 PM.) Still look for a James eviction tomorrow.

8/22 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

How will tonight's events turn out? And will alcohol once again influence the outcome of them? It's the overnight stuff from the BB house:

Mike told Will that he's doing his best to work Danielle. He asked Will how Janelle was voting, and Will said she's voting to evict James. The two agree that they will continue to work everyone in the house, and James goes this week. They talk to Janelle about who should go next week, and Janelle says either Danielle or Erika.

Danielle, Erika, James, and Mike all agreed that Janelle has to go next week no matter who wins HoH. Meanwhile, Erika and Mike got into it once again (with the help of alcohol). However, while the two were in the HoH bed, Mike passed out! So, Erika then went to sleep.

Will told Janelle that he can't wait until next week's HoH competition. They did some jedi drilling and are now talking--small talk though.

Currently, Janelle and Will are the only ones up and probably will be for a while.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

8/22 Live Feeds--Evening News

Will the HG come closer to a decision on who they want out tonight? It's getting closer and closer to Eviction Thursday, and here's the evening events from the BB house:

Danielle told James that Janelle originally wanted Danielle out instead of Alison on the first week. James told her that once they heard about Alison wanting to take out Erika and the entire S6 alliance, Janelle agrred that Alison had to go instead.

Erika and George don't know how Janelle will vote or what she will do if she wins HoH next week. George doesn't think Janelle is coming after Erika, but he doesn't know for sure. Meanwhile, Will told Danielle that he saw James and Janelle talking again. He thinks that James is definitely playing all sides. Will tried to convince Danielle that James needs to go because he is so sneaky. They talk about who Janelle is going after. Will thinks she is going after CT, and then put up Danielle if one of CT wins PoV.

James and Janelle wonder who Danielle will put up should she win HoH next week. Janelle thinks Erika, but James isn't so sure. They are currently on all four feeds talking--small talk. At this point, count on a James eviction on Thursday!

8/22 Show Recap

Who will Mike nominate? And how will the PoV affect his nominations?

James and Janelle were not happy to see Howie go, as her was betrayed by CT. Erika is glad that Howie is gone, while Danielle is upset at how he acted when he was evicted. James feels responsible for Howie's eviction. Will isn't too happy that Mike won HoH since CT is now the target. Janelle spent most of the night when Mike won HoH crying and being by herself. George, Mike, and Will tried to cheer her up, and it somewhat worked. Janelle says that the whole "upset" thing is totally strategy. Hahaha--NOBODY wanted to see Mike's HoH room--at first. Then everyone came up to his red and purple room. Mike told Will that he plans on nominating James and Janelle. They plan on helping Janelle win PoV, so James will go.

George and Janelle formed an alliance together. Miek told Janelle that he plans on nominating her and helping her win PoV, so James goes. Order of keys: Danielle, George, Erika, and Will, leaving James and Janelle nominated. Both James and Janelle feel safe this week because CT has told them both (separately) that they are safe.

James thinks that Janelle is finally seeing that trusting CT has led to both Marcellas' and Howie's evictions. Janelle feels that everyone will come after her, except George. Players for the PoV competition: Mike--Will, Janelle--Danielle, and James--Erika, leaving George to host. Before the competition, CT and Janelle strategized. CT assured Janelle that they will do everything they can to make sure that Janelle wins PoV. Janelle isn't so sure about trusting CT, and plans to go after them should she win HoH next week.

PoV competition: Find the correct sacraficial stone according to what a giant tiki tells you. The last person to find this stone is out. 1st out--Danielle. 2nd out--Will. 3rd out--Mike. 4th out--James. (They didn't show that great of a shot of the James and Janelle fight. Just them rolling around fighting for two dolls.) 5th out--Erika. Winner of PoV--Janelle.

CT celebrated Janelle's PoV win. They agrred that they had to make the other HG believe that they are upset with Janelle winning PoV. Erika and Will agree that James must go this week, no matter who goes up in Janelle's place. PoV Ceremony: Janelle used the PoV on herself. George went up in her place.

Who will be evicted--George or James? And who will win HoH? Find out Thursday!

8/22 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

As the days dwindle down in the BB house, the HG are starting to get extremely boring. Since I try to update only on the strategical aspects of the live feeds. Here's the little bit of news I've recovered in the BB house:

Danielle and Erika had a long talk about who to vote out. They both like James more than George, but they don't know what side James is really on--theirs, Janelle's, or CT's. They don't know what side George is on either. They agree that keeping George is better for both of them at this point. They then go on to talk about who Janelle will put up should she win HoH. Neither of them know, and agree one of them must win HoH.

Other than that, there has been almost no strategy talk. BB called an outdoor lockdown, in which nothing happened. There has been mostly small talk for most of the afternoon.

In other news, don't forget about the show tonight! It's at a special time (9:00 PM), but I will still have the recap following it. Look for it!

8/22 Live Feeds--Morning Report

Ugh...what a lazy morning in the BB house! As much as I like the game when it gets down to the last few HG, the feeds get very boring at this point. Don't expect a whole lot of info in the rest of the updates this season, because really, nothing is happening! Here is the little bit of info we saw throughout the morning in the BB house:

Janelle and Will stayed up longer than the other HG to do some jedi drilling. They finally drifted off to bed a little before 5:00 AM.

The HG were a bit lazy this morning. James was the first one up at 10:20 AM. He was the only HG up until well after 11:00 AM when Danielle and Mike arose. They talked for a bit--no strategy though.

Danielle and Mike talked once James left them. He tells her that Will is getting concerned about James and whether or not he is playing all sides. Will is also nervous about James' relationship with Janelle. Danielle thinks that James is spending more time with Janelle just to help her cope with Howie's eviction. She then goes on to say that James is the best person to stand next to in the finals because he betrayed both of the people in the jury so far. Mike is worried that James is targeting CT, not Janelle. Danielle doesn't think getting rid of James is the right thing to do at this point. Mike said that he would talk more about this to Will when he wakes up.

Currently, Janelle and Will are still asleep. (They did go to bed at 5 AM, so they've only had eight hours of sleep [as of 1:00 BBT], but the feeds are extremely boring. We need some excitement!)

8/21 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

As I expected, the overnight was a bit more exciting then the evening, as it always is. What kind of evil strategizing and manipulating will we see tonight? Here's the scoop from last night in the BB house:

Erika told Danielle that James needs to be the one leaving this week. Danielle disagreed with her, saying that George needs to leave this week. They aren't sure how Janelle is voting and whether or not she has a deal with George. They are also worried about James still playing both sides (Janelle's and D/E's, Erika doesn't know that he is also with CT.)

Will broke one of the glass balls that hangs from the balcony floor by kicking a ball in the house. BB told him that he isn't allowed to have the ball anymore, plua anything else that he breaks will come out of his stipend.

Will told Janelle that he is committed to only two people in the house--her and Mike. He said that Danielle will be furious when James is voted out, but the three of them will have to take care of her next week. Meanwhile, Danielle and James talked about the vote. James is worried about Will voting him out. Danielle says that he won't do it being a member of LoD and to not worry about it. Danielle then tells James about Erika overhearing his conversation with Janelle, including something about wanting Erika out. She goes on to say that he has to be more secret about talking to other people.

Will's plan for the rest of the season is this: James goes this week, Danielle next week, then Erika, and then George, leaving him, Janelle, and Mike as the final three. Will will drop out of the final three, leaving Janelle and Mike as the final two.

Mike and Will talked about what they should do next--take Danielle to the end or Janelle. They then talk about who they trust more--Erika or Janelle. Mike says Erika, while Will still says Janelle. Mike still doesn't want tot make a decision yet.

Currently, it seems that everyone but George and James is still up. (Geez people--it's already 3:15 AM! Get to bed!)

Monday, August 21, 2006

8/21 Live Feeds--Evening News

So far, this evening isn't as exciting as the rest of the day has been. However, we are just getting started with the night festivities! Here's the early evening events from the BB house:

Will told Danielle that he trusts her and Mike completely, while he somewhat trusts James. They then talk about how much more quiet the house is without Howie or Marcellas. James and Mike join them, and the four begin discussing a new name for their LoD alliance--Danielle says "Doom of Sovreign," but James says that is what Janelle's alliance is named. James is mad because Erika told him that Janelle deserves to win.

George and Will talked about the vote. Will assured him that he is staying and to not worry about it. After this, Will goes up to the main camera in the backyard and starts talking to us Internet viewers. Unfortunately, we got a lot of fire as Will started to give out the BB address and such. (Will, sometimes it's better to just talk with the other HG while we observe!)

Currently, all HG (except Janelle) are outside talking--just small talk though. Janelle is inside sleeping I believe.

8/21 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

Well, it's official. George has been nominated in replace of Janelle at today's PoV ceremony. How will the HG decide on their vote? It's a busy afternoon in the BB house, and here's what has happened:

Danielle and James told Erika that she really needs to gain some weight. Danielle suggests drinking beer with them tonight, while James tells her to eat at McDonald's frequently once the season is over. Meanwhile, Mike told George to bellyflop into the pool to celebrate his nomination. George made a huge splash as the HG cheered him on.

BB switched out the large dining table with the small one as the HG were put on outdoor lockdown. When they were let back in, CT had a meeting. Apparently, Janelle told them about the truce she made with Danielle. CT doesn't know whether or not to believe her. Will says he's worried about Erika going against CT. Mike doesn't see Erika flipping on them; he sees Janelle. Will says that Janelle won't flip on them. They agree that they have to wait until next week when someone new wins HoH. Mike then begins to "jedi drill" Will. He isn't doing so well.

George and Janelle talked about their loyalty to James. George tells her that if James stays, she needs to watch him to make sure he isn't working with Danielle to get her (J) out. Meanwhile, James asked Danielle if she thought he was safe. Danielle said that she knows Erika won't vote for him to stay because he keeps switching. Danielle will try to get Will to vote George out because if it's a tie, Mike will vote James out.

James talked to Janelle, and Janelle said that she would vote out George. James is grateful and tells her that all he needs is Will to stay, since Erika won't vote for him. He goes out to talk to Will, and Will never gave him a straight answer. They only talked about how Erika and Janelle need to go ASAP. Will tells James that if he is in the finals, then he will win. James says that the only person who won't get any jury votes is Mike. Will agrees. Meanwhile, Erika told Mike that she heard James and Janelle talking as if they were still together. (Janelle was playing James, but of course Erika didn't catch on.)

Currently, the feeds are showing the HG talk--just small talk though. At this point, it looks like a James eviction because I think Janelle and Will are just playing James by saying they will vote George out. But who knows? I may be wrong.

8/21 Live Feeds--PoV Ceremony

Hmm...did I miss the fire for the PoV ceremony? Apparently I did because Janelle was talking about what she wore for it. I did some research, and I found that George has been nominated. If I see otherwise, I'll let you know!

8/21 Live Feeds--Morning Report

The morning before the PoV ceremony...what will the HG do to change the HoH's mind about who to put up today? It's Monday morning in the BB house, and here's the latest news:

Janelle actually stayed up until after 4 AM reading the Bible. (She has been doing a lot of this since Howie left. Maybe Howie turned her away from her faith? Just my speculating.) She finally drifted off to sleep around 4:05 AM.

Danielle was the first one up at 6:55 AM. She read the Bible while relaxing outside. BB made an announcement at 9:50 AM saying the PoV ceremony would begin in two hours. Since nobody awoke, BB made a second announcement 30 minutes later. Finally, the other HG arose. James tells Danielle that he will have a better attitude today.

George and James had another talk about life and fullfilling it. James joked with him, saying God forced him to put George up when he won HoH. They laughed over that. Danielle joins them, and they talked about doing BB for an entire year. They agreed that they would never do that, even if the prize was $5 million.

Will told Danielle and James that Janelle is coming after CT because they evicted her closest friends in the house. Danielle tells him that if he gets to sequester before her (D), then he (W) needs to convince the jury to vote against Janelle in the finals. Will tells James that Janelle is still upset over James being mad at her. (He's lying--she already got over this yesterday.) That sends James into another tangent about Janelle cheating at PoV. (I can't wait to see this tomorrow on the show to see what REALLY is the truth!) After James leaves, Danielle and Will begin to plot against him. Will says that they don't know what James is thinking anymore. Danielle doesn't know what to do about. They agree to talk to Mike before making any decisions first.

Danielle and Janelle talk about how sick they are of James' bickering. Janelle doesn't understand why he won't talk to her. Danielle is going to try to get him to talk to Janelle. Danielle offers a truce. If Danielle wins HoH next week, she won't put up Janelle and vice versa. Janelle agrees. They are both sick of the floaters controlling the game. (I guess they are talking about Erika and George? Not sure who she is referring to.)

Janelle and Mike talked in the HoH room. They agree that James has to go this week.

Currently, there has been no word on the PoV ceremony. It was originally scheduled at 11:50 AM; however, it is now 12:50 PM. Once again, BB is late! Not that I'm complaining, of course.

8/20 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

Will the night be any more exciting than the earlier portion of the day? And with the PoV ceremony approaching, who will the house decide they want out? It's another fabulous overnight in the BB house, and here's the scoop:

CT tried to convince George to join them. They told him that he is leaving this week unless he teams up with them. Mike tells him that he will nominate George; however, George will stay. From then on, CT won't put up George, and George won't put up CT. George seemed to agree with it--if he is safe this week.

Janelle tells CT that she doesn't think she can vote out James. Will tells her that James is coming after her. Janelle doesn't know if James is just saying that though. She then agrees to vote James out if CT promises to keep her safe until final three. CT agrees. Janelle is still very skeptical about everything, mainly jury votes. Will tells her not to worry because everyone in the jury will vote for her since she is such a good player. Mike tells her that James will be more mad at him because the vote will be a tie, and James will see him break it. CT tried to arrange some sort of deal about splitting the money with Janelle. She didn't know if they would fall through with it. I don't think she ever gave them a direct answer about it.

Danielle and Erika talked about the vote. Danielle plans on evicting George (assuming he gets put up) because she doesn't know what he's thinking. Meanwhile, BB gave the HG wine and beer again.

Janelle and Will talked for quite a bit while running laps in the backyard--just small talk though. Meanwhile, George and James talked. They discussed why they came back to do All Stars and then went to to discuss life.

Danielle and James talked. They both want to go after Janelle next week. Then they go to wanting to bring Janelle to their side to take out CT. They think that Janelle will nominate CT with the intention of backdooring Danielle. Then they go back to wanting Janelle out. (fickle people, these two are...)

Janelle and Will were once again the last two to fall asleep. (Will has taken Howie's place at this.) Janelle drifted off to sleep after reading the Bible for a bit at 3:00 AM. All HG are currently asleep.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

8/20 Live Feeds--Evening News

After an eventful day yesterday, today (being Sunday) has been a little on the boring side. There's been little strategy talk to cap off the evening. Hopefully things heat up a bit as we head into the night. Here's the lowdown on the evening events inside the BB house:

Janelle cooked chicken for the HG and didn't like how it turned out. George disagreed and said that it smelled great. The two discuss what will happen on tonight's show while cleaning up the kitchen.

James told George that he wants to leave. (Remember--George hates it when people say they want to leave. George is happy to be in the house and thinks it's an honor. He lifted up the spirits of both Jase and Howie when they told George they wanted to leave. However, it didn't work out so well--for either of them.) James says he's sick of the game being rigged and feels like the producers want him out. George doesn't seem to be paying any attention to him. (Hopefully James will get over this fiasco. He's bringing the whole mood of the house down much like Marcellas did when he was in the house.)

Janelle and Will played chess. Will has never played before, so Janelle teaches him a few tricks. The rest of the HG are outside talking--no strategy however.

Currently, the feeds are showing Danielle and James play pool, and George and Mike talking in the HoH room.

8/20 Show Recap

My 200th post!! Haha--just thought I'd say that. I can't believe I've posted 200 already in these short two months. Shows how obsessed I am with this blog! Anyway, onto tonight's show. It should be a nice, filled show. Here goes:

Julie's opening the show! Hmm...feels like a Thursday. Janelle was shocked that Marcellas was evicted, and can't believe she fell for people she thought she trusted. Danielle was extremely upset that she had to evict her friend. Janelle finally realized that she needs to do what's right for her in this game. (Geez--only took her three HoH's!) George cannot believe that he won HoH. Danielle can't believe she lost to George. Janelle was very excited that Danielle didn't win, while Erika isn't too happy about it. George says that nominating James was easy, while nominating Erika was a little tough. Danielle doesn't know what George is thinking. James thinks that it's payback for him nominating George win he was HoH. Erika has no idea what is going on. James says that he is coming after George. Mike thinks that George was the worst person to make a sudden nomination. Danielle hopes that George will backdoor Janelle. Time for George's HoH room! Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! It's nice and retro for George along with green and yellow colors. Howie of course had to say that George's daughters were hot. Janelle is puzzled that she thinks she is safe when someone like George won HoH. He tells them that he will not go after them.

Onto the PoV competition! The players are: George--Howie, Erika--Danielle, and James--Will. James and Mike agree that they have a good chance for James to win and Janelle to be backdoored. Before PoV, Mike tried to convince George that Janelle needs to go. Onto the competition: it's a BB gnome forest! Oh my--chains and handcuffs too! You are chained to a log, and must use items from past competitions to reach a bag that contains a key to unlock yourselves. (I'm not sure about the gnomes--Will said that the gnomes "played a trick" on them.) The first person to unlock themselves wins! And the winner of PoV is...James! George's reaction: "Ohhhhh, damnit!" Howie wasn't too happy that James began his veto reign once again. Erika once either Howie or Janelle up. The two make an agreement that they will work together. Mike wants Janelle out. He guarantees him safety if he does so. Will wants George to put him up, so Erika can go. George is basically like, "WTF?" He says that nobody would target him, but rather CT. George has no idea what to do.

Janelle finally realized that James is against her via George. He tells her that he will not put her up as long as he can team up with Howie and Janelle and that they will keep Erika this week. George tells Erika that he is putting Will up, and Erika freaks out. She thinks she will go. Onto the PoV ceremony: James used the PoV on himself. George put up Howie. Let's just say...he didn't take it well. Janelle and Will are trying to calm him down, but he's just going crazy! Howie asked Mike and Will if they would keep him, and they said yes, convincing Howie that he is safe this week. James, Mike, and Will discussed who should go, and what do you know? Howie overhears them expose the LoD alliance!

Time for the live voting: Danielle--Howie, James--Erika, Janelle--Erika, Will--Howie, and Mike--Howie. By a vote of 3-2, Howie has been evicted. Oh dear--Howie and Mike got into a bit of a spif before Howie exited. He threw Mike's hat and started screaming in his face. I must say I am kind of on his side because Mike did promise him safety. I don't know why Howie didn't go off on Will either though.

Time for the HoH competition! It's very similar to the previous PoV competition in involving gnomes. It involves questions about how the gnomes answered. If you get it wrong, you get pied by the gnomes! 1st out--Danielle and Erika. 2nd out--Will. 3rd out--Janelle. Winner of HoH--Mike!

Who will Mike nominate? And how will the PoV influence the game? Find out Tuesday--at a special time: 9 PM!

8/20 Live Feeds--Afternoon Update

OK before I start here, let me address some issues that came up in the comments. I know I have been a little biased recently towards Janelle, but I do like her. I enjoy the way she plays (totally hardcore, wants to win, unlike others) because it's the way I would play if I were in the house. I will come right out and say it that I do not like Danielle at all, but I try not to let it get in the way of my blogging. I used to like James, but his consistent nagging has gotten on my nerves. Janelle did nag a bit, but it was only one night, and it was because her best friend left. Danielle and James seem to do it every day, for a consistent amount of time. This is all my opinion! Please don't take it personally. Now, onto the afternoon events in the BB house:

The LoD had a meeting about who the replacement nominee should be. They say either Erika or George. They seemed to agree on George because leaving Erika in the game will make Janelle go after her, not them.

Mike and Will laughed to Janelle that they have got Danielle and James believing that Janelle is after Erika and George. Meanwhile, James complained some more to Danielle. She told him that "it is what it is" and to stop nagging about it. (Finally--someone other than me is sick of him!)

There has been a lot of small talk this afternoon--overall no strategy. It seems like the replacement nominee will be George at tomorrow's PoV ceremony, with James being the target. Don't forget about tonight's show! It should be jam-packed and ultra exciting. I'll have the show recap as always following the show here on the east coast.

8/20 Live Feeds--Morning Report

Ugh...this morning isn't as exciting as you think...unless you enjoy James and his mouth, I wouldn't read this post. It will just infuriate you. Nonetheless, here's the morning stuff from the BB house:

Danielle was the first one up at 9:45 AM. Erika and James shortly followed her. James wonders if they will have an America's Choice today or a Producer's Choice. Either way Janelle will win. (That's right James!)

James and Danielle talk about who Janelle will go after if she wins HoH. James thinks Erika. Danielle hopes it's CT. They agree that nobody will vote for her to win because of what happened last night. (Janelle winning PoV when they didn't. Boo-hoo! I still can't believe they are actually serious about Janelle cheating. If she cheated, they would have redone the competition!) James thinks that he will go this week, and once he gets to sequester, he will convince everyone in the house to not vote for Janelle. James says that he will convince Mike to put up George so he goes. Danielle agrees with him. James thinks that the HoH competition will involve questions over cities in Minnesota so Janelle will win. James thinks that the vote will be a tie, and Mike will have to make a tough decision.

Surprisingly, nothing else has happened this morning other than James complaining! He keeps going on and on about everything we have already heard 100 times. I'm so sick of him! Get him gone so he can bitch to Howie and Marcellas in sequester! I'm sure they'll love it.

8/19 Live Feeds--Overnight Info

Whew--I think this is my longest update yet! It was an exciting, interesting night in the BB house after Janelle's late PoV win. How will the house react? Let's check out the overnight events in the BB house:

Like I said, Janelle did win PoV, much to the house's dismay. Danielle and Erika are amazed at how Janelle seems to win every competition. However, she seems to lack strategy skill. They agree that they (D/E) are good at strategy but not so good at competitions. They don't understand why George won't commit to team up with them (D/E). They talk about the PoV competition, and it seems like it had something to do with answering questions about past evictions and then racing to find a doll of the particular evictee. They think that Janelle should team up with them (D/E) and go after CT.

Janelle and Mike celebrated Janelle's win the HoH room. It seems like the PoV competition was a bit active because apparently James and Janelle wrestled for a Howie doll. After the competition, James stormed inside and went straight to the diary room. They haven't seen him since. Janelle wants to make sure the others think she is against CT, not with them.

Danielle and Erika think that George will go up in Janelle's place; the vote should be 3-1 for James to be evicted, and if it's a tie, Mike will evict James. They are now sure that Janelle and George are together and are mad that George betrayed the floater alliance. (Well, Danielle...I think you betrayed it too by forming LoD? Maybe?) Erika wants the next HoH competition to be a crap shoot so she cann win. (Can she not win actual ones? Hey, she admitted it, not me!)

James has gone back to being extremely pissed off at Janelle. He thinks BB is rigging the game just so she can be at the end. (These HG don't realize that everything isn't going to go their way all the time. I seriously doubt it that BB is rigging the game or allowing Janelle to cheat. If you weren't such an ass James, maybe people would like you, too!) James insists that the competition be redon because Janelle cheated when she was grabbing the Howie doll out of his hands. James goes on and on and on about the competition and how he demands a redo. BB refuses, saying they don't have the right camera view on it, which sends James into another fit.

George is upset because Danielle and Erika are made that he didn't put up Janelle. She tells him not to worry about it and that he's with her now, not them. Meanwhile, Danielle and Erika will not vote for Janelle in the finals because of this competition.

Danielle tells George that she wants to quit the show because she is emotionally drained and can't take it anymore. (So wait...that makes it 4 out of the 7 left who have requested to leave--Danielle, James, Janelle, and Will. ...And that's another reason why I'm getting tired of this season!)

Janelle and Will talked. Janelle doesn't know what to do about Danielle and Erika asking her to team up with them. Will says they are only doing that because their parachute (James) is leaving. He tells her to ignore them. Will taught Janelle how to work people over in the house in order to get sequester votes. Will says that he is willing to go to sequester to work people for votes for either her or Mike if they are in the finals. They are very excited that they are working together.

George and Janelle talked. George thinks that he will go up because he did not put Janelle up last week. He thinks he should spend more time with the other HG to get their votes. He tells Janelle to always do what's best for her, not the other HG. Janelle hopes George can make it through this week, and is glad that they are working together. ( Janelle the new James? She is working with CT and George [separately] and has been asked by Danielle and Erika.) Danielle tells Janelle to have some fun outside, but Janelle refuses since James is out there, and she doesn't want to deal with him. George is scared about going to sequester because he thinks Howie will go off on him. Janelle tells him not to worry--Howie knows it's just a game, but he loves it so much. Janelle is upset that her friends (Howie, Kaysar, and Marcellas) had to take hits for her in the game. She thinks her most stupid move was puttin Marcellas up.

Will told Janelle that she should "fake" work with Erika in order to get information. Janelle says that she isn't too good at it. She is still upset that her and James never got to talk. Will tells her not to worry about it and that James will eventually get over it. Will then tells Janelle to tell James that she will go after CT. Janelle tells him that James already came up to her and told her to work with Danielle to get CT out should he leave this week. The two hope they can be friends after the show. They go on and on about everything.

Janelle finally goes to bed at 5:00 AM. Currently, all HG are still sleeping.